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Fixed on Beta: Ancient GvG bug: forced reload, when an other guildmate kills the army [43355]


Reproduction Steps:
1.) enemy guild places siege on our sector in GvG
2.) more than one guildmate is fighting against the sige
3.) I am in a battle, a guildmate kills the siege
Observed: one of the following messages are displayed:
" Timing problem...."
"Victory, another guildmate killt the army"
"Internal error..."
----> with either of these messages, one is stuck on the battle map, or sometimes directly forced to reload (with the internal error). Only a reload brings one back to the GvG era map.

1.) our guild places a siege on an enemy sector
2.) while I am in a battle, another guildmate kills the army
--> observed: "Victory..!", "Timing Problem" or "Internal error", with forced reload or becoming stuck on the battle map

1.) While in battle, the enemy kills our siege
--> observed: "Situation has changed, we have to draw back.." or "internal error" - with forced reload or becoming stuck on the map

Issue Description (9/10): In ~9 of 10 cases one is either stuck on the battle map or directly forced into a reload when a guildmate kills the army which I am currently fighting against, or when the enemy guild kills our siege while I am fighting.

Operating System:
Browser Version:
Viewport Size:

1.114.c7c93dc1d7 (03.11.2017 8:31), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 27,0,0,183, Windows 10, Chrome/61.0.3117.0, 1920x950, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)

1.113.b1bf78261f (02.11.2017 10:29), Andi47 (868769), de5, de_DE, WIN 27,0,0,183, Windows 10, Chrome/61.0.3117.0, 1920x950, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)

1.113.b1bf78261f (02.11.2017 10:29), Andi47 (868769), de8, de_DE, WIN 27,0,0,183, Windows 10, Chrome/61.0.3117.0, 1920x950, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: YES - reported in JULY on live, ignored by IGNO?


Yes, please fix this obvious and old problem(s) or at least say you can't fix it or don't want to or something besides "we're aware of the issue", is it actually being worked on, can or can it not be fixed, are you just waiting for HTML5 to see if it magically fixes itself, please say something.


I am having a hard time reproducing this, so any additional information would be appreciated. Maybe it's just the timing of the 2 players in the guild with their actions that I haven't gotten right.


Yes, it's the timing - if 2 or more players are hitting the same army in GvG at the same time, all who are in the middle of the battle at the time it gets killed get internal errors and have to refresh.
Easiest way to reproduce: have 5 people hit a siege at the same time, at least one of them will get internal error.
And would be great if this is fixed in HTML5 as it's one of the most annoying situations - on a busy night at recalc time i have to reload game like 10 times.


This happens when your are in a battle in manual mode (not auto).
If you are forced to surrender for any of the reasons listed in a, b or c :
- You first get the normal error message (something like "victory, a guildmate defeated the army...")
- then instead of being correctly taken out of the fight you stay on the battlefield
- and your next action (moving a unit, clicking on the surrender button...) results in a internal error.