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How exactly do the GB work now ?


People seem to understand differently what is going on with the GBs now ... so I just wanna know what's going on.

So the CAP has been removed ... does this mean we can donate and donate Fps forever ? or just til' level 10 , then we can only level by haveing a new full set of Bps for that GB ... or haveing a full set of Bps only unlocks the possibility to donate for 1 more level ... then another set of Bps for the possibility to donate for another level , and so on ... ???

If I haven't built Alcatraz but have 8 sets of Full Bps for it ... does this mean I can place it now and get it to level 7 for free ? or from now on , you have to have a set of Bps for each level ? ...can I not level Alcatraz with Fps after I place it at level 0 , without useing another set of Bps for each level ?


Someone else will have to confirm, but the way I believe it is is that you dump forge points till you get to level ten, then If you want to unlock the ability to dump more forge points to reach level 11 you have to use up a complete set of blueprints to unlock that ability. Then once you reach level 11 ( by dumping forge points from level 10 ) you can use another complete set of blueprints to unlock the ability to dump forge points to reach level 12 and so on and so on.


That's how it works. What is still unclear though is: How will the "+1 Level Voucher" work when used.
When used at for e.g. 5/10 - will it become 6/10 or 6/11?
When used at 10/10 - will it be 11/11 or will it do nothing and get completely lost (or will the game warn/hinder you from doing that)?


No matter what level you use the voucher it will increase both the current level and cap, I.e 6/10 becomes 7/11 after boucher