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Feedback Guild Battlegrounds Update 2023


Community Manager

Dear Kings and Queens,
On Thursday, August 24th the first Battleground with all the new changes begins!

This is the place to be if you have any questions about it or would like to discuss it with other players.
Please keep in mind that your opinion may differ from the opinions of other players, you don't have to convince each other of anything here. :)

We appreciate your feedback!

Please write your feedback in a factual and constructive way and stay on topic.
So that we can pass your feedback on to the developers, the following points would be important to note:
  • Feedback that only contains one sentence like "To battle or not to battle, that's the question." is not helpful. Please make sure to include reasons for your opinion.
  • The same goes for positive feedback. We are happy about it of course, but describing what exactly you like is always very helpful!
  • Limit your feedback to the actual content. Feedback like "You should improve X" or feedback that refers to other game content or previous events is not helpful.
  • Questions that ask when it will be released on the live server will not be answered. We always announce it in time there.
  • Don't report any bugs here. Please use the bugs forum.
  • Use the "Like" button if another player has already reflected your opinion well.
Thank you very much and have fun!

Your Forge of Empires Team


For me the changes look very promising and good. I'm not sure this will be like the perfect changes for GBG, but definitely going in the right direction.
Overall like the changes, the QoL feature of providing the info of the number of buildings and the attrition gain chance is :diamond:.


Blue stats aren't needed, YET, so in the future they will be required aswell.
Good, cap is back but higher, beggining with 80, that's what I have suggested many times in the past, that's better than 66.6%, means 500 fights/day with 100 attrition.
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Harold Nat

Baking Sudoku Master
I like the attrition cap. I'm not sure I like the new Tower of Champions, I guess all the players in the winning guild will get the frags? This will make strong guilds even more appealing, as everyone will want a spot in them... and the more they win, the stronger they get.
Also, being matched with the same guilds for 8 rounds? Hmm...


With fellowship event, I am a player who do not need the new rewards in this update because they are worse.
Also, very dissapointing the bonuses of new buildings, attack? Defense? Goods? Fps? Nothing new, nothing amazing, no innovation. What about:
- by having 1 copy in your city, you have 10% chance to have your attrition reduced by 1 after each successful fight or negotiation. By having 2 copies, your total will be 15%, by having 3 copies, 17.5%

- when fighting, half of your killed units can be resurrected with 20% chance, with 2 copies 30% with 3 copies, 35%, 4 copies 37.5% and when negotiating, chance to have half of your goods spent back in your inventory.

And I have more ideas... Also, did not understand anything about atrrition cap, you cant reach attrition 150 now? Or the update limits the 100% less attrition gain with 4 siege camps down to 80%?


Question: Does the Tower of Champions conceptually go into a guild's townhall, and it imparts it's power/deliverables to all individual members of the guild, since they all worked/participated to earn it?

In other words, it's not like a personal item (for example: like an emissary - which I earn from settlements and get to decide to use in my own townhall), but TOWER is won as a guild, so it's power flows to all guild members in the guild?


Question: Does the Tower of Champions conceptually go into a guild's townhall, and it imparts it's power/deliverables to all individual members of the guild, since they all worked/participated to earn it?

In other words, it's not like a personal item (for example: like an emissary - which I earn from settlements and get to decide to use in my own townhall), but TOWER is won as a guild, so it's power flows to all guild members in the guild?
the Tower of Champions is a personal reward for every member of the winning guild

the fragments of the building first goes into the inventory and the player has to win 3 times before he can build it in his city
(not necessary in the same guild)


Perk Creator
An interesting set of changes.

Glad to have the attrition reduction cap returning (probably better to call it that than attrition cap - which is typically used to reference the attrition amount where the penalty stops going up).

I'm not sure how much those new buildings will really impact things if the cheaper siege camp is still available. They are a lot more expensive after all - might only really see them in a coop round, if those are still a thing.

Could see the new form of coop being the strongest guild in the group dictating that they win, and as long as noone messes with that then everyone else farms - which is not so different than what we have now. We're reliant on getting two guilds that disagree on who should be #1 and are reasonably matched to get a war round - and I'm not sure how common that really is unless the matchmaking has been drastically altered (i.e. if the top 8 guilds really do have to fight each other rather than a random assortment of diamond guilds).
I like the attrition cap. I'm not sure I like the new Tower of Champions, I guess all the players in the winning guild will get the frags? This will make strong guilds even more appealing, as everyone will want a spot in them... and the more they win, the stronger they get.
Also, being matched with the same guilds for 8 rounds? Hmm...

Exactly. In Diamond against very strong guilds, we may spend all our time trying to fight our way out of our HQ province, only to see our "wins" snapped up in no time at all. Are we being told we'll have to put up with this for 8 leagues in a row? I certainly hope there's more to this than that.


the Tower of Champions is a personal reward for every member of the winning guild

the fragments of the building first goes into the inventory and the player has to win 3 times before he can build it in his city
(not necessary in the same guild)
Do you think only the winner gets fragments or lets say those that end second or third place will just need maybe four or five rounds instead to get enough fragments?


Perk Creator
On another look over, the Tourney Grounds building appears a bit shallow? Shouldn't it have something of interest to a negotiator as well? Not that negotiating is a common tactic, but if someone's going that route, shouldn't they still be happy for their reward?


In addition, all provinces now have at least one building slot available. The maximum is still 3 slots.

+1: And also no changes for the minimum slots on other sectors, in case someone else also though about if that was changed. In other words, R2 sectors might still have only 1 slot :p.
This doesn't balance anything. It will suck for everyone.

Higher goods cost (25k minimum for camp??), longer build times and then capped on top of that.

Only decent thing is the min 1 slot per sector. I've seen guilds locked in their bases several times because of no slot to help assist. Howeve, I don't foresee them spending the goods to use it.
If there's an attrition cap, it doesn't matter how many building slots there are because the max you can build is up to 80%.

16 weeks is a very long time!!! o_O Please don't release this to live until at least one round of this happens.

I agree that higher good cost, longer build time, attrition cap with additional fights required is not exactly encouraging people to play. SAT players really got the worst of the worst deal, they can't fight quickly, they can't pay for anything.