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Feedback Forge 12th Anniversary Event 2024


What is a "wind" gem? None of the gems look like wind. I see blue, green and orange. I'm guessing green, but its pitiful that when I hover over things it doesn't tell me what it is.
The ‘element’ of each key also appears in the key storage area, next to the chests on the right side of the event window. If you mouse over any selection of key, it will give the name in the popup.


From the daily challange anniversary related chest:
View attachment 11003

I think that is the only place in game where the name appears.
Thanks. I don't think Rival is a good mix with this event. This is worse than the pop tiles of a color that isn't there. I think I'm mostly going to have to ignore Rival's quest and just collect when I accidently do something. Its like its trying to temp us into playing badly.


Rivals Questline is utter Garbage in its current State.
- skill level of tasks is very low and only depends on Random distribution of gems on board. Eg for the task to free 2 wind Gems, I needed 3 Boards.
- task requirements are way too high. I spent +3k Energy and only managed to complete 11 Tasks


Rivals Questline is utter Garbage in its current State.
- skill level of tasks is very low and only depends on Random distribution of gems on board. Eg for the task to free 2 wind Gems, I needed 3 Boards.
- task requirements are way too high. I spent +3k Energy and only managed to complete 11 Tasks
That's shocking


Perk Creator
With the rival's balance, they could've even given us straight up an spawner for the grand building. Alternatively just one fully maxed out grand event building. If the rival dude forcing us to complete the majority of the boards we would've completed throughout the entire event within 2d.


I'm not certain this rival trial is doable - even spending diamonds I couldn't get more than a few done. It's so dependent on random luck of what you get in each board.

Importantly, the wildlife and anniversary event are not a 1-to-1 challenge. Moves per game in wildlife was much lower, - in a day you had 3 games x 25 moves, which is about 750 tubes in this, plus you pay a penalty/game in anniversary. Within that context, the challenges built on luck (n of level 1 tiles) just cannot be done.
Similarly, you run the risk that happened in st pats day, where you were actually in better profit if you did a few, got some boosts, and then stopped because the costs vs reward benefits get way too high.

I am very pro rival challenges, but I just don't this one is doable or worth trying to finish, and I think that's a bad set up for the game.

Few solutions I think could be doable:

1. change the criteria, e.g. early stages just require unlock X wind tiles of any level, or get X wind keys (thats currently part of 1 early one, but it's a really good early one if on it's own). Also more GE quests earlier, that's a great and natural combination given it launches on a Tuesday.
2. Give away tubes as most of the early prize, and give more of them. It means you can play more and try to get further, plus it's a desirable prize to play.
3. scale up prizes better, I don't understand why the boosts seem to be so forward in the prizes, do more of a mix of tubes and boosts, with boosts increasing as you go higher (and higher number of tubes).
4. Change the prices for the tubes, 820 tubes for 1990 diamonds is not reasonable. I think you want people to pay diamonds to play rival (fair enough I spend them, nice motivator that doesn't stop access to full play for non-diamond users), but 820 isn't enough to do rival, even 2 or 3 wouldn't be as is. Give more tubes for that price, so it feels worth buying them and playing rival.

Just my thoughts - again really like rival and want to see it played and integrated, but I don't think this has been successful for this game yet unfortunately.
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Perk Creator
I accepted the risk of hurting myself and this shows that the available currency that I could initially have (almost 5k energy + 2k won in the rival) would not have been enough. In order to complete, I purchased 1 large pack of energy and, if I am lucky, I will finish it after 29 boards otherwise after 30...
I played up now 27 boards
View attachment 11009
Sounds like if completing 1 rival for free is your goal, you wait for the 2nd rival then. Would've made the extra energy you needed by then.


