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Discussion New production times


In settlements the new times are as follows (new times started with the introduction of Quantum Incursions):
• Instead of 4h, 8h and 24h Cultural Goods productions now are 5h, 10h and 20h.
• Instead of 4h, 8h and 24h Cultural Diplomacy productions now are 5h, 10h and 20h.

Since I simply could not to understand how one can have a 25-hour day I started to investigate the announcements in an attempt to explore and comprehend the reasoning behind this change. I even checked if somehow Germany secretly managed to concoct a 25-hour daily timetable in a 24-hour day…
but no: Germany also still has 24 hours per day, same as the rest of the world ;)

The only 'explanation' I could find was:
‘These adjustments streamline production across your settlements, making planning and resource management more intuitive.’

I fail to see how this is an improvement, let alone how this is making my planning and resource management more intuitive.
A 25-hour day seems not very intuitive to me :rolleyes: :
especially since the main game is based on 4h, 8h and 24h, but maybe Inno will change that too in the future ?

Perhaps I just fail to see the huge improvement the new production times bring to the game?
If so: please enlighten me!

Please share your opinions on the new production times!
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Perk Creator
In Quantum Incursions and in settlements the new times are as follows:
Instead of 4h, 8h and 24h Cultural Goods productions now are 5h, 10h and 20h.
Instead of 4h, 8h and 24h Cultural Diplomacy productions now are 5h, 10h and 20h.

Since I simply could not to understand how one can have a 25-hour day I started to investigate the announcements in an attempt to explore and comprehend the reasoning behind this change. I even checked if somehow Germany secretly managed to concoct a 25-hour daily timetable in a 24-hour day…
but no: Germany also still has 24 hours per day, same as the rest of the world ;)

The only 'explanation' I could find was:
‘These adjustments streamline production across your settlements, making planning and resource management more intuitive.’

I fail to see how this is an improvement, let alone how this is making my planning and resource management more intuitive.
A 25-hour day seems not very intuitive to me :rolleyes: :
especially since the main game is based on 4h, 8h and 24h, but maybe Inno will change that too in the future ?

Perhaps I just fail to see the huge improvement the new production times bring to the game?
If so: please enlighten me!

Please share your opinions on the new production times!
The problem with things that line up exactly with 24 hours is that you lose time per day because you're a little slow here or there.

With things lining up with 20 hours it's like them taking 24 hours but with 4 hours of time to "waste" because as you observed perfect cycles of 25 hours just isn't practical. You can use that wasted time to fit the game into your life instead of fitting your life into the game - i.e. if you're an hour late because you're still at work now that costs you nothing if you're trying to fit in 20 hours per day.

Or you can take it as a challenge to have wacky always moving collection schedules to "not waste time". But I really wouldn't recommend it as a longterm thing.


The problem with things that line up exactly with 24 hours is that you lose time per day because you're a little slow here or there.

With things lining up with 20 hours it's like them taking 24 hours but with 4 hours of time to "waste" because as you observed perfect cycles of 25 hours just isn't practical. You can use that wasted time to fit the game into your life instead of fitting your life into the game - i.e. if you're an hour late because you're still at work now that costs you nothing if you're trying to fit in 20 hours per day.

Or you can take it as a challenge to have wacky always moving collection schedules to "not waste time". But I really wouldn't recommend it as a longterm thing.
The main problem, that I see, is for the players, that didn't use the 24h production but the 8h and 4h productions. The raise to 5h and 10h is a hugh nerve. The minimal lowering of required goods for the researches aren't compensating the nerve at all. And they took the uniqueness of each settlement away, at least to some degree. Combine this with the regulare productions on the SA settlements and the main city, you see this change makes no sense at all, instead it throws everything over board just for the sake of change.


The problem with things that line up exactly with 24 hours is that you lose time per day because you're a little slow here or there.

With things lining up with 20 hours it's like them taking 24 hours but with 4 hours of time to "waste" because as you observed perfect cycles of 25 hours just isn't practical. You can use that wasted time to fit the game into your life instead of fitting your life into the game - i.e. if you're an hour late because you're still at work now that costs you nothing if you're trying to fit in 20 hours per day.

