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Do Not Suggest Ability to put Great Buildings into Storage.

With so many new event buildings of all sized being added to the game. Space is even more difficult to juggle. It is already possible to store all other building when we need to reconstruct our cites. Because the game changes what we need in our cities also changes with our game play. We spend huge amounts of time, effort and Fps in order to level these GBs But have no way to retain that investment if we find that for the moment we do not have as much need for it and want to remove it until in becomes needed again.
The ability to store building already exists. Simply make this option available for GBs.
We can already store buildings (Many as big or even bigger that a GB) that give different bonuses without it having any impact on the balance game.
Abuse Prevention
I see no exploits ot cheating in this idea. as the GB wouls simply be put into storage. Until it was needed again. It would not be able to be sold or traded in the AD.
We devote a lot of time and effort and expense for years building GBs to aid our cites so we can progress in the game.. And sometimes find we may not need one or more GBs for a time. INNOVATION TOWER for instance at time we have enough population. TRAZ as well once we build up a big supply of troops, but will need them again when our stocks go down. Even guild GBs if for some reason (illness, vacation, house move )we find we do not have the time or opportunity to play the game as much and need to leave our guild so we do not adversly affect the outcome of GE.. Then just changes made to the game by INNO itself could potentially mean a GB loses its usefullness. All we can do is delete them. Then have to start from scratch if they do become needed again.
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
Yes I could not find anything addressing this issue or in the DNSL.
Ability to place GBs with completed levels into storage.
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imho if you 'store' a gb it should be reduced to a certain level, like 10.... but this idea sounds much like 'wanting to be able to store a gb so you could continue on it later without having to do so from scratch'. in that case, it would be on DNSL?


Good idea to store GBs.

I´m thinking:
- If a level is opened and fp donated, these fp will just be deletet (this unfinished level)
-also, remove 5-10% of levels when GB i stored, as a punishment