Overall I don't mind this rival - it doesn't ask you to sabotage your play entirely *cough* St Patricks *cough*, just play differently (going for full clears to a large extent over cheap resets - which there at least is some motivation to do anyways - and the pickaxe and colorless gem boosters make more reasonable). Not good for league progress, but good for collecting board-clear prizes - where extraneous st pat's managers are good for absolutely nothing.


kindly requesting to give in English please?
I can translate here to understand the operations:
energia = energy
Mina gemma = gem mine
Piccone = pickaxe
essenza prismatica = prismatic essence
Tabella = board
Vento = wind
Acqua = water
Fuoco = fire
Generale = general means to the last one you can see at start

During the progress I wrote when I arrived after finished a board and means what missions I encountered (but not the rewards)
Torre congiunzione = Tower of conjuction selection kit
Pozzo = wishing well
Restringi pozzo = wishing well shrink kit
Palco delle ere = stage of ages selection kit
kit epico = epic anniversary selection kit
Completa = done/completed
Termina tutte p.s. = Finish all special production
First I would appreciate if we would talk during the events in colours but in wind, water and fire. It would make it easier. Alternativly show water, wind and fire in the cristals. Second. Although the introducing information is talking about fire/red is more commen its kind of vanishing during the need of fire crystals. The chrystal tools feels to me kind of useless as you dont need to change the coulor of the free crystals but the unfreed ones. I will stop now at quest 24, finish the board and will not go for another risky board for some more of 180 energy. A better boost/tool would be renewing the bord for 0 or kind of that. As you need a lot of boards in order to fulfill the tasks during the rival
And since a while the number of different buildings is really anoying. I completly lost overview over efficiency road need and none road needed and where to put what and what to get out of kits and what is available in what kit and which kits are helpful and what not... My inventory is overloaded of scrap vs good stuff and I cant get it sorted out. One can not cluster certain stuff and one is not able to understand what building is gread, fine or useless. OK I am clear about the useless. But there are already a few dozens nice to have but I dont have even space. Tools are not available in order to get any overview. Again we have some great stuff in 3 - 5 even more really nice buildings, But... where to build and how to get overview, especially over all these fragments/fragmented nice buildings with lvls and gold lvls and even more better levels.!!!!
I am at a point of this game where it is overfragmented and overdeveloped. Cant find any other words. I would love to get a little less overwhelmed by extra ordinary buildings and stuff getting back to where this game catched me.... strategy, fun and social interaction within a guild

Tudor Almighty

I don’t understand why this Rival Questline started at the same time as GEX, if it’s not GEX related, it makes no sense, it should have started at the same time with the event, and judging by the quests it has it should have lasted for like a week. I have done all the rush quests and spent all my energy on clearing boards in the first 3 days, because in the first 3 days you offered the most important daily specials, in my opinion.

You used to offer the previous years event prizes or the epic selection kit once in the very first day of the event, and once in the very last day of the event, but now you are offering these prizes only at the beginning, so I see myself forced to rush through the quests and spend everything I’ve got in the very first day, so I don’t find it fair what you do with this Rival Questline, it has no synergy with the event, it even started 4 days before the 1k energy milestone, and I don’t like it one bit that you are forcing me to choose between either doing the Rival Questline or getting the previous year daily specials.
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I don’t understand why this Rival Questline started at the same time as GEX, if it’s not GEX related, it makes no sense, it should have started at the same time with the event, and judging by the quests it has it should have lasted for like a week. I have done all the rush quests and spent all my energy on clearing boards in the first 3 days, because in the first 3 days you offered the most important daily specials, in my opinion.

You used to offer the previous years event prizes or the epic selection kit once in the very first day of the event, and once in the very last day of the event, but now you are offering these prizes only at the beginning, so I see myself forced to rush through the quests and spend everything I’ve got in the very first day, so I don’t find it fair what you do with this Rival Questline, it has no synergy with the event, it even started 3 days before the 1k energy milestone, and I don’t like it one bit that you are forcing me to choose between doing the Rival Questline or getting the previous year daily specials.
Maybe the game gets updated at this time?

I'll also pass on this rival.