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Discussion Best age for competitive GbG

  • Thread starter Deleted User - 57457
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Deleted User - 57457

Which age offers the most optimum situation for competitive GbG. For fighting which age and which units available? With this I also mean w/o maxing out cheesy questing to get units af many ages ahead of the player’s age. So, current age and 1 age up light units (cider garden). Also which age is the worse to be in.
The main factor I’m looking for is attrition tolerance. Factoring in an AO of at least lvl80 at at least 1k%:att_def_attacker: (in GbG)

And if there would be a tier list like this, how would it look like?

S (extremely good)
A (very good)
B (good/average)
C (not good)
D (bad)
E (forget it)

Deleted User - 57457

I really like Virtual Future with Rocket Troops. VF has no flying units and Rocket Troops have mortar ability.
I like VF's simplicity but double waves with lots of ninjas could make it hard at high attrition, I think

Deleted User - 279081

This is a difficult question to answer because so much depends on attack boosts especially now that power creep has reached crazy levels. I thought that CE and FE were pretty good when I was in them but I don't know what they are like now for players that would have much higher boosts than I did back then. For sure, SAT is terrible - even with boosts of +/- 3500%


First îs SAAB for fast fighting, 2-3 nailstorms and rogues, reached 100 attrition back in 2020 with 1400/650 stats and I was very happy with that, nowadays with crazy stats it should be even faster and attrition even higher than I was able to do back then.

Second is SAV with powerdragons and energy cannons but the keen eye is a bit higher than Saab had.

Next one is Jupiter moon, followed by Space age mars, tho space age mars might be better now compared to what I had in the past when I had to fight with 732/340 when GbG was launched in beta, was barely able to reach 80 attrition with that and pretty slow.

And the worst possible is Titan from all space ages.

I have zero knowledge about units below Space age mars in Guild Battlegrounds, but from what I have seen some people liked Future Era for GbG aswell but I think it's worse compared to any space ages.

Deleted User - 57457

@-Alin- thanks for the inside for space ages. I think maybe SAAB with some sentinels + nail storms could be interesting for space ages. I'm considering to move forward into the space ages for my main city but uncertain over the space age's competitive GbG situation.
@Ironrooster and @Pericles the Lion thanks for the points brought on.

I agreed with everyone, it's a hard question. As it has many aspects to take into account. Picking a durable unit that has the firepower or skills to overcome stronger armies. While hostile armies lack good answers to counteract. Especially at higher levels of attrition it's important.
I find it also hard. Because I've been for years in OF. Nowadays with roughly 1,5k% :att_def_attacker: I can comfortably reach 100 attrition. Wondering what could be the most optimal age to be in. To develop the best suitable city for GbG. The hardest imo is hover tanks are generally facing little resistance other than hostile hovers. Though in SAAB with nailstorm-rouge teams there's really a defensive army that can hold w/o much better bonuses.
I'm uncertain about SAJM. As you can collect :goods_next: from events to power level SA:T GB's on your own. Although a larger variety of decent units, like OF and keen eye could compromise its potential in competitive GbG's attrition tolerance

For VF I've also been thinking about the cider garden. As VF is in the unique position where you can obtain a unit with keen eye, while enemies can't. Although I think the space marine is the 2nd worse pick of the 5 for VF. Maybe if another next age unit type this change. For artillery it could be greatly advantageous for other ages. For heavies/range/fast for VF it could be a game changer. Even if the supply is severely restricted


I find it also hard. Because I've been for years in OF. Nowadays with roughly 1,5k% :att_def_attacker: I can comfortably reach 100 attrition. Wondering what could be the most optimal age to be in.
In OF I was getting 117 attrition. Aged up to Virtual Future and it’s dropped down to 89 attrition

Used mostly Rocket Troop + Rogues, but had to swap to Ninjas to get past 80. Current stats, only just aged up to Virtual Future beginning of December I think


Unfortunately, I don't remember what my stats were at the time I passed thru VF.
Oh well.

For VF I've also been thinking about the cider garden. As VF is in the unique position where you can obtain a unit with keen eye, while enemies can't.

now there’s an idea I haven’t tried yet….
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I know I haven't reached up that far, but for me it was the Future Era where I can get up to about 60 Attrition. Even before FE, I was doing good in Tomorrow Era at about 50 Attrition with a good supply of Stealth Tanks and Rogues. A friend had told me that when I hit to FE, it would be easy with a good flow of Hover Tanks and Rogues. He wasn't wrong.

