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Not A Bug: New Houses start Producing Coins atl ogin not at time of finishing of construction


World: 1.06.16378 (25.07.2013 12:14), darkSky (54653), zz1, en_US, WIN 11,7,700,202, Windows 7, Firefox/22.0, 1767x857
Browser and Version: Firefox/22.0
Overview of the bug: New Houses don't start production of coins when the construction is finished rathen on the time of the login
Screenshots: -
How often this occurs: always
Urgency: low
Summary: When I build a new house, e.g Build Time 4 Hours, Producing Coins every 4 hours. Then I logout. When I come back after 8 Hours. The House should be finished and should have produced the first Coins. But no Coins have been porduced. When I go with the Cursor over the house it shows me the Countdown of the 4 Hourse to producing coins has just started.
I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: no


That's since the begin of the game and I think for technical reasons, because changes in the city are only checked if the player is online - probably to reduce the server load - or it's a feature ;)


This can be fixed without serverload:
The game already saves the time of finishing (or starting time + build time).
When you login the game can calculate when the house has finished and can instantly set the production to this time. So it can calculate when the next coins should be released. And also it could set the status to the current time.
This all could be done at the point the user logs in, without any additionally tasks on the background. =)


But it's been like this since the very beginning of the game. Which means it is not a bug and there is nothing to "fix".