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Feedback Quantum Incursions


How much spoon-feeding is required for someone who's been playing FOE for some time? To me, big part of the fun of discovering a new game/feature is just the experimentation on my own. Trial and error - I actually learn better that way. Where's the fun if everything is going to be spelled out for you and handed on a silver platter?
There are several groups for a company to make happy. Consider a kit type product that comes disassembled in a package for the consumer to assemble at home.

The first group of consumers is the detailed instruction manual consumer. They prefer everything labeled with detailed graphical instructions of each step by step. The second group of consumers would be ones who look at a picture of the final product and work towards that. Third group disregards the instruction manual and dumps the pieces in a pile and works by trial and error. The final group takes the package to someone and pays them to assemble it and deliver the final product to them.

The simple solution to keeping all groups happy is to provide documentation for the lowest common denominator. The ones who prefer can look at the documentation and learn that way. The other group can simply not look at the documentation and learn by their preferred method. And the third group just throws money at it. There is nothing wrong with any of these methods, it is all up to the consumer what they prefer. The company has provided a method for all their consumers to be happy.

Shelby GT500

We don't want IQ as it was designed, but rather something similar to GvG that can be played on mobile devices.

This new aspect of the game must be playable on Interactive Map(s), and must meet at least the following requirements, from the player's perspective:

a)- Allow direct confrontation between players/guilds, in real time;

b)- Possibility of negotiation and/or combat, whether on the defensive or offensive side;

c)- You can play on this map 24/24 hours and 7 days/7 days;

d)- Being able to play whenever and wherever the player/guild wants

e) blablablablaba.

We don't want a LEGOS, FARMEVILLE, EVENTS or cultural colony IQ 2.0 game!!!!

Gentlemen Developers: The customer doesn't mind buying diamonds, as long as the game itself and ALL its aspects are appealing to that end, which, with IQ, is not the case.

Finally, Distinguished Gentlemen Developers: In the remote and only academic hypothesis that you do not consider yourself fit for the task suggested here, I regret to tell you that you have not yet discovered your vocation...
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There are several groups for a company to make happy. Consider a kit type product that comes disassembled in a package for the consumer to assemble at home.

The first group of consumers is the detailed instruction manual consumer. They prefer everything labeled with detailed graphical instructions of each step by step. The second group of consumers would be ones who look at a picture of the final product and work towards that. Third group disregards the instruction manual and dumps the pieces in a pile and works by trial and error. The final group takes the package to someone and pays them to assemble it and deliver the final product to them.

The simple solution to keeping all groups happy is to provide documentation for the lowest common denominator. The ones who prefer can look at the documentation and learn that way. The other group can simply not look at the documentation and learn by their preferred method. And the third group just throws money at it. There is nothing wrong with any of these methods, it is all up to the consumer what they prefer. The company has provided a method for all their consumers to be happy.
This new product launch we have mostly heard from one group: the detailed instruction group.

The throw money at it group has been silent. Their needs have been met
The dump parts in a pile and go at it group has been satisfied. Their needs have been met
The look at the picture group has been satisfied. Their needs have been met
The detailed instruction group is the only one dissatisfied with the new product. Their needs have not been met.

The bottom line for this new product rollout would be is this product making the expected revenue? Only accounting would know that. It could very well be that the unsatisfied group is not a significant portion of the player base. Perhaps the company only had the target groups from the above, and as long as their needs are met, the company considers this a successful launch.
I think the best idea would be t oconnect Expeditions with QI map.
The idea of one map for guild, where every node must be finished (get X points) by fighting/paying/goods etc is brillant

but the idea of second city is terrible and broing in long term.

If you would connect Expeditions with the map of QI - it would be super


I'm completely happy with this game mode. It's hard for you until you have no experience in the game and your statistics are zero. Now think about it, in a month or two you already have experience and stats are measured in hundreds, but your opponents will remain the same as now. The levels will fly by like seeds. Don't rush to conclusions. Level 5 Expeditions got even more hate, now they play quietly and have fun. Once again, many thanks to the developers for their hard work.


you know city reset every 11 days? and you start from 0 every raid?
I know. This is the right decision. Collecting 10 hours is also excellent. With frequent collection in this mode, it would be necessary to sit constantly. And so I collected it, spent it on the map and was free for 10 hours. Great. There is time for the fields and other important matters. I am very pleased with the new regime and that this vile GvG has finally been removed.


If I understand correctly your city only lasts for 10 days. Everything will be demolished then? Then why should I buy land and invest in better versions of buildings if it only stays for a season (11 days?).
I think it is a better option to let the city be as it is for at least the time of the championship (6 seasons = 3 months).
I agree that you should be able to choose another set of fighters (or better: more types of fighters) and other goods (or better, more types of goods).after one season (10 days).
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If I understand correctly your city only lasts for 10 days. Everything will be demolished then? Then why should I buy land if it only stays for a season (11 days?).
I think it is a better option to let the city be as it is for at least the time of the championship (6 seasons = 3 months).
I agree that you should be able to choose another set of fighters (or better: more types of fighters) and other goods (or better, more types of goods).after one season (10 days).
indeed it would be better


If you have it right away, then this is not a strategy. You yourself will quit this game because of boredom. But the mode when you need to think about what to do and in what sequence is very good. There are bugs, but that's why we're testing here. Time is short and soon we will launch in living worlds.


There should be a possibility for small guilds to play this game. An adjusted version.
Another suggestion:
(Small) players who do not have forgotten temple or tourney grounds have a lot more difficulties in fighting. There should be more buildings that give fightingpower for quantum.

Shelby GT500

If you have it right away, then this is not a strategy. You yourself will quit this game because of boredom. But the mode when you need to think about what to do and in what sequence is very good. There are bugs, but that's why we're testing here. Time is short and soon we will launch in living worlds.
"There are bugs, but that's why we're testing here. Time is short and soon we will launch in living worlds."
Look at this developer linked to innoGames selling snake oil here and trying to convince the herd!!!!!
Shame! Identify yourself as someone from Innogames! Or are you afraid of the reactions?