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Not A Bug: Bug in soccer prizes


World: Dunarsund

Browser and Version: 1.27.23676 (23.05.2014 8:12), Kite80 (62900), zz1, en_US, WIN 13,0,0,214, Windows 8, Chrome/34.0.1847.132, 1366x660, Legacy

Overview of the bug: soccer prize changed before the time elapsed

Screenshots: couldn't get in time

How often this occurs: first time

Urgency: low

Preventative Actions
I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: yes

Have you tried fixing it by using these methods?: yes

Nickname and server: kite80 (IT5 server)

Some minutes ago the soccer prize changed, it was winter market, then it became wishing well. I closed the quest window for a while, after that I reopened and realized that the wishing well was replaced by victory tower (the time didn't change)
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