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Cannot Reproduce: Collecting forge points whe FP bar is full


Reproduction Steps:
1- Forge point bar already full (i.e. 10 forge points)
2- Collect from buildings that grant forge points (i.e. 3 motivated shrine of knowledge)
Issue Description (10/10):
What I was expecting to happen: When the forge point bar is full (i.e. 10 points) and I try to collect from buildings that grant F.P. I expect that the F.P. from the first building are added to the F.P. bar (i.e. in case of a shrine of Knowledge, I expect that the total goes up to 11 points) and that it is not possible to collect other Forge Points until I use some F.P. from bar.

What happened.
With a full Forge Point bar (i.e. 10 points) I tried to collect from my 3 motivated shrines of knowledge. I collected all of them and no forge points were added to F.P. bar.

Player name: Mictlantecutli
Server: Dunarsund

1.47.29553 (26.02.2015 13:08), Mictlantecutli (98385), zz1, en_US, WIN 16,0,0,305, Windows 7, Internet Explorer 11, 1920x1105, DirectX9 (336 MB VRAM)

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: yes

Note: It's my fist report, if there are errors please inform me and I will try to correct and/or add extra info.

Amy Steele

Hi Mictlantecutli, welcome to the forum :)

Thanks for reporting this issue! I haven't been able to reproduce this issue so far. If you could provide a little additional information by answering the following questions it would help me greatly in my investigations.

Did this just happen once, or has it happened other times? Did you collect all the shrines in one go ('sweep collecting') or did you click on each separately? Can you remember anything else that was different about the time(s) when this happened compared to the times when it didn't?


Hi Amy Steele,
up to now the issue happened just once (I will try to replicate it tomorrow hoping that all my shrines will be motivated and I will try to get some screenshots)

I have 3 shrines and all were motivated at the time I collected them and the issue happened.
I have seen the icons for coins and forge points when I collected.
I collected them in one go (sweep collecting with the mouse).
With the same swipe I also collected coins from houses.
I haven't noticed anything different from usual .. other than the version update.
Usually I am spending forge points before collecting.


I just collected (just town hall and shrines) to recreate the issue ... but today it worked as it is supposed to be.
If is it fine, I will try another time tomorrow collecting houses too.


I just tried to replicate (with all conditions) but it has worked as it is supposed to be (first shrine collected and FP total goes up to 11. Other shrines can't be collected until some FP are used).

At this point I don't know what else to do to replicate the issue.
Maybe I have not noticed some essential conditions or maybe there were no issue at all and last saturday I imagined everything (in this case please accept my apologies).