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Search results

  1. Rejected Happiness

    Players whom have played for years and developed cities to the max etc.. would be very unhappy if Inno was to suddenly in the wink of an eyelash take away a large chunk of what we built having worked years to accomplish this within the framework of the happiness guidelines. True coins and goods...
  2. Fragments of Mass aid kits needed.

    Awesome thanks.
  3. Fragments of Mass aid kits needed.

    I am unable to find the info on how many fragments it takes to complete a Mass aid kit. If anyone is able to answer it would greatly be appreciated. I see the winter event 2023 as a premium reward has the Nutcracker guard house as an option and hope it solves the lack of aid that myself and...
  4. Do Not Suggest Diamond mass motivate and collect

    You may have a point 25 is low even 50 would be ok. or an addition to Forge plus. Unfortunately not everyone went after the nutcrackers and nothing else has come along as such. Now we know that frags seem to have taken priority over FPs and came as a total unexpected surprise.
  5. Do Not Suggest Diamond mass motivate and collect

    i would like to propose the addition of a mass motivate and collect diamond buy perhaps 20 to 25 diamonds.
  6. Feedback Guild Expedition Update

    With most weeks GBG is very much farming in my Live world and once in a while cornering. with 1500-800 % attack army in SAV can fly to attrition 80+ and with manual pain hit early 100 attrition. While Inno was giving attack like candy since 2019 players boosted to insanly high (what I consider...
  7. Spoiler Space Age Titan

    Ditto here. It would be sought affter by many players. New players as well. can imagine any player with a standard defensive boost of lets say 200 - 500 % at level 10 this gb would boost the defending armies defence 30 % to 260 - 650 and 1 % every second level there after. Ofcourse the 2nd...
  8. Discussion Guild Battlegrounds Watchtower and Siege Camp Ability Re-balance

    That would be unfair they were hard workers and sneaks Let them stay in their guilds as they wish unless true colours of lyalty shown. Platinum and below shoud not be nerfed see them jump Inno can code any jump to any guild will deny gbg season ahead ?
  9. Discussion Guild Battlegrounds Watchtower and Siege Camp Ability Re-balance

    Bingo 1 suggestion 1 request Suggestion If you plan to do the nerf Awesome make it in dimond leages above 901 and let all others catch up to the freebasers last 2 + years leve Platinum and below as is full camp power you can go Platinum 975 that will cause fair play. Request give live servers...
  10. Discussion Guild Battlegrounds Watchtower and Siege Camp Ability Re-balance

    You see Inno this nerf is good but very very sad theat many guiklds fight so hard to get a province wit 1 camp then 1 camp while others get 2 camps then 3. Nerf to 66.6% is good but please fix this camp distribution if it goes live sever. do not put 1 camp in ring 2 for a guild and 2 for...
  11. Rejected Inno 2 years of neglect city defence

    Inno devs you have been giving attack free with GBG farming and events . Do not deny this 2k attack is across all worlds and in the mean time you for 2 years since covid negleted all defence ????????????? fix this make a new HMA GB Great wall of China thet boosts total city defence 3% to lvel...
  12. Discussion Guild Battlegrounds Watchtower and Siege Camp Ability Re-balance

    I am oce again sorry INNO your 3 camps to me and listen please are a total scam unwillingly . Asc much as the 66.5% is a great move How many will complain its more like 35% lol. Not one time have 3 camp fights ever ever stayed bellow 36-48% are you hesitant to release how many of us cross world...
  13. Discussion Guild Battlegrounds Watchtower and Siege Camp Ability Re-balance

    A while back I complained before I stopped doing 1 to 2k $ buys indiamonds to Inno how I never got less than 40% trrition per 100 3 camp fights. Are developers and mods and administrators going to assure 66.6 means 66.6 10 fights not 10k average? You must have recieved plenty of complaints 3...
  14. Discussion Guild Battlegrounds Watchtower and Siege Camp Ability Re-balance

    If This is the best Inno can offer it is fine to prevent guild farming that has lead to players migrating to top guilds while the few of us super strong dedicated independant players have loathed watching flags 159 of 160 galore being held by 2 to 3 guilds leaving 98% of players in total disgust...