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Daily calculation at 8 pm to be abolished?


Rumors on Dinegu have it that the fixed time for daily calculation is supposed to abolished.
Any sector conquered is thus protected for 24 hrs. no matter when it was conquered.

Can anyone confirm this?


Hope not, that would be a very bad idea.

Imagine, I take a sector on 3 am, only way for my enemies to stop me next night is to be ready at 3 am. Thanks but no thanks. If they contemplate that, they should reduce protection time to 16 or 8 hours or something like that.
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Rumors on Dinegu have it that the fixed time for daily calculation is supposed to abolished.
Any sector conquered is thus protected for 24 hrs. no matter when it was conquered.
only thing i'v seen of this was in idea section of the en server but i don't think it will get implemented any time soon


Perk Creator
only thing i'v seen of this was in idea section of the en server but i don't think it will get implemented any time soon

it's come up on other server forums and in discussions before too. In principle people tend to like the idea of not being tied to recalc (or in some cases just that the current specific recalc time doesn't work for them - us does span 4 timezones and currently FoE's US servers bias towards eastern timezone - reset is at 1700 pacific and a lot of folks aren't home yet), but in practice there'd be a lot of logistical issues with it to be worked out.

We were told on US forums that GvG changes of some sort are planned for this year - but not specific details on what sort of changes. Not impossible more hints about that showed up elsewhere - and also not impossible that simply someone started rumors ;)


and could imagine better changes to the game.

For example: … .

( Not objecting new changes, features, options, … feel free to post them at the Game Discussion section. )

Edit: I was replaying to previous post mentioning "GvG changes of some sort are planned for this year", I should have replied that GvG available at phone app would be the best GvG change to implement.


Should have gone through the past few days of Alliance battles at Rise of Kingdoms! (FKA Rise of Civilizations)

Massive shifts in the power structure daily as huge alliances were demolished to rubble any time, day or night... No matter what your time zone is or where on this little blue rock you call home :D