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Fixed on Beta: [40913] Forgepoints not (yet) granted when collecting with diamonds (reload needed)


Reproduction Steps:
1.) have multiple productions ready (SoK, Sacred Sky Wach, Wishing Well, Fountain of Youth, etc.)
2.) collect with the "Collect all" button for 5 diamonds
3.) no FP appear in the FP bar
4.) go to tech tree and return to city
5.) collected FP are still not in the FP bar
6.) reload
--> now the FP appear
expected: the collected FP should appear after step 2

Issue Description (10/10): When collecting Shrines, Sky Watches, Wishing Wells, Fountains of Youth, etc, the collected FP sometimes do not appear in the FP bar - a reload is needed to get them. (this also happens on the live servers)

Operating System:
Browser Version:
Viewport Size:

1.97.b454259 (02.03.2017 11:18), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 24,0,0,221, Windows 10, Chrome/56.0.2924.87, 1920x950, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)
1.95.e5d2769 (22.02.2017 10:46), Andi47 (868769), de16, de_DE, WIN 24,0,0,221, Windows 10, Chrome/56.0.2924.87, 1920x950, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: yes, nothing found