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Feedback Guild Vs. Guild Improvements

  • Thread starter Retired Community Manager
  • Start date


I have a request to make when a guild pulls another guild off the map, it can't come back before the next calculation, because it makes no sense for you to take it off the map if it can come back right away.



now that's all good ?
well done
now all maps will be filled
with drummers and rogues

I have said it in the past
Do something from start correctly
without gaps
don't do anything

sorry for english is from automatic translation
the text in Greek

Τωρα ειναι ολα καλα?
τωρα θα γεμισουν οι χαρτες με τυμπανιστες και κακοποιους
Το εχω πει και στο παρελθον

κανετε κατι απο την αρχη σωστα (χωρις κενα )

μην κανετε τιποτα


So yesterday you transfered gvg-changes to the live servers with update 1.158.
Only thing you did forget in the live-update was the replacement of army for random highest age units when release a sector ...

It is obvious you people from inno are not really capable of making choises first time right.
Your communications is a big laugh. But you should have no worries about that :)
I will abandon/quit this game.



Thank you for your feedback. We only released the following three updates to GvG in the live updates as per the announcements on the live servers:

  • A new checkbox has been added to the confirmation window when changing/placing defense armies, so you can opt to never be asked again.
  • It’s no longer possible to use Bronze Age units on the All Ages map in GvG. That's a result of the GvG feedback, as it was possible to have unlimited spam sieges by using only Spearfighters
  • After leaving an age map, you should return to the same GvG map position from now on, which means that you won’t need to scroll the map again.

I'm sorry to hear that you are thinking of leaving the game, but if you can spare the time to send me a personal message on how you feel we can improve our communications, I'd really appreciate it.


What specifically do you mean Mithrander?

Currently the initial 5 mins after calc are murder, unable to open sectors etc and the lag is the worst I have ever experienced.

We still have the following issues
1/ Whilst waiting to replace a siege, the current siege either hangs on the last pip, or the siege arrow is grey
2/ Trying to add defences whilst under attack, the arrows remain greyed out.
3/ HQ not showing, or showing multiple HQ's

Now considering my guild fights every single night, this is a major pain.

Also one thing that is becoming clear also is that some guilds do not suffer these issues, this is even more frustrating.

These issues need sorting fast and an even platform of performance across the board for all.


It’s no longer possible to use Bronze Age units on the All Ages map in GvG. That's a result of the GvG feedback, as it was possible to have unlimited spam sieges by using only Spearfighters

And with this action, you have now limited the access to the AA map, again a section of the game locked out to the majority and limited to the top guilds only, one day Inno will see the light and do something right I guess.

Not holding my breathe though.


Personnellement, les trois nouveautés ne sont pas un gène, elles ne le sont presque pas en jeu.
moi, qui est mon gène, ce sont ses guildes qui sont venues attaquer tout le monde, grosse ou petite guilde, on peut ce défendre.
alors pourquoi ne pas créer une période de non agression nocturne suivant les PAYS ??.
pour les lâcher reprises, ils sont un système qui profite à quelques joueurs.
limiteur 1 lâcher partie player ce qui limitais les abus.
Une dernière modification pourrait être reliée à l'intérêt du jeu, bloquer l'évolution des grands monuments à un niveau x, exemple 100.
ce qui a arrêté ce parcours aux grands monuments est forges points.
bon courage
Personnellement, les trois nouveautés ne sont pas un gène, elles ne sont presque pas impliquées.
Moi qui suis mon gène, ce sont ses guildes qui sont venues attaquer tout le monde, petite ou grande guilde, on peut le défendre.
alors pourquoi ne pas créer une nuit de non-agression en fonction des pays?
pour les libérer, ils constituent un système qui profite à quelques joueurs.
limiteur 1 laisser aller joueur qui a limité l'abus.
Une dernière modification pourrait être liée à l’intérêt du jeu, bloquer l’évolution des grands monuments au niveau x, exemple 100.
Ce qui a arrêté cette route vers les grands monuments, ce sont des points de forges.
bonne chance

Personally the novelties do not rule me, can not modify the game.
What gee me are the guilds that type at night, impossible to defend.
Why not put a truce following the fusions, to avoid this style of play ??.
letting go / take advantage only a few players to make point.
Just limited to 1 player sector drop? .
Is the last point, would not it be time to limit the levels of gm, example to 100 ??
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Personally the novelties do not rule me, can not modify the game.
What gee me are the guilds that type at night, impossible to defend.
Why not put a truce following the fusions, to avoid this style of play ??.
letting go / take advantage only a few players to make point.
Just limited to 1 player sector drop? .
Is the last point, would not it be time to limit the levels of gm, example to 100 ??
Best regards



bY only making adding defense you have tipped the scales towards defending a tile vs attacking a tile.

Please Please Please make sieging a tile and deleting current siege also one click...


through the new changes today, there is nothing mentioned about releasing sectors (grant freedom), is that still on a 24 counter ?


On the daily changelog of 29th July (Tuesday), il was written:
  • Freed sectors in GvG will now be filled with random units
This significant change to the game does not appear to be part of the changelog 1.159
Is it cancelled or postponed to a next update ?

Lady M.


urine luck


bY only making adding defense you have tipped the scales towards defending a tile vs attacking a tile.

Please Please Please make sieging a tile and deleting current siege also one click...


allowing 1 button siege would help level the playing field against the bots