Or you can take it as a challenge to have wacky always moving collection schedules to "not waste time". But I really wouldn't recommend it as a longterm thing.
Well, before I could do an 8-hours production overnight, then 8 hours during the day and if I were not terribly lazy I could squeeze in another 4-hours of production. In total: 20 hours.
Now I can only do 2 x a 10-hour production per day - that is if I not fail to do them due to the times I am used to in the main game :oops:
However: those 20 hours do not give the same outcome in production results, hardly any compensation is given in settlements to make up for the extra time needed... so alas: I still fail to see any improvement.

Deleted User - 57457

It's mainly a massively overlooked thing from the devs. For QI 10h schedules work but for settlements not. Since settlements are mainly for rushing the settlements. The 1d production is mainly for when you're gone for a day.
My main concern for Mughals however is the goods requirements for the final quest. As they've been quite encrypted regarding the reduced goods requirements. Which turned out to be hardly any anyways.
If they would reduce Mughal's requirement from 50 goods each to 40 goods each it would be fair. As with 2 goods buildings each you can now do 2x 8h + 1x 4h to get 50 goods in 20h with 2 goods buildings. With this change in 20h with 2 goods buildings it's 2x 10h or 20h straight up to get 40 goods (20 goods x 2 buildings = 40 goods). However I'm doubtful they've thought about it and if not, I'm doubtful this feedback reaching hem in time to be considered. Since they've rushed other things too.


As a player who has done all settlements in time without using diamonds and who has already completed 3 times the new settlement with more than 2 days before recha 0 and without using diamonds, I can say that I preffer a lot more the 5 and 10 hours instead of 4 and 8. Has been less stressing than doing all previous settlements.

Do you know what we really need? Like in daily challenges, a way to set all 24 hours productions to an specific hour and if you collect 23 hours later, 1 hour after you will have your next day collection anyways and at the same hour, but if you collect 24 hours later or more, you lose 1 collection and what you collect is the one from the second day.
As a player who has done all settlements in time without using diamonds and who has already completed 3 times the new settlement with more than 2 days before recha 0 and without using diamonds, I can say that I preffer a lot more the 5 and 10 hours instead of 4 and 8. Has been less stressing than doing all previous settlements.

Do you know what we really need? Like in daily challenges, a way to set all 24 hours productions to an specific hour and if you collect 23 hours later, 1 hour after you will have your next day collection anyways and at the same hour, but if you collect 24 hours later or more, you lose 1 collection and what you collect is the one from the second day.
In 23 days you'll get one free production. Clearly that's DNSL :p But yes if we could set the time our city 24 hours go off that would be fantastic. Although shift work really f's with collecting your city at the same time every day.

Deleted User - 57457

Would've been better with 4/8/20h production options. Those who want a fully daily collection cycle can opt for the 20h cycle. Those who want to take a risk missing a collection can choose the 8h or 4h options. With the reward to get potentially 5 extra goods in 1d (24h). With the 5/10/20h it's hard locked.


he problem with things that line up exactly with 24 hours is that you lose time per day because you're a little slow here or there.

So now instead of losing mere seconds or minutes we lose entire hours, and the 24-hr timer is still 24-hrs

The 8-hr timer worked well and allowed for 3 timers per day

Would've been better with 4/8/20h production options. Those who want a fully daily collection cycle can opt for the 20h cycle. Those who want to take a risk missing a collection can choose the 8h or 4h options. With the reward to get potentially 5 extra goods in 1d (24h). With the 5/10/20h it's hard locked.

If all they did was reduce the timers by 5 seconds that would have been sufficient to "fix" any issues with drifting clocks. It could still be listed as 4 hr, 8 hr, 24 hr for simplicity

