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Fixed on Beta: [33671] Can't donate maximum amount of goods to Treasury


There are two ways to reproduce the bug:

Reproduction Steps a.) :

1. Open guild window and go to treasury tab
2. select the good which you want to donate
3. enter an amount which is more than you have
--> the number in the donation box is set to the amount you have (everything ok so far), e.g. when you want to donate tar and have 390 tar, it is set to 390
4. Click "Donate"
--> nothing happens, the goods are NOT donated

Reproduction Steps b.):
1. Open guild window and go to treasury tab
2. select the good which you want to donate
3. enter exactly the amount you have (example: when you want to donate tar and have 390 tar, enter 390)
4. Click "Donate"
--> nothing happens, the goods are NOT donated

after a.) or b.) do:
5. reduce the number in the donation box by one (in the above examples: select 389 tar)
6. Click "Donate"
--> now the goods are donated

My guess: it checks whether the amount intended to donate is "less than the maximum", this should be "less or equal to the maximum".

Issue Description (10/10): When entering the amount of goods which you have (i.e. intend to spend all goods you have of one kind), it won't work, you need to enter a number at least one less than the maximum.

Technical Info:
.f060274 (17.03.2016 8:33), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 21,0,0,182, Windows 10, Firefox/45.0, 1920x945, DirectX9Ex (336 MB VRAM)

(Note: the technical info copies exactly like here, i.e. there is a "newline" after the "1.72" in the version number. This causes the version number only shown as "1.72" (without the .f060274) in the loading screen.)

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: Yes, nothing found


Not a bug. It's to prevent players from donating all there goods into treasury. There was other changes as well that effected the number of forge points collected from city collection as well.


If you have only 1 goods left of any goods type, you could try donating it and see that you can't. :p

Thank you for the reproduction steps, the issue has been reported.