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Forwarded Change actions of Message box

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Much time is wasted retyping lost messages. It is also frustrating.
When using the Message Box, limit the actions so that the user must click X in the top right corner to close the messages, and/or have the system save the last unsent message so it can be reopened.
No effect on other game features
Abuse Prevention
No potential for abuse
The change would reduce frustration and time wasted retyping messages that are lost due to one click outside of the box.
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
looked and did not see it
I suggest changing the Message Center Box so that you must click the X to close it, instead of it closing when you click outside of the message.
In the browser version, it is too easy to accidentally click outside of the box after typing a long message, to find that the box is closed and the message is lost.
And/or, always save the last message that was not yet sent, so that if the message box is closed even accidentally, players can retrieve the unsent message instead of losing it.
This suggestion has been forwarded. Votes are no longer accepted.


Oh yes please! I'm already tend to open up Notepad++, write my message there, then copy-paste the message back to the game. It's already awful to write longer messages, not to mention this, when you misclick and lose everything you wrote. I even created an idea about it: https://forum.beta.forgeofempires.c...e-the-window-size-for-writing-messages.15697/.

+1: Maybe it's okay if you can close the message window if you click out of the message box, but in that case, a warning window should popup that must be closed with clicking on "OK". And to please everyone, have an option to disable it, so it's up to the player to decide.
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Spoiler Poster
I want to be able to close all windows, including message center, by clicking outside of it, but I definitely agree with Arklur's suggestion of getting a warning if you're writing something.


Community Manager
I would also much rather prefer a warning when there is text, instead of just disallowing the outside click.


I would also much rather prefer a warning when there is text, instead of just disallowing the outside click.
Maybe it could at least save the text so it is there when you open again, if it was not sent?
This forum works like that.
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