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Not A Bug: Mission accomplished or not?


Reproduction Steps:

1. Mission: Scout the area surrounding Paruuch

2. Scouted 2 areas

3. Only recognizes 1 area - mission not accomplished

4. Logout, login

5. Same thing happens

Issue Description (1/1):

Next mission not unlocked

Player: Tsukiku

World: Dunarsu

Operating System: OS X El Capitan 10.11.4

Browser Version: Safari 9.1 (11601.5.17.1)

Viewport Size:

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported:


Paruuch has 4 provinces surrounding it --- you come to Paruuch from 1 of them; there is 1 next to it, and then there are 2 ahead of it. The likely case is you've not scouted the required 2 provinces out of the possible 3. You've scouted 1 of them, and then the third 'wrong' province.


Hi, that was not the case. Next day, without any other scouting, the mission got accomplished. Thank you anyway.