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Fixed on Beta: AI troop in upper right corner...


.. cannot be attacked when screen in normal mode.

This has happened twice to me. Once when I was trying to attack a long-range unit with a ranger in which case I was one square away. And once, in another instance, from a distance with a musketeer. I could only attack when I switched to full-screen mode. The troop in both cases was in the very uppermost right hand square.

1.02.14907 (24.05.2013 11:58), MaryBethCandySue (1140), zz1, en_US, WIN 11,7,700,203, Windows 7, Chrome/27.0.1453.93, 1366x643
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Confirmed, odd that when you mouse over it, the hex highlights like it recognizes it, but you have no action on it unless in full screen mode.