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Forwarded Ignore/Hide option to avoid seeing maximum diamond spending popup after first visit.

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Mobile screen space not to be disturbed with these kinds regularly. Since it is deals offered from the game, let it get place in the purchase window.
Adding a button inside the popup to ignore or hide. If user wished to do it, they can utilize it.
Maintains balance
Abuse Prevention
No abuse, since it is having different place to show the deals.
Game screen getting occupied with deals are decided based on the players choice!! I know, after 24hrs timer it will go automatically, but withing 24hrsz if any players wished to moved away, no choice currently.
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
Not in this context
Once the popup has been visited from our side, please give an ignore option to the users and don't keep it till the timer runs down. If they need, they can utilise and doesn't needed means, user can opt to ignore that box in the screen itself. If users hide or ignored it can be made visible in purchase window with new tab called "latest deals". Just don't want it in the screen till the timer running.
This suggestion has been forwarded. Votes are no longer accepted.


I don't think this needed, it really doesn't take that much space on the UI (but not going to downvote the idea).


Baking Sudoku Master
As a mobile player, I clearly understood the reason for this proposal. Sometimes, my fingers touch those square and popup opened while trying zoom in / zoom out on the city building to collect on specific building.

Till the today, selecting mode enabled to zoom in/out to avoid those kinds of unnecessary touching on other buildings and deal squares. This may happen, if you cover your city filled with all expansions and fully zoomed in.

For this scenario, asking ignoring is too much but it is just a option. Hence, it is not harmful to introduce it. But PC users, they don't be bothered much with this. So, this won't get much votes for sure in beta.
This is not a very good idea and also cannot be said like very bad idea. It is like not necessary but good to have.
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