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Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

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Looks like this is town 1.
for Town 2, I did hats 1, flowers 3, cake 1, drinks 2, fireworks 1, ship 3 and festival 3 - I save on fireworks 100 POG, didn't do mgr L2 and I will get 31 tasks done.

The 3/3 combo I do by taking festival to 300, then the ship. The production rate of the ship is 32% greater than festival so it lets you accumulate shamrocks so when festival is L300, you can collect a nice nest egg to pay down the ship faster. You only need a fireworks L50 and manager L1 production, 2.1Q/hr to match the consumption rate of the MGR 3/3 L300/300, ship 1.65Q/hr, festival 1.26Q/hr. Using the collection rate to determine the time to get 8.4Q, it takes 6.67 hours to complete that step. I have not timed (or used MC spreadsheet) to get accurate times for taking ship/festival from 250 to 300. I will probably do that next town, #3.
That is all very true and also very sad.
Isn't this a game? Shouldn't it be fun first and foremost? Why should GAME change into a MATH LESSON? I hate it out of principle even if I always loved math in school.

Anyway, I had all these strategies for Patrick event in the past years, but this year one major change happened. Before the main prize was every third on the progress bar and there was almost no space for error. From Patrick 2023 it is every second prize, same as in the Fellowship (thanks god they didn't nerf that and if they do, that would be the end of the game for me). Anyway, the previous strategies and mngr levels and such went out the chimney after that change and I implement very simple strategy.
ship/festival 300/300 mngr lvl 3, everything else mngr lvl 2 (without thinking, click them on two as soon as I open the building, increasing mngr level only if forced by task) and building levels as needed by the tasks somewhat balanced to get enough production for the ship/festival leveling to 300. After they are lvl 300, make sure there is enough production to cover their consumption and leave it for the 8.4Q (usually during my work day it happens, I don't play on mobile at work at all)
And it either will work out at the end, or it won't. I simply refuse to use spreadsheets and "100% certain strategies" and such complicated approaches. It is game and I prefer to invest my brainpower elsewhere, game should entertain me and not forcing me to refresh my high school math.


Perk Creator
Some were complaining about the fact that we made changes, not about the changes done. This is what I wanted to differenciate.
No, it's you who doesn't seem to understand us.
When you claim that YOU have decided to go back to a perfect copy of St Patrick and that you will later study the possibility of finding another good balance, why not try to do it directly during the event in beta?
Because you still have a great chance of creating another imbalance next year since you don't think like experienced players.
Precisely the beta must accept changes constantly to improve the game, but it is not by systematically reversing the slightest of your errors that we will advance the game!

Even the closed beta version which is tested by the teams of the different communities is not enough to detect your approximate calculation errors.

Otherwise, not only do you show no respect for the beta community, but you clearly say that the only usefulness is to detect bugs AND NOTHING ELSE!!!

When some say that in less than a day players like MoingCat are able to see the imbalances unlike developers, it should not be taken as an insult but it should be a questioning.
YOU have decided to go back to a perfect copy of St Patrick and that you will later study the possibility of finding another good balance, why not try to do it directly during the event in beta?
tbh I don't want them to change events so much during beta, because there have been to many live event bugs recently.
imo this is due to all the changes here.




The stats of the special buildings are too high in my opinion (same for a lot of other special buildings, released in previous events), it makes the existing older buildings so much worse. With each event, the new buildings get better and better (and not slightly better, as was common with events a few years ago).
In the past new special buildings were only slightly better or just equal to the existing best special buildings, now InnoGames is making bigger and bigger jumps...

Because of this, old great buildings and settlements' main buildings (which were supposed to be one of the best special buildings in your city as you can only place 1 of each) are becoming (very) weak compared to the buildings from the latest events.

The balance is disappearing more and more, and it deeply saddens me. So many functions and buildings are becoming obsolete because of corporate greed. At this pace, you'll reach the limit fast... At some point, almost all great buildings and game features that (formerly) reward good special buildings will become obsolete. Only the great buildings from Titan will be better, and maybe that's the reason why they are so much stronger than the existing great buildings from previous eras.

This should not be the way to make more profit. You are, in my opinion, destroying the game bit by bit by making more and more features/buildings obsolete.

Three years ago, I was (almost) always happy to see new events and updates. Making the game better and more interesting, adding more content and features.

Nowadays, I'm getting more and more afraid regarding the future of Forge of Empires. I hold my breath at every new event, purely because of the stats of the new buildings. I love the new event mechanics, involving more strategy and less brainless luck. In between some horrible changes, there were many amazing updates. But the rising stats of each new building that come with the events, are making me very afraid and sad about the future of this game.

  • In the past: 0.4 FP/tile used to be very good (e.g. Shrine of Knowledge - Lv. 2)
  • In the past year: we started seeing special buildings with +0.86 FP/tile (e.g. Panda Shrine)
  • This event: we have a special building with already 4 FP/tile (Trailside Smithy)

I honestly hope something will be done about it, balance in a game is important, but I'm afraid @InnoGames has already made their choice.
And I also hope from the bottom of my heart that people (who don't realize it yet) realize that all these new buildings with those wonderful stats cause not-so-wonderful consequences for the future of Forge of Empires.

