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GE scoring


Disagree w/Beta03.
There is indeed a maximum.
There are three factors that will determine the maximum score.
1. The time limit. GEx runs ONLY from Tuesday 'til Sunday. 24 hours it's true, but still a limited amount of time.
2. The size of your wallet.
a). For poor people (moi'). I will have but 24 * 6 tries at GEx map. Period.
b). For wealthy people (non moi') you can break out to plastic and buy diamonds and then spend
those diamonds on extra chances, but ONLY IN THE TIME LIMIT PROVIDED (ie: 6 *24 hours). And remember, YOU NEED TO FAIL to get that maximum count. This is what is known as 'Flushing Money Down the Crapper'.
3. For those lucky enough (non moi', encore), you can collect medals via PvP tower and/or incidents and/or Daily Challenges.
These medals can also be used to purchase additional bites at the GEx apple, but again, ONLY IN THE TIME LIMIT PROVIDED.
So, clearly, yes there is a maximum. You are limited only by the diamonds/medals you wish to spend.
I leave it to others more owning of Conditions 1/2/3 (or any combination thereof) to provide the answer.
Or, take the easy way and just participate few hours per day and keep track. Then you will know your maximum.
You're welcome.
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Then explain to me why most players in VT in my guild play 64 encounters fighting without losing or negotiating and then end up with such a varied scores
they don't end with a 64:0 fight result :oops:

(negotiation points could be different even if a player didn't fail once. don't know the points for negotiation because I fight only. maybe even lower than those 761054 in total)
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Disagree w/Beta03.
There is indeed a maximum.
you are indeed right
everything in life has a maximum :p

you can't even make unlimited fights in GvG
with 1 second per fight you are at a maximum of 86400 fighter per day :p

so everybody who says anything in life is unlimited: he is lying ;)


Then explain to me why most players in VT in my guild play 64 encounters fighting without losing or
negotiating and then end up with such a varied scores

Varied score:
  • Final points in battle.
    • Do all finish each battle with exactly 0 wounded units? 0 killed units?
    • No damage count in the attacking army?
  • As BetaTest03 says, final score was exactly 64 victories, 0 Losses?
    • No aborted battles that give additional points without increasing the number of encounters completed?