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Fixed on Beta: [40940] Inconsistent order of goods in Market and GB build menu


Reproduction Steps:
1.) For a GB, which you have not built yet, check the goods needed - especially the order of the goods in the list
2.) compare with the respective list in the trade window
Observed: The order is NOT consistent (quite confusing if I want to take notes: How many do I have, how many do I need? It often happens to me that I scramble the order when trying to do this, resulting that I end up with the wrong amounts of goods (too many for some, not enough for others) after placing the respective trades and getting the offers accepted.)
Expected: The order of goods should be CONSISTENT between all lists of goods - everything else would be confusing.

Issue Description (10/10): The order of goods in the lists in the GB build windows ("how many do I need to build this GB") are often NOT consistent with the order of goods in the trade window ("create offer"-tab). This inconsistency is quite confusing when one wants to build a GB and needs to gather some goods for the building. Examples (not exhaustive): Alcatraz, Atomium.

Operating System:
Browser Version:
Viewport Size:

1.97.c243f55 (03.03.2017 8:30), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 24,0,0,221, Windows 10, Chrome/56.0.2924.87, 1920x950, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: yes, nothing found.