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Discussion Guild Battlegrounds Watchtower and Siege Camp Ability Re-balance

Beta King

it does make alot of sense, it only needs to be balanced within the game.

the good thing is, balance is always an easily possible thing to do.

lets say Inno introduced 10 different shiny things or perma-buffs that everybody wants, and they cost 100.000 diamonds each. And lets also say they embedded these shinies in a fun and exciting game mechanic.

now lets say a very active player who spends most of his free time playing FoE (a so called 1%percenter) can make 10.000 diamonds a month playing GBG. it would then still take them like 8 years to get all 10 of these things from farming GBG, all the while Inno is introducing dozens more of these shinies.

Everybody could get them at some point, but those who cant wait will pay real money.

This would be a concept that can make everybody happy if done right, because those who dont pay will still be highly motivated to reach these shinies. many of the non-payers will flip, not being able to wait, and will buy at least one of those shinies. maybe two, maybe three.

This would be the motivational way to fix any diamond issues.

the other way is the ugly one which most people hate: nerfing the