I'm aware my feedback is not purely about Fellowship Event 2023, my apologies for this.

PS: I also wonder what Juber thinks regarding this matter.
Even with how big the jump is for some of these buildings, they're limited by how many you can obtain. Something like a gold league (Trailside Smithy) or calendar completion reward (Skull Cave) is only obtainable once, so someone can't fill their city with them. For the other buildings, golden upgrades are still a relatively new thing, and that's where the main power spike comes from with recent event buildings. If you remove those, the buildings they're used on are pretty comparable to the buildings that don't have them, accounting for the power creep that was happening prior to the addition of golden upgrades. And now that golden upgrades are a thing, I think buildings in that 'tier' are all going to be pretty comparable to one another and will have their own steady power creep.

On the flipside, I don't think balance is really affected all that much. GBG is one area where encounter difficulty scales well beyond the means of most players with the attrition mechanic, so better buildings only serves to close that gap a little bit. Now, we also have GE5 doing much the same thing. More features will probably come eventually to 'test' players like this. Plus, everything else in the game already eventually gets kinda trivialized by even the older event buildings.


I really don't know if you're doing this on purpose or someone at Inno have Big Problems. You changed the Fellowship Event when it was underway by drastically reducing the completion times compared to before, and giving it as an explanation that you responded to our Feedback (I would really like to know who the complainers are, and coincidentally you listen only to those who it suits you,...but it is evident that it is an excuse and a joke!!!)
Did any of you at Inno time the ship managers when making these changes? Practically Banquet Hall and Carriage updated to 5 liv. they should give more percentages and be faster instead they move the same as if they were at 4 level. 600 gems spent unnecessarily (300+300) Do you really think you're cheating people like this? In my opinion you are just scammers who only think about how to cheat and rob people.


The most disliked event is St. Patrick. I was happy with the new balance because it was fun.
Now - I hate Patrick! Take it away!
I hate constantly, all the days of the event to keep time control.
We already have time controls: GBG and GVG.
And now Patrick again.


It has very simple reason. This game has severe, and I mean SEVERE space limitation. Unless you race through the game at breakneck speed to be in the last era, you have very restricted building space. So each new event building can only REPLACE something you already have in your city, cuz there is no space to build new one beside the old one over and over.
Thus the new one "must" be significantly better than the old one, because it has to replace the old values and give you extra or you wouldn't build it at all.
If you do not see such space constrictions, you're very lucky and good for you. I have many event buildings in my inventory and have no place to build them because I would have to demolish other event building to be able to. And I do of course, if the new one is so much better to warrant such change.
I agree better balance is needed but it should start with the space. Until then lets be happy we are getting much better buildings so we actually CAN demolish the old ones.

I'd also add that people do not wish to RAZE any of their useless great buildings (partially started, or left to rot @ level 5 or 6, or even 23...), or ones they've outgrown. It takes a strong commitment to be ruthlessly efficient, and kill off a St. Marks, or any building you've grown fond of for it's artwork, or what it USED to do for you.

If you're a packrat, you've amplified your problem of managing your city productively.

What's the most antithetical is the racks and racks of Victory towers in cities with Arcs at any level, but certainly those at 80 and above.

Listening to people's defense of them is equally hysterical.

Getting serious about being a successful Mayor of a city in this grand game means making hard decisions. FP and diamonds as critical resources? Don't compare to the dearth of the space resource that never changes it's boundaries or availability. In fact, space can't be even reconfigured - one you put that square down, there is NO change to where you put it. It's locked there.

That's why people race UP the eras - because they aren't adept at managing their desire for more, and can't kill off old unproductive buildings to place new more exciting and helpful things - so up they go UP ERA to get land expansions squares.

Then they topple over like what's eventually going to happen to the leaning Tower of Pisa. And they throw in the towel and leave THEIR CITY TO GATHER DUST (like many people in the hood these days...) and exit the game.
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Town 2 : Description of task is either incorrect or there is a "can't count" issue... Banquet Hall is already at 300 but the Carriage is 293.



Town 3
Manager Levels hat-1, flowers-2, cake-2, drinks-1, fireworks-2, ship-3, festival-3 (same as MC spreadsheet)
32 tasks done, cost=630 POG
both Town 2 and 3 a bit over 24 hr, will try and get better timing numbers, keep forgetting to write my start time.


With coachmen and banquet lvl 3 and the rest lvl 2 (except butchery - lvl 1) it took couple hours in the evening and then a few minutes in the morning to get banquet and coachman to lvl 250, other buildings as needed for tasks and enough supplies... |
During the workday it collected enough to get banq. and coach. to 300 + a few level of other buildings. Overnight 8.7Q = new city in 36 hours WITHOUT EXTRA EFFORT. = it is doable but more boring then with the speedy play before. (juice and farm mngr went to lvl 3 as required by tasks).
|No tioome ioon the morning to start new town though so I will get one more task by the afternoon and start new city after work.


The game is freezing up, then trying to collect rewards and the arrows <- -> is missing. works om zz2 but not on zz1


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