However, I still want to work on my stats a little bit more, but it's going to be a very long time considering I work 10 hour long days across 6 days a week with a day of trying to relax before going back in doing it all over again.


Retired Guy

Future with Hover is pretty sweet.. VF is also good.. Rockets mostly, but you'll have to switch to Ninja for the odd battle. so far SAM (with sentinels) has me switching units out too often (only 1700\1600 att\def, lvl 108 AO)

Deleted User - 57457

now there’s an idea I haven’t tried yet….
I suspect the space marines to be monsters when it comes down to fighting pretty much anything but rocket troopers. They probably can survive ninjas much better than ronin bots due their higher defence... significantly higher defence. Also they have dragon breath packed with keen eye and high mobility. I think it's worth trying. For rocket troopers I think falling back on either OF gliders or rocket troopers vs rocket troopers could do decent at higher attrition. As they're practically knocking down artillery instantly. So, much less units to worry about. Ninjas and friendly rocket troopers could maybe get you also somewhere. Unfortunately I'm burning lots of gliders already in OF.
That's going to take a lot of events.
The 3 GB's require 2000/2500/3000 of each SAT good just to start.
The current event Present gives 25 of one next age good.
Fair enough, I was just thinking it could be a great supplementary source. While avoiding going to Titan. Compromising combat capabilities.

I think FE is quite decent. Maybe dragon drones from AF through cider gardens can help pushing at higher attrition against larger armies of hovers. Although with this you're losing critical hits. While in VF it's compensated by keen eye.


Unfortunately I'm burning lots of gliders already in OF.
Yeah. I highly suspect because there's 10 units in OF (+Champ), when it comes to the random unit rewards you get one "common" unit and one "rare" unit for each type

I don't have a Alcatraz in my VF city. Never have. I only have just under 100 gliders (rarely ever used them) but still have over 300 electric eels (with heavy usage)

Gliders is one unit you'll need to use Alcatraz to generate if you're looking to use it for anything more than the Map. You're not going to get many of them in random rewards

Deleted User - 57457

now there’s an idea I haven’t tried yet….
I've tried it on my original main city at live. It's in SA:M but has lacklustre bonuses and in GE1 you get previous age units. So, not ideal for testing but good enough. In practice the space marine in VF plays like an heavily improved warrior monk. Combining speed with dragon breath and keen eye. In some cases keen eye can be better than critical hit (2x damage, no unit's age requirement). Due to my lacklustre bonuses it's a bit of an inconclusive state.
Though I suspect there's potential with what we're working here. As the space marine has roughly double the base stats compared to warrior monks (and other VF units). Making it horrifically strong against heavies, samurai and ninja's (higher base defence offers better survivability). So, when getting into higher attrition in VF space marines have some potential but probably don't do well against rocket troopers.

In conclusion, the space marine might be able to serve well at higher attrition levels in VF. Serving as a super warrior monk. Considering it's larger base values, dragon breath (imho superior compared to heat) and keen eye (compensating no AO support). While potentially very viable, rocket troopers probably just wreck them at higher attrition levels.

Just my thoughts:

B tier (average)
At low-medium attrition artillery dominates. The meta is well balanced. When hostile bonuses getting equal or close to the player, the advantages gained from artillery gets significant lowered. Effectively at higher attrition battles become impossible.

D tier (bad) (speculative)
Early medieval ages
The ranged units are fast. Much like a primitieve/early armoured car from progressive era. This compromises battle performance. As decent counters at higher attrition become stronger.

B (average) (speculative)
High medieval ages
Artillery's range is significantly buffed. Similar to IA it's less effective at higher attrition. As the main advantage for using artillery is it's range but higher bonuses must support the unit to be effective in dominating the battlefield.

B- (average)
Late medieval ages
The artillery has lower range. Compromising it's main advantage. Ranged units are viable most of the time but at higher attrition it's getting real though.

Situational (speculative)
Colonial era can get early exces to jaegers. They can hide and strike at an distance. Nullifying hostile artillery and ranged units' advantages. Their ranged attacks making it much harder for heavy units but they can become a serious threat at higher attrition. Hiding light units can be lured out into an ambush. Overall this situation makes it A+ material, potentially low S-tier.
However the colonial meta is rough. Pushing closer to low B-tier, high C-tier. The light unit is the main painful unit. Heavies are also very resilient. Making them formidable. Hard to kill and striking for the first time from a distance.

