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Fixed on Beta: .....in - The latest bug steals your goods or supplies


This game is really going to pot. Firstly it has slowed down to the poorest game play since "pong" arrived in the 1970's. Then total lock outs for no good reason, with no explanation, apology or compensation. Now today upon harvesting my supplies units (all of which were on a 24 hour production run) I was credited with the output for a 5 minute run. Others in my guild have had their 1 day goods production runs charged at the day rate and then changed to a 4 hour output. This game is becoming a joke and I'm not sure how much longer I can put up with the sloppy customer non-service. Innogames, you might be able to take the p*ss out of some of the people some of the time but you surely can't take the p*ss out of all of us all of the time. Sort it out - Get the basics of game play right and only then start to tweek & improve. I appreciate that this is the Beta server and that some issue will arise however since the game is a 24/7 pursuit, try providing a 24/7 level of support. The situation last week was a joke with us being told that a resolution was unlikely before Monday because there was no one around - bad form


I honestly don't mind the weird bugs that are happening, but I would like a better support team on this. If this is suppose to be the beta server, it would only make sense if you guys are there to get to our bugs as soon as possible


Inhouse Community Manager
This is the Beta Server. You should expect bugs, that is the point. We will never offer compensation here, as a beta tester, you should expect issues. If you don't want to contend with bugs, I'd suggest you play one of our live local versions, of which there are multiple.


It was sometime ago that Inno was proud to announce this server was out of Beta and "henceforth shall be known as the test server". As guinea pig/testers, we acknowledge that there will be bugs and are not complaining about them as such. But, when we tell you guys about them, we seem to get "cannot reproduce" so often, it has gone beyond a joke. For instance, consider how many people tried to bring these issues to FoE's attention:

1) http://forum.beta.forgeofempires.com/showthread.php?2914-No-Update-of-Socialbar (easily fixable I should have thought)
2) http://forum.beta.forgeofempires.com/showthread.php?2887-In-battle-auto-mode-missing-results-button (that was probably because the game does not allow sufficient attempts at some intensive auto-battles to complete them without refreshing - easily fixable I should have thought)
3) The JSON gateway error is still there. (As it keeps on rearing it's ugly head, perhaps the devs and testers should pay particular attention to this aspect whenever they mess around with the code and whenever the code is tested.)

All of these issues have transferred to the main servers I play on and a large number of my friends have asked why they were not pointed out to FoE and fixed before the main servers were updated "warts and all". Well there is no polite answer to that and I have to say your throw-away remark about playing on one of the many live versions was incorrect in that they suffer the same problems.

The remark was also uncalled for and not at all helpful to people who are interested enough to bring these issues to your attention and often spend a lot of time producing screen shots and blow by blow accounts of what happened. It may even deter them from bothering to do so again.