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Fixed on Beta: [35175] Guild expeditions: freezes while loading battle


Reproduction Steps:
1.) go to guild expeditions (at least after doing the first big station in first difficulty)
2.) click the next station and select units
3.) attack
observed: while loading the battle map, it freezes
expected: I should be able to go to the battle without reloading (and clicking continue battle) for every single battle

Issue Description (10/10): When attempting to enter a battle in Guild Expeditions, the loading screen freezes (loading bar is somewhere around 95%), reload is necessary to enter the battle (happened in 8 cases out of 8 attempts)

Operating System:
Browser Version:
Viewport Size:

1.77.3fe43c6 (17.05.2016 16:27), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 21,0,0,242, Windows 10, Firefox/46.0, 1920x947, DirectX9Ex (336 MB VRAM)

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: yes, nothing found


Different browser but same issue except for mine freezes at 0% loading.
1.77.cb51328 (18.05.2016 8:33), Tiraje (96405), zz1, en_US, WIN 21,0,0,242, Windows 7, Chrome/50.0.2661.102, 1920x949, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)


I am having exactly the same thing in beta (but not in the live servers, everything is ok there). Once I got past half way in level 1, every single station requires a browser reset before the battle can begin. So far all of level 2 is the same.

1.77.cb51328 (18.05.2016 8:33), roster (61902), zz1, en_US, WIN 21,0,0,242, Windows 10, Chrome/50.0.2661.102, 1920x979, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)


All of my Guild has this same problem, no matter what browser.


We've not been able to reproduce this ourselves. For myself for example, this happened the first couple minutes after yesterday's Beta update, but once I cleared my browser's cache I no longer experience this. For someone else, they weren't experiencing this, but started experiencing it just a few hours ago. So it seems to be quite inconsistent.

Either way, we have passed along the information we have to the development team so hopefully they can locate what's causing it. If there's a need for any additional information to help narrow down the problem we'll let you know, but if someone does have any experience with the issue that might be helpful, please do share it.


clearing the cache did not work for me - it still freezes every single time when loading the battle. (freezes only in the loading screen for the first battle; doesn't freeze with the second wave)


I did nothing at all but few hours after writing about the bug, the problem magically disappeared! Maybe an update solved the problem (for certain browser types)?


The problem isn't solved. I've experienced it (expedition level 1), it "disappeared" for a while (expedition level 2), and reappered today (expedition level 3).
I've been in Arctic Age all this time.
Don't know if it could be linked to expedition level, it may be a sheer coincidence.