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Fixed on Beta: GB´s Global Ranking navigation


Reproduction Steps:
1. Open "Global Ranking"
2. Click "Great Buildings"
3. Write a player´s name to search for his GBs
4. Click arrow button to see second page

Issue Description (10/10):
If the player has more than 10 GBs, it shows the first page and I can click the arrow button to see the second page.
Most of the times it shows the second page, but sometimes it loses the filter and it shows all players.
I need to click the search button again to filter the player´s GBs.
It doesn´t happen every time. Normally it happens after I search for a player 2 or more times in sequence.
For example, I searched for the players nicuu, Kaly and Milli.

Player: jrdgcom
World: zz1
Operating System: Windows 7
Browser Version: Chrome/41.0.2272.89
Viewport Size: 1360x653

Player name and world for rewards: jrdgcom / br7


This has been happening on the live servers with player name and guild name searches for as long as I can remember. Well over a year anyway :)

The search function itself is poor and doesn't actually return all results as you would expect.

For example on brisgard en server I can search the name john and it will return results which will include john fox and yet it doesn't return the name john path. To get that I would have to put into the search john p.

Makes no sense to me but when someone else brought it up in another thread the response was its working as it should work. Basically you can extrapolate from that comment that it was designed not to work properly. Which when looking at other things in the game things start to make sense if that is the mantra used by the development team.