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Feedback Treasure Hunt removal

  • Thread starter Retired Community Manager
  • Start date


No problem for me, I just tested it in the beginning and never used it since that time. It was similar worthless like incidents. I just take them, when I see them accidently.
Maybe you could add unattached troops to the incidents. Then it would be a better replacement.


I use it almost daily and up to now I've got good points and goods; sadly was one of the few "click features" designed correctly (6 clicks - not too few, not too much - with decent rewards, a real daily challenge where everyone can try to win something, providing he is able to schedule the time in the game). I think that both incidents and daily challenges are not 1:1 alternatives of treasure hunt (incidents depends on luck, animations on/off, good eyesight, a lot of time wasted looking if something might exists or might not; daily challenges often requires much more time than the treasure hunt and quests requirements are not always reachable, or based on things out your own control).
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Well, unlike Incidents & Daily Challenges, Treasure Hunt has been supplying me a lot of goods & forge points. With just 5% chance of receiving a Rare Incident and 33% chance of then receiving 10 FPs, I'd say it's a bit unfair. And today (that happened BEFORE removal) I got 215 coins from Kite and 215 supplies from Chest instead of 1,000 (I'm in the Future). I DO hope you're not considering giving us even less amounts of those resources, do you?

P.S. Now each time an Incident appears I have a:
– 14% chance of getting 2 FPs,
– 7.25% chance of getting 5 FPs,
– 1.9% chance of receiving 10 FPs.
And here go goods:
– 9.8% chance to get 5 goods,
– 3% chance to get 10 goods,
– 0.4% chance to get 20 goods.

As for Daily Challenges, they so far only made me:
– Spend Diamonds. (And I get it's the main point for the dev)
– Waste a lot of time doing dozens & hundreds of useless 5-min & 15-min productions.
– Attacking sectors on the Campain map (and will later make me attack other players which I do not want), though I'm a negotiation type person
And 5 times out of 6 I won the worst prize from those chests. (One time it was the second bad prize) Meaning, yes, forge points or MO kits, but for a hell of pain getting those quests done, and even diamonds lost to get those FPs. And yes, unlike some people, I've been given 4-6 tasks each day, not just some easy 2 ones.


TH was one of the main reasons I switched from mobile to browser, which led me getting much more into the game than checking it once a day as I had on mobile. I am quite sad to see it go, I've used the feature everyday for 2 live worlds and since signing up for beta. It gives me a reason to sign in every few hours. I don't understand the idea behind it's removal, maybe only a few people like me used it but what was the harm? It didn't hurt anyone elses game.

If they think this new daily challenge makes up for the loss they are quite mistaken. You don't have to rearrange anything in your city for TH or disrupt your actual game or rely on other players.

Treasure hunt was one of the only things this game had that wasn't another mindless clickbate quest. It actually encouraged you to log in at specific intervals through out the day. Some days you could hit all of them, some you couldn't. I have no plans on doing this challenges on live. I like all the people you hear at every event, am sick of these drivel quests that are annoying rather than hard. Require clicking and harming your game instead of thinking and prospering and offer paltry rewards as compensation.

Incidents are random, there's no skill there, no challenge like TH had. People will spend hours hunting for things that aren't there. They don't get more rewarding as the day progresses like TH encouraging you to log in through out the day.

I'm assuming since they removed it without engaging with the community about it's removal first there's really no point in bothering to write here. They made their choice. I guess now that Anwar's gone they can go about systematically changing his game for the worse. Next up logging on to find all the GvG maps gone and a message about how they were planning it for years.


Do you want to add reasons to quit ? or what is the intention? Deleting one feature that is in the controll of the player and is indepent of your neighbourhood ,guild or friends?
Tavern, incidents and Challenges are all random and depend on the participation of other players.



For my part, I use the treasure hunt every day even if I do not find it profitable.
I play on the server or there are not the daily challenges or incidents so once InnoGames has added the daily challenges as well as the incidents, it will be much more profitable so for me it is a good idea to remove the treasure hunt


For me its a bad change. So far treasure hunter rewards are much better (extra troops, much higher chance for FPs), with much less 'clicking' needed. You just need to collect all in first 1 hour of gameplay and then login twice in 4 hours periods.
Searching incidents for me its waste of time - most of the time I get 100 coins or supplies (progressive era reward, I get more from 1 aid :p). There are no unattached military reward and rare relics are really rare. With TH 'rare' reward was once per day guaranteed (troops , 10 FP, 50 goods - all the most needed stuff or with less luck just big amount of coins or supplies - ~100.000+ vs 100 from incidents).

Incidents also lack 1 very important thing - some icon indicator that there is any uncollected incident somewhere - like in GE.


TH was one of the main reasons I switched from mobile to browser, which led me getting much more into the game than checking it once a day as I had on mobile.
It would have been a perfect feature to attract mobile gamers, since it is easier for them to connect often than those from PC, and his compact design is also perfect for that environment, I really do not understand why it was never implemented in the app o_O.
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I think that both incidents and daily challenges are not 1:1 alternatives of treasure hunt
Of course not :). They however largely overlap in terms of what they support - activity.
Plus, it's not just Incidents and Daily Challenges. FoE was much smaller feature-wise when TH was first released. So its importance and its impact has been getting more and more limited over time.

