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Do Not Suggest Blue Galaxy doubles also boosts not only productions

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gives more flexibility for players
now players just chose buildings with most FP to double

then they might chose different ones:
let's say they want to fight hard encounters in GEx level 5 --> doubling (or try to) defense buildings with highest boost instead
boosts get doubled for 24 hours
for example: if it has 15% defense boost then you get 15%

applies to the 4 "basic" boosts (attack, defense, coins, supplies) that are listed in town hall boost overview
don't know. maybe makes some buildings a little bit overpowered
(can't be used on Forgotten Temple because that one can't be collect)
Abuse Prevention
I think not abusable
Blue Galaxy doubles also boosts
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
not suggestest
I think it would be a nice strategic element if the Blue Galaxy would also double boosts (for 24 hours)

escecially when chosing chain elements
currently only the ones with FP or goods get the advantage of Blue Galaxy doubling it (the main building)
then if you add other chain elements they also profit from the Blue Galaxy

let's take the Wildlife Event
if I add "Lotus Flower Lake" to the Panda Shrine/Reserve then it adds 6 FP which then get doubled to 12 FP
but if I would add the Bamboo chain elements then it adds Attack or Defense for Defending army but then the Blue Galaxy has no effect on it
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Details fix: for example: if it has 15% defense boost then you get 30% (or additional 15%)
(don't know why I can't edit that)
The boost is independent from collection. So, how long should it be doubled? Until next collection? Then the player may decide to never collect the reward to have an endless doubled attack boost. I don't think that makes sense.


So, how long should it be doubled?
it is written after the first sentence :p
24 hours

The boost is independent from collection.
polishing can double happiness. that is also independet from a collection

so why can't boost also be doubled by an action (in this idea: blue galaxy) ?

I don't think that makes sense.
maybe DNSL or overpowered

but totally makes sense to me
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