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GvG Rewards?


Training and healing times for my PE barracks have been reduced, and it says I'm about to get 1fp in addition to the 500 coins from my town hall? Does everyone else have the same thing, or have the GvG rewards finally been implemented?


Ah, thanks! Love variety of rewards, but I'm a bit confused on how we gain these points. Is it the total power of a guild added everyday?


There will probably more levels, but they just wanted to get the first 50 out ;)
If not, imagine how long it may take to even reach 50...


There will probably more levels, but they just wanted to get the first 50 out ;)
If not, imagine how long it may take to even reach 50...

Yeah, I understand what you mean, but they need to start adding things that "can't be" reached :) It will surely take long time, but then what when all guilds has finally reached the end? :) The same thing goes for things like medals, blueprints and FP. What should we really do with all medals, blueprints and FP when we have already got all expansions, interesting GBs and done all research :)

My solution to this would be a sort of market where players can trade these things with each other. Diamonds, medals, blueprints, FP etc. I've heard somewhere that they've added something similiar for Tribal Wars or The West, I don't understand why they don't implement it for FoE :)


Uhm what will happen when we reach lvl 50? Dead end? :(

you have spend ten thousands of goods and sacrificed thousands of good men
and after that you are happy that it is over


Rewards: level 50
6 FPs daily: what can you do with it when waiting again for a new age ?
12% cheaper building: you already have 100 millions of coins and supplies (at least). so you don't care about building costs
26% faster recruiting and healing: now you can fight more in GvG. because when you fight only in normal PvP you would already have at least 1000 free troops from Alcatraz

thanks but no thanks


I think you guys are underestimating the social element of guild wars. People will actually want to team up toward the same goal. Ranking points for individual players are not edible either, but you still do the battles every day like a crazy person :p


Okay so the superior GvGers become more superior, and the rest of us wave as they barrel around the hexes. When they've conquered all the hexes do they get assumed bodily into some sort of FoEhalla of Fame?


you have spend ten thousands of goods and sacrificed thousands of good men
and after that you are happy that it is over


Rewards: level 50
6 FPs daily: what can you do with it when waiting again for a new age ?
12% cheaper building: you already have 100 millions of coins and supplies (at least). so you don't care about building costs
26% faster recruiting and healing: now you can fight more in GvG. because when you fight only in normal PvP you would already have at least 1000 free troops from Alcatraz

thanks but no thanks

My good your complaints are narrow minded. What would this kind of daily rewards have ment for your city by the time you started the game.
There are still newcomers to FoE and the Guilds who offer this kind of benefits will be attractive and there will be a constant need for FP's to donate and Goods to trade to keep up the pace for new players.

Players who reached the end of the world map, the tech tree and medalexpansions, only had 5(6) things to do:
1. Daily PO/MO
2. Donate FP
3. Trade
4. Disturbe the neighbores
5. Collect surplus production
(6. Wait and complain)

Now you can forget the 6. point, since you have work to do, reconstructing your city and plan for the future.

Thanks and YES I'm in.


Those 6 Fp is more useful than you think...
- at the begining of a new era...entire guild has an anvantage
- useful for GB
- and after you finish the tech tree to do this

26% healing...maibe now you have 200 free troops but for how long.
Do not compare beta server with a international server...here i have teritories next to a guil with player from 2 mil up, about 3 weeks..only 2-3 armys..please. And you know why...because i do not care if it will take it..but on your server how long will last....you have to place troops, troops die..so make the math. Gvg defense/Gvg attack/neighborhood..only 8 troops from Alcatraz.


I think you guys are underestimating the social element of guild wars. People will actually want to team up toward the same goal. Ranking points for individual players are not edible either, but you still do the battles every day like a crazy person :p

Actually, no I don't. I stopped when I realised I had enough medals.


Can someone answer (or not) to this question ... hiw do we got the necessary points


To receive power your guild needs to conquer new sectors on the GvG map, but also maintain the ones they already own. That way you will increase the power, which turns into prestige, which in return gives actual rewards.