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Not A Bug: Car-Animation in visited city when "off", IE11 not recognized, car driving sidewards


Bug 1 (and 3): Car and passers-by are animated in visited cities despite the according option is set to "off", and these cars are driving sidewards and backwards

World: both, de8 (with version 1.17, which was supposed to fix the sidewards-driving cars) and zz1 (version 1.18)
Browser and Version: 1.18.20578 (16.01.2014 15:11), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 12,0,0,38, Windows 7, Unknown <-- this should read "Internet explorer 11.0.2", 1920x985, Legacy

EDIT: This also happens with: 1.17.20545 (16.01.2014 8:14), Andi47 (868769), de8, de_DE, WIN 11,9,900,170, Windows 7, Firefox/26.0, 1920x948, Legacy

Overview of the bug: When I visit a city in the neighbourhood (progressive era or later), I see cars (some of them going sidewards) and passers-by on the roads, despite the radio button for "Animation of other player's cities" is switched to "off".
Screenshots: n/a
How often this occurs: seems to happen always (tested a few times on both servers)
Urgency: Well, it's just a graphics bug, but hence the (almost ancient) memory leak is still not fixed, and any active animation consumes additional memory, I'd say: at least medium, if not high.
Preventative Actions n/a
1.) switch "animations in other player's cities" to "off"
2.) visit another city, preferably one which has two-lane roads (e.g. the first-ranked player, access the city via the Global Ranking list
3.) Watch the two-lane roads for a while. After some time, the first cars will show up

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: yes
Have you tried fixing it by using these methods?: n/a
Bug 2: IE11 not recognized with settings --> about --> copy to clipboard
World: de8, zz1
Browser and Version: 1.18.20578 (16.01.2014 15:11), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 12,0,0,38, Windows 7, Unknown <-- this should read "Internet Explorer 11.0.2, 1920x985, Legacy
Overview of the bug: When I open the game with Internet explorer 11 and the newest Flash (see above, just installed), The IE11 is detected as "Unknown" browser when I view the "about" tab in the "settings" window.
Screenshots: See the line copied from clipboard (under "Browser and Version")
How often this occurs: Always
Urgency: ?
Preventative Actions: Tried to reload after closing Firefox (had both, Firefox and IE11 open at the same time, when I checked first time), same result.
1.) Open the game with Internet Explorer 11.0.2 and the newest Flash (version see above)
2.) open the "Settings" window and switch to the "about" tab (Security settings are set to "recommended")
3.) Read the entry for "Browser"

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: yes, nothing found
Have you tried fixing it by using these methods?: yes
Edit: Why does the forum delete my clear lines?
BTW: In the "read before posting bugs"-thread, there are [ html ] tags in the clear text...
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