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Will Not Fix: Incorrect player ranking points


There is a player shown lower ranked in the neighborhood than me with just 1.123 points. When I attacked I found an all Progressive Age army waiting for me on defense. I am only EMA and was using Iron Age troops. Player should not be in my neighborhood and is shown with incorrect ranking points.


It happens when a player has been inactive, and when they return to the game their score starts from scratch, yet they can be in the newest added era. It "fixes" itself when the next merge period comes.

Not sure if it this is the same as the linked one, I am sure of this one due to the high difference in the ranking points, but the other one could just be some late points update since it is a small difference (it is obviously still an issue though).


lol, I thought I was on the EN forums, so I got the first "wrong player points" thread I could see :p. Yes, this bug is different like ThePhantom said