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Not A Bug: Event achievements bugged


Perk Creator
Bug fix
I've completed the summer event 2023's quests. My achievement (purple) tier didn't advance. Another player at live had a tier above purple and didn't get an upgrade on their achievement for completing the summer event.

Other player's encounters with achievement bugs:
I tend to update my profile after each event with the latest Events Achievement Badge, and now I just noticed that the 2023 Summer Event didn't give one for finishing the Event Quests, has this been mentioned before here, or is it just me who didn't get one and nobody else's care?

Edit: And why is my me emoji crying not showing up at the end of the text? (me emoji crying again)
funny. after you talked about achievements I looked at mine and found a bug:
I have two level 1 achievements for "Finish the main questline of the Fellowship Event"
"Journey's End" and "Banquet Bonanza"
Browser or App version and version number
Recreation steps
Completed summer event 2023's quests
Can this be reproduced?
Not enough data


Community Manager
The issue with the Summer Event has been reported on the live servers already, but the Fellowship one is new. We have reported that now :)


Community Manager
So, it is intended, that the Fellowship Event (and now also Soccer) have a new achievement, cause the event mechanic has been changed. The issue with the Summer Event is still going to be fixed though.