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Not A Bug: Market displaying wrong trades.


Reproduction Steps:
1: Open market.
2:Scroll down or click guild only to Contemporary goods.
3: Hover cursor over own goods amount.

Issue Description: When hovering over own Contemporary goods icon, tooltip display showing correct amount in storage, but trade shows available to trade when not enough goods in own storage. Only seems to be with Contemporary goods.(10/10):

Player: grumpy dwarf
World: zz1
Operating System: Windows 7
Browser Version: Firefox/46.0
Viewport Size:1280x901

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: Yes


You're hovering over the offer in your picture, or the goods you are getting back, it's the goods the other player needs that matters if the trade should show available or not...


Yep I am having a blonde moment, :oops: Cheers byeordie, you can delete if you like.