A industrial era (speculative)
Jaegers are dominating this era. Only somewhat countered by heavies. Although the heavies are slow. Getting early acces to conscripts, this era jumps up to a potential A+ tier. As conscripts can well against heavies but beware of the ranged and artillery units. Them enlarging the battlefield lessening the effectiveness of all threats, while enhancing friendly jaegers.

B progressive era (speculative)
Thus era is well balanced. However can not take much advantage with early excess to bazooka teams. As they're too slow to be useful.

B+ modern era (speculative)
Modern era's units are quite well balanced. Tanks are very strong. Able to defeat both fast and ranged w/o too much trouble. They can postpone confrontations with bazooka teams until it's most convenient for them. Mechanic artillery however is their greatest threat. So, it's quite decent but not great. Early exces to commando's can be helpful against tanks but getting slaughtered by mechanical infantry and paratroopers.

A+ PME (speculative)
PME can take advantage of strike teams. If a PME player has cider gardens. They serve as an heavily buffed paratrooper. Able to quickly taking down tanks, commando's, artillery and even neutralising threats from IFV's before they can hunt them. MG-teams however make strike teams much less effective. With 3 or more IFV's in the opposition could prove devastating but this can heb absorbed by MG-teams + rouges or using tanks.
Overall PME is well balanced. However it's potential is compromised by this too. Forcing players to adapt more at higher attrition. Switching between units often. Strike teams can simplify this. As they're great against most units. While their enemies can be countered MG-teams/artillery fairly easily. Making the age potentially great but not supreme.

B Contemporary era (speculative)
The age is mostly dominated by tanks. No matter how high attrition gets, enemies need 3 shots to take tanks down. AO could help CE players getting around this. Ranged units are awesome. Especially strong against light units and even moderately successful against heavies.
Overall the age is quite average. Not too great but also not bad. A CE player could get early exces to another rapid deployable unit. Its range is worse than strike teams. Compensated with contact! despite this compensation, it's shorter range makes it difficult to use it. Using it as an more aggressive anti-tank unit is possible. However CE tanks can outrage the unit, just like all other CE units. Nullifying it's contact! ability.

A tomorrow era (speculative)
Stealth tanks and attack drones are great. Both units are able to dominate most battlefields. Tomorrow era players can get early excess to exoskeleton soldiers. They're somewhat better anti-tank units. As they can also attack drones. Overall an okay rounded meta but mostly dominated by stealth tanks. Simplifying quick combat

S future era
Hover tanks are heavily OP. After they got buffed with force field even more. As RG's power shot is ineffective against force field. Realistically only exoskeleton soldiers offer some serious opposition for them. Future era players can get early exces to dragon drones from cider gardens. Which are a strong answer against hovers and a good general use unit. Buffed against artillery it shouldn't have too much issues with RG's.

A Arctic future (speculative)
Battle fortresses and the best champions of the game making AF battles easy. Champions are awesome in low-medium attrition. Even somewhat high attrition battles can be handled by them. As they're buffed on plains and making remaining friendly units stronger, when one gets defeated. Battlefortresses' armour makes it that no matter the attrition, they can never taken down in less than 4 shots.
The only really serious threat is coming from plasma artillery. Which can be countered with dragon drones. Those drones can be used as an decent general unit.
Early excess to mantas don't help AF players much, if at all.

Due to the artillery being so strong, the age's potential is compromised.

OF's large number of units making the meta somewhat complicated. However gliders and turtles are awesome against turtles. Gliders are however vulnerable against heavies. Early exces to samurai don't help OF players at all. Overall the age's potential is heavily dragged down due to huge variation in units and the lack of any really dominating unit. Sure, turtles and gliders making it somewhat easy but overall the age is balanced. Making decisive domination hard.

Situation VF (speculative)
VF on its own is probably A tier material. Rocket troopers and ronin bots are the best units. Able to practically pull off victories easily when swapped strategically. However the lack of a flying unit makes the age harder. VF has early excess to space marines. Getting space marines on your team could make the age better. Their higher base values, keen eye and dragon breath ability making them a strong unit. Able to practically dominate all units except rocket troopers. Those rockets and lack of flying units dragging down the ages potential to end up in S-tier. It's probably an great age but not superior for GbG.

This age has a really rough combat meta. Steel wardens are very hard to kill. Tesla walkers and sentinels are quick and cause huge amounts of damage. Overall there's not really 1 unit that can beat them all.

Most units are short ranged. Making the 2 ranged units stronger. Early exces to observation drones could be situationally advantage but it's not really a good unit for SA:AB combat. The nail storms are most definitely dominating the battlefields. Putting up even a good fight against artillery. While less OP than hover tanks, there's a lot of potential in SA:AB.