Deleted User - 57457

If all they did was reduce the timers by 5 seconds that would have been sufficient to "fix" any issues with drifting clocks. It could still be listed as 4 hr, 8 hr, 24 hr for simplicity
Yeah but they've discovered the word "streamlining" to excuse any change. Like they've done with the knowledge hub. Except the latest in game message from the devs was a discord-exclusive. While the knowledge hub was supposedly the centralised place to "streamline" it. Same goes with this. For QI specifically 10h schedules work. So, they've "streamlined" settlements w/o thinking or realising why 10h for QI works well and why for settlements it's disastrous.
A simple 5 seconds would not be sufficient to compensate deviating collection times. Putting the 1d cycle in a forgiving 20h cycle is good. However settlements are centred around speed. This is why they're relying mainly so heavily on 4/8h productions and why they work so well. With 2x 8h + 1x 4h you're having 4h tolerance to be rewarded with 5 goods extra daily per goods building. Which is significant. Having that taken away with 5/10h productions is practically putting a wrench into the settlement's speed. Especially the slower once; Vikings and extra especially Mughals with their 50 goods each at the end. With 2x 8h + 1x 4h Mughal's final can be managed with 2 goods buildings each in <24h. As each can produce 25 goods. With this change under the most ideal conditions it'll be around >25h (1x 20h + 1x 5h). Which means 9h more to complete. If this however is considered, which I strongly doubt since they've mindlessly made Viking roads payed again, it could still be bearable within <24h if the requirements are lowered to 40 goods each instead of 50.
I fail to see how this is an improvement, let alone how this is making my planning and resource management more intuitive.
Thanks for pointing this out.
I am not a fan either for a 5h/10h production. Specially as in the normal production buildings, the times are still 4h/8h. So I don't see a reason why to change those for the Settlements.
Yes, its fine imho for the Polynesia Settlement to have a different approach for a 5h/10h production time. This is fine. But I don't see it for the other settlements to change it.

Would've been better with 4/8/20h production options. Those who want a fully daily collection cycle can opt for the 20h cycle. Those who want to take a risk missing a collection can choose the 8h or 4h options. With the reward to get potentially 5 extra goods in 1d (24h). With the 5/10/20h it's hard locked.
That would be a dream to change the 24h to a 20h production. Good idea! :like:
Then you really can decide to do hard work for 8/8/4, or relaxed to go just for 20h.

Deleted User - 57457

That would be a dream to change the 24h to a 20h production. Good idea! :like:
Then you really can decide to do hard work for 8/8/4, or relaxed to go just for 20h.
Keep in mind that 20h production would give 20:goods: while 2x8h + 1x4h gives 25:goods:. Besides 1x X% for 60:goods: vs 2x X% chance to get 65:goods: + 1x X% chance to get 45:goods:. Though the main difference is for using 1x 20h production a consistent 20:goods:/goods building vs 2x8h+1x4h 25:goods:/goods building consistently. Choosing to truly relaxed with the 20h production means missing out on 5 extra goods per goods building consistently + 2 more chances to get more goods out of it.
Keep in mind that 20h production would give 20:goods: while 2x8h + 1x4h gives 25:goods:
Yes, but that's fine. I really could live with this. There should be a small advantage to keep every collection on track, instead of just wait 20h and collect and have the same amount goods. So fair deal for me.
I usually do 2x8 and 1x4. On a perfect day I can do as well 3x8h. But if I had lot of things in real life, I'm just happy to do 20h with a bit less goods.

Deleted User - 57457

@Aambroo the Lord I agreed. Those who like 20h cycles can opt. for the straight up 20h option. While the 4/8h options can still be offered for those who like to take a bit of risk. Getting rewarded with the potential of more time efficient productions. Instead of this "streamlined" situation. Where practically only the 20h option exist. Cause 2x10h+1x5h isn't possible in 24h, combining 2x10h doesn't make sense when there's a 20h option
On the hawaiian settlement, 24 hour productions is only 20 goods, so you're not gaining any bonus for doing 24 vs two 10's and one 5 hour. Did anyone confirm this hasn't changed for the other settlements?


I like it. Since I mostly do the day productions, it fits in nicely with the way I play.

I am hoping it's a precursor to changing all 24 hour collections to 20 hours including event buildings and GB's.
I am hoping it's a precursor to changing all 24 hour collections to 20 hours including event buildings and GB's.

Well, if you only play once a day on the exact same time (in the evening or in the morning), then of course, any production time less than 24h would help, that you can play every day on the exact same time. With 24h production, you will once miss your favorite time and then you have to deal with that. Sometimes I would love too, if the collection interval would be 23h. so then you have a little period that you could collect always on the same time.
But I don't think that Inno will change this for all other buildings (GBs, event buildings).