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Feedback Daily Changelog w/c 12th December


Community Manager
Please leave any feedback for this week's daily changelogs here.
You can find all the details here.

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Spoiler Poster
the "ad-free" package is kind of interesting.

It does not really speak to me as a mostly browser player, but for a mostly mobile player, the 5/month might indeed be interesting if they watch all the ads daily.

It still feels kind of on the high side. Lets see, what the numbers say:
3 ads for aid all,
4 ads for chests
1 add castle
(tavern ads do not count... nobody cares for those)

so 8 adds per day - 240 ads a month - 30+ sec each... so the 5 bucks would be about 2 hours worth of time. depending on the players position, this seems to be a decent offer.

Main risk I see with this move, is that aid all will be put behind a hard paywall on browser - it is hard to keep mobile and browser in synch with such stuff


Perk Creator
1 add castle
On the browser version this buff is not available to me. Not sure if it’ll be automatically activated with this new subscription.

@Juber is the subscription duration of a month 28d or 30d? It’s a bit unclear as most months are 30d but the FoE+ subscription is just 28d.


Perk Creator
The no add subscription is far more fair priced. Tbh the automated incasso however is a bit clever to obtain a steady cashflow. Yet the lack of a temporary no-add addition to diamond purchases and the addition of payed event passes might negatively impact diamond sales, I fear.

I would like to friendly suggest the following;
Diamond purchases - 1 add free day / €5 spend
Diamond purchases of €50 or more 1 event pass token*

This way diamond purchases might become more appealing again. As for example a package of €60 (through the app) would give under normal conditions:

30d no adds
1 event pass of choice

Which would be a solid deal for those who like to support the game financially and wanting more diamonds.
Further more Inno could subtlety combat diamond farming by the following subtle changes:

Annual caps on diamonds obtained from:
WW/FoY (e.g. 1/month - 600-1.200d annually, unboosted by bg/boosted by bg)
GbG (eg 60/month - 720d annually)
GE (100/w - up to 5.200d annually)
Total annual cap: 7.120d

Those changes can be subtle and will only affect renewable diamond sources. The changes should be an any world cap for each player individually. As diamonds are shared on an account by all the worlds. An more complex alternative has also been suggested often:
Free diamonds not to be shared by all worlds of a player, while purchased diamond would. The issue however is that it'll cause confusion due to each world having a different number of diamonds. With the previously mentioned subtle change, it's hardly noticeable beyond a cut in diamond production from renewable sources.

Overall my suggestions are just aimed to improve the deal diamond sales offer. As otherwise it might become very appealing to Inno to locking much more diamond features behind paywalls. Like it was done with the event pass. By restricting renewable diamonds to a reasonable high annual amount and making diamond purchases more appealing, diamond sales might become more appealing.
While the ads free subscription will remain a better deal. As it's just €5 vs €60 for a month. Even if some feel the €60+ deal is better, it's for each of those players that going through with that an additional €55 for Inno in that month. So, the house wins always.

*the token allows a player to unlock the event pass without spending extra money


Since Thursday, we have reactivated the Browser Push Notifications with some improvements! You can find them in your settings.

This was one of the best improvements of the year. I just hope it doesn't take another year to be introduced to the live worlds....