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GvG Rewards?


Training and healing times for my PE barracks have been reduced, and it says I'm about to get 1fp in addition to the 500 coins from my town hall? Does everyone else have the same thing, or have the GvG rewards finally been implemented?


Can someone answer (or not) to this question ... hiw do we got the necessary points


Indeed. I got 1 fp from my townhall on one of the first days, but for the last few days I get nothing. The profile confirms this.
Does the guild profile receives points for controlling sectors, for conquering them or for fighting battles?



and how it turnes? if my guild have 100 power, gaines 100 prestige?

That requires a specific calculation, which we do not know and I would not be surprised if we never find out. We do know that power transforms in prestige.

@Witje, the points are for controlling sectors --- if you have 3 sectors of 3 power each (9 total), and you then conquer a new 1 sector of 2 power (11 total), but lose 1 of 3 power (8), then you lose power. Not sure how this reflects on prestige, we would need to know the specifics on how this was coded (like we know that each 50 battle points bring in 1 player ranking point).