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Feedback Historical Questline - Genghis Khan

  • Thread starter Retired Community Manager
  • Start date


Please leave any feedback on the Genghis Khan Historical Questline in this thread :)
You can find all the details here.

Thank you!


BUG (in virtual future)
random reward is goods from oceanic future
should be virtual future goods


Es ist ein leichtes Event und bringt guten Zeitvertreib. Von diesen könnten ruhig mehr kommen.

It is a light event and brings good pastime. Of these, more could come.

EDIT: NormaJeane - 2018-07-16 - An English translation is required on Beta forum!
Last edited by a moderator:


Awww 6% defence ? Couldn't it be 20 % defense so it's a replacement for the Early middle ages convent? It's just a tiger rock with a different picture.


Building indeed not impressive at all, but that aside. THANK YOU GODS OF INNO FOR ALTERNATIVE TO RECRUITMENT! I had never hoped nor called for that and yet you managed to surprise me in a excellent way, I love it! :D


Yeah, not impressed either... It gives me 4% defense in indy ... Same as a watchfire lol. Besides, a building giving attack boost would be more appropriate for Genghis Khan..


3% defense in EMA from 9 tiles, LOL... And again quests on campaign map with no alternatives. It's kind of joke? Thanks, I'll pass :)

Feanor II

Not even going to bother doing it. Reward building is a complete waste of space. I stopped using Tigers' Dens (which is what it basically is) during the Middle Ages of my first live world.

Not to mention historically inaccurate. The Mongols were almost exclusively an offensive-focused army. Double the percentage and turn it into an attack bonus instead of defense and it's worthwhile.


Yeah, I'm doing it for the Avatar but I won't be planting the building though 880 for happiness in CA at 3x3 is pretty good but it's the same as Tigers' Den but has less defensive value.


I agree the defence bonus is pretty weak, 5% in Contemporary,in that same 3x3 space, ritual flames and watchtowers yields 36% and doesnt need a road :( With that being the downside of finishing the event, i do need reno kits in many of my worlds and of course any event that gives diamonds aa random rewards is worth playing in my book ;)


Not even going to bother doing it. Reward building is a complete waste of space. I stopped using Tigers' Dens (which is what it basically is) during the Middle Ages of my first live world.

Not to mention historically inaccurate. The Mongols were almost exclusively an offensive-focused army. Double the percentage and turn it into an attack bonus instead of defense and it's worthwhile.
I agree, every quest so far is attack oriented (defeat xxx units, scout, conquer, infiltrate, recruit troops, etc), so the most logical reward would have been an attack building, not defense, and surely not that weak defense building.
As a comparison - the soccer event is currently ongoing on live, if one needed defense that much, the Athlete Living Quarter is way better - gives 7% defense for 3x4 + coins + pop + 5 goods. Sigh.


building is nice and fits to the park, however much too low stats for that. It will have to stay in inventory in real game just for collection this way...


With the caveat that I'm a later age on live but do think unless the game makes happiness more in demand (negatives on more buildings) then its pretty useless in general and on event prizes...I have 50k spare as it is...


A couple of ritual flames and watchfires would compensate it better.
Genghis Khan ? Defense? That's so wrong..!

Give me the Reno kit only. and I won't touch the rest of the quests.