I don't understand the idea behind it's removal, maybe only a few people like me used it but what was the harm?
Exactly that: the existence of a feature that is rarely used on browser and never used on mobile. This has consequences:
1. As the number of players using on browser is very limited, there was never any real reason to put it on mobile.
2. Then, players who actually use it on browser, would also like it on mobile, but...
3. ...the number of players using on browser is very limited, so it does not justify (business-wise) the effort of adding it on mobile.
... and so on.

On top of that - it's an additional element on the screen that new players have to look at and see what it does, even if then they abandon it, much like described here:
No problem for me, I just tested it in the beginning and never used it since that time.
We have a lot of features in FoE and every new player joining the game has to learn them. It seems that now - with the two recently added features - it became a complication rather than added value.

But we surely can be wrong :). So i need to comment on this:
there's really no point in bothering to write here. They made their choice.
The choice was made, but it is not technically impossible to revert the change. The responsible team will keep an eye on the performance of Beta and will act if necessary :).

Treasure hunt was one of the only things this game had that wasn't another mindless clickbate quest.
Hmmm... actually TH is pretty much exactly what you said :p.

Anyway, the decision was thought-through, so I personally think it's a good one. But, as I said, this may still change, so we'll see.

Have a good day! :)


So its importance and its impact has been getting more and more limited over time.
If it's importance was limited why not improve it? With more avenues to collect coin and supply, and at higher amounts than TH (think rebalancing aid coins) it should have been improved to garner more usage. A player has to do 5 hours and 20 mins in TH before even getting a chance of something that's not coin and supply. Maybe try improving it before trashing it and see if users increase.

Exactly that: the existence of a feature that is rarely used on browser and never used on mobile. This has consequences:
1. As the number of players using on browser is very limited, there was never any real reason to put it on mobile.
2. Then, players who actually use it on browser, would also like it on mobile, but...
3. ...the number of players using on browser is very limited, so it does not justify (business-wise) the effort of adding it on mobile.
... and so on.
That makes no sense. Players ask to use it on mobile, inno refuses then blames the users for not using it. As stated above mobile would have been a perfect platform for TH. I would have used it more often if it were brought to mobile and I would have missed less if I had the chance. It's another way of inno not doing what is being asked for then blaming the user for not using it.

It's a pretty interesting buisness model here, you have a feature only present for 1/2 of the gamers, only available on one platform, refuse for years to add it to the other then turn around and blame the users for not using it. How were they supposed to use something you didn't give them?

It seems like the same gimmick they're trying to pull with GvG. Make it so the lag is unplayable, stop updating it, keep mobile players off of it, ignore the thousands of complaints and messages about it then blame the user when useage goes down and delete it.

The choice was made, but the change can be reverted. Our analysts will keep an eye on the performance of Beta and - if they see that this was a bad choice - it can be undone relatively easily.
If inno wanted to give off the impression that they were listening to beta users, or users of all the forums they would have posted something prior to it's removal and based their decision off the feedback they received since as you said, it's so easy to turn off and on.

Also, if they wanted to accurately test if less people were logging on now that TH has been removed they would not have done so the first week of a new feature and an event. Obviously beta will have the most users during this time period. So either this was not thought through or it was done purposefully so they can look at the data on people logging in and pat themselves on the back that they made a good decision. I imagine their disillusion would stretch so far as them thinking more people are logging on now that it's gone when it actuality they are logging on for the new content.
Hmmm... actually TH is pretty much exactly what you said :p.
This isn't what I said. If you disagree as another player of the game who doesn't use the feature that's all well and fine but don't selectively quote me to twist my words.

TH was the one feature in the game that required something other than mindless clicking and annoying quests. You had to be present in game at specific intervals. Yes, you did have to click collect at the end but clicking collect was not the challenge of TH it was time management. It was the only thing that I can think of that required doing something that wasn't pointless clicking over and over or disrupting your actual game.

The last decent improvement this game saw was GE. And that was what 2 years ago now? Taverns were interesting at first but got old quick due to all the constant clicking. Everything else the game has tried to implement has either failed or is almost unanimously considered a downgrade. GB window, Quest window, AF, OF, GvG maps being killed off, these daily challenges are a joke, each event is more money grubbing than the last, incidents a lot of people cant see or are hidden behind buildings. If the developers can't seem to come up with anything better than was there before they should at least stop removing the old stuff that was obviously done by a better team than they have now.


Please put the treasure hunt back!:eek: It was one of the few things that we could depend on. If we finished it, the prizes were great prizes that were useful!!! And did not cost us diamonds to complete which I realize is not to your advantage, but it was to the players trying to get a little ahead to keep playing. If you are not going to put it back, you really need to up the prizes for the "Where's Waldo game" as there is a major difference in the value of the prizes. Many people have quit playing the "replacement game" already because it is not worth their time to play. The treasure hunt was!
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