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Not A Bug: Buildings not displayed in town


Player: StingyBeta
World: zz1
Operating System: Windows 10
Browser Version: PaleMoon Version: 25.8.1 (x64)
Game Version: 1.66.c417d71 (11.01.2016 10:39)
Viewport Size:
1600x727, DirectX9Ex (336 MB VRAM)
Reproduction Steps: Cleaned caches, Logged on and off, other browser (Google Chrome) and refreshed several times
Issue Description (10/10):
Several buildings are not displayed upon opening the game on PC. Repeats itself each time when opening.

Update 1: no display problems on MS Edge browser or Firefox
Last edited:


Can you please clear your cache again (it may take more than 1 attempt) and restart your browser and see if this issue continues. We are trying to confirm something, thank you.


Did clear the cache several times. Was still the same... until I opened around 20:17 (just now) all displayed OK

For info, I'm using the Pale Moon browser (PC) for its speed.
Edge & Firefox are very slow and the on-screen movements are not in a smooth flow, but in a jerkie way


i just refreshed, and my city took lot of time to load as if there was a new update or i cleared my cache. but the update was yesterday and i didn't clear the cache. happened just once.