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How is the support pool calculated?


How is the defense/attack bonus calculated? I know it depends on the level of the guild and on the defense GB's you have. But do watch fires and monasteries count as well? Are all percentages of defense GB's of the whole guild added up (so if 1 member's GB levels up, it wil influence the support pool) or does each defense GB count for a certain percentage no matter its level? Does the fact that a guildmate participates to the guild wars or not, have an influence on the support pool?


In the user guide it says only defencive GB your guild have, but in your second post, you say all military boost buildings. So it get supported by watchtowers to?


Thanks Sovereign. It's getting clearer already :) I still have 2 questions, though. My first question is the same as kaizeren's question: do monasteries and watchfires count as "military boost buildings"?
And my 2nd question: if I understand well, if the people of my guild only have 2 defense buildings: let's say 2 Deal castles, the first one @20% and the other @ 30%, this will count as 50% for the support pool and when the 1st Deal castle levels up to 30%, the guild will have 60% counting for the (first part of the) support pool, right?


Thanks Anwar! Still a few questions:
1. Is the guild support bonus the same as the guild level (as I thought the support pool was = defensive buildings + guild level)?
2. If you have 2 sectors in the Iron age map and 1 sector in the EMA map, does the EMA HQ have priority over the second sector of the Iron age map? I mean, if your available support pool is 90%, do you get 75% on Iron age HQ and 15% on the HQ of the EMA map or does the 15% go to the 2nd Iron age sector or is it divided between the 2nd Iron age sector and the EMA HQ?
3. Do only defense boost buildings count or do attack GB's like Aachen, Zeus & Del Monte count as well?
4. If you put a siege on a sector, does your siege army always have no attack/defense bonus or is there a way to get an attack/defense bonus for your siege army too?


So it is really support pool divided by support factor? Is it really intended, that iron age players, who have no or low level GBs should be confronted with well defended sectors soon, and with high level players (and maps), where the GBs are higher, the sectors are supposed to be at 0% defense bonus for quite a long time? Never waste any FP on St. Basil and Deal castle if you are playing GvG in higher ages, who cares about additional 1% defense bonus for the HQ per TWO levels of the GB? So in higher ages offensive GBs (Zeus, Aachen, del Monte) count for full (for the attacker), but defensive GBs (St. Basil, Deal Castle) are worthless?
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The answers to your questions are "yes" and "yes".

Thank you Anwar, but weren't we told on earlier that monasteries and watchfires don't count in GvG??
I could swear they told us that, here and/or on en! There was a fair amount of outcry about it.
So if they count toward the support poot, how many points do they contribute, please?

Kaizeren, they told us the only GBs that count toward the support poot are Deal and Basil. Then they explained that they'd been counting Zeus/Aachen/Monte in it by mistake and lowered the support poot radically to amend that error.

And yes, the very badly named "support factor" is in fact a Provincial Handicap that lowers the support poot in later eras.
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I'm aware of the date of some of these posts but still it would be nice to see it all answered.

First as mink pointed out monasteries and watchfires DON'T count in GvG, only Defenseive GB's and your guild level. Everyone should have seen by now that Defensive GB's give 3 support per level thus the guilds total support pool is all the members defensive GB's support points plus the points provided by the guilds level (which goes up each level, I think). This total support pool is applied to each Age zone. So if you have sectors in IA and EMA and your guilds total support pool is 300 (for example) both IA and EMA gets 300 support.
Now if you have the same number of sectors in each you'll notice different bonuses, that is because of the support factors. The support avaliable for the sectors is dependent on the total support pool/support factor and each Age has a higher support factor. For IA you'll get 300 to cover your sectors and in EMA you'll get 300/2=150 (or something I'm not sure on the support factor for EMA). Support in both cases is supplied to your HQ first (to 75%) and then equally to the first ring of surrounding sectors untill they reach 50%, then onto the secont ring of sectors and so on...
The aggresive GB's still only affect your personal armies attack strenght so when you use your units to attack anything on the GvG map you get your usual attack bonus that you would see in PvP or on the continent.
As for the last of Sonia1's questions I've tried my best to answer that question in another thread "Support Factor?" I believe the thread was titled. I'm not certain on my answer there though.

@ Andi47, yes, the values are different for higher ages so if your in the PE age it is harder to own a large number of sectors with full bonuses. I think it was intended that the aggresive GB's bonuses are unaffect by which age you attack and yet your defensive GB's are less effective in the higher ages. It's not immune to change and Inno may yet do that, but it is this way till then.


Thank you Anwar, but weren't we told on earlier that monasteries and watchfires don't count in GvG??
I could swear they told us that, here and/or on en! There was a fair amount of outcry about it.
So if they count toward the support poot, how many points do they contribute, please?

Kaizeren, they told us the only GBs that count toward the support poot are Deal and Basil. Then they explained that they'd been counting Zeus/Aachen/Monte in it by mistake and lowered the support poot radically to amend that error.

And yes, the very badly named "support factor" is in fact a Provincial Handicap that lowers the support poot in later eras.

That post from Anwar was posted 11 months ago.