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Feedback Eastern Event 2016


Oh guys, this is so boring!
This change could be skipped if it was it for me. I would prefer the old eastern event, where you have to search for eggs and you never knew how many of them were hidden... it was way interested then it is now.


feel free to skip this event

as you skipped to look for the already existing easter event feedback thread


I think it's very sad to do so many events, all with quest to infiltrate a sector, scout a province, get a province, etc. Some people want to fulfill all the quests from beginning till the end but that's impossible for advanced players as it's very difficult to scout and get provinces so quickly again and again. Moreover, some players playing in future have no area to scout, no area to get, they already have everything.

Maybe I have a solution. Some extra maps escpecially for events. There would be few extra maps, you choose one of them for an event. Units in the map would generate according to player's city age (e.g. for Collonial age there would be units from Collonial age). Also the players which have no possibility to scout a province will have chance to fulfill the event. If the player gets some part of the event map, after the event there could come some aboriginals and they can fight the event map back and the map will be hidden :D

Second possibility is to avoid player skip quests in map.


everyone please read this
ok if you insist on this system at least do this:
place a foeberge shop in everyone's inventory. let it be a cultural building which at easter event it can produce eggs. like goods manufactures.
4 hours --> 5 eggs
8 hours --> 10 eggs
1 day --> 20 eggs
2 days --> 30 eggs
we collect these eggs and hide them in other's cities. and the others also hide theirs in our cities so we can collect them. at the end of the event the foeberge shop will only be a cultural building. next year like valentine's event we should sell our foeberge shops to get another one which will be more modern.
sorry i could not find your idea section in forum. but this suggestion will help you in all the ways.
please read and reply
thank you