B+ / A SA:V
In SA:V power dragons can attack anything. They're very strong. However the flying units ain't a pushover either. Steel fists and even observation drones are situationally decent. Overall power dragons and fast units are the best choice. Early exces to decision drones don't help much unless you want a unit with an higher keen eye.

SAJM is quite a good age to be in. Generally the ranged and fast units are the most dominant. When facing more artillery fasts are better but when more of the other unit types show up, ranged units are awesome. However due to the higher keen eye and stealth of division drones it can get more tricky at higher attrition levels. SAJM players with a cider garden having early exces to modular enforce is somewhat okay-ish for lower-medium attrition. Though it’s not really useful in SAJM

? SA:T (highly speculative)
SA:T w/o 1st hand experience is very difficult. I’ve only thought against them on the cmap. Based off that I’ll try to access the age.
Besides the heavies, most units are somewhat useful. Making it already an harder meta. The artillery is one of the most aggressive artillery units of the game. Falling back on SA:JM’s flying units is viable. However modular enforcers making it very hard. Overall ranged units appear to the best allround unit. SA:T’s fast units struggle to hit first. Giving somewhat of and advantage to go after them but at higher attrition levels they can give a though time. Overall most SA:T units are either overly aggressive or overly defensive. Making it hard to make a good push through them.
I think SA:T is more a C or B tier age. Based off my experience with the cmap, the base values and their skills. However since this is purely speculation I can’t make a good conclusion.

Based off my above thoughts. I think FE and SA:AB offer the best options. Their meta’s ain’t too exciting though. FE offers probably the best options: hovers are OP and potential early exces to dragon drones can assist in pushing past hover armies. SA:AB relies mostly on the frankly bad units besides nail storms. Making it very simple to manage.
Colonial age, Colonial’s meta doesn’t have a real answer against jaegers. Offering an potential greater advantage in GbG over industrial era.
VF’s early exces to space marines could help enormously. Aslong the VF player isn’t fighting too much rocket troopers. Using robins/rockets for low-medium attrition. Switching ronins for space marines at high attrition and onwards. Eventually completely relying on space marines and facing no rocket troopers. This makes VF potential S-tier material but relying heavily on luck makes it a weaker S-tier age.

So, from best (potential) S-tier age to worse:
FE, SA:AB, Industrial age (and VF)

FE, hovers are OP and dragon drones can work around this. SA:AB, lacklustre meta allows nail storms to be the apex predators but less consistency as opposing nail storms and artillery can become a problem at higher attrition levels. Colonial age, lacking any good answer against jaegers. Recruitment constraints through cider gardens making jaegers less disposal. Compromising the competitive potential a bit compared to other ages.
VF is a big maybe and unproven. Swapping rocket troopers and ronins primary at low-med/high-ish attrition. The dependence on 2 different units compromising the age’s competitive potential. However this is generously compensated with early exces to space marines. Effects of recruitment constrains of them is lessened by ronins. However the space marines’ potential to enable VF players to push through at higher attrition levels making VF S-tier material. If proven to be viable, this might lend VF into S-tier.

Under the spoiler I’m sharing extensively my thoughts. On each age’s meta and potential strengths. I think FE is the highest S-tier for competitive GbG. Hovers are OP and early excess to dragon drones helps around this at higher levels of attrition. SA:AB is another good potential S-tier age. Relying on the simplicity of it’s meta. Largely dominated by nail storms.
Colonial age and VF both have some potential. However they’re reliant on cheesy strategies enabled by cider gardens. Which constrains their potential. VF’s meta is more complicated than FE/SA:AB as it’s more reliant on mainly 2 different units vs mainly 1 specific unit.

I’d love to learn how others evaluate the different ages. Particularly the flaws in my way of thinking when looking for potential S-tier ages.


In conclusion, the space marine might be able to serve well at higher attrition levels in VF. Serving as a super warrior monk. Considering it's larger base values, dragon breath (imho superior compared to heat) and keen eye (compensating no AO support). While potentially very viable, rocket troopers probably just wreck them at higher attrition levels.

Just tried it. Virtual Future with Space Mars Light Unit at 3 Attrition. First battle they lost half their health. Second battle died. So far just using Virtual Future Rocket Troops fairs better in Virtual Future

Maybe there's some specific use case for it, but if there is it'll take time to properly test out. Only have one Cider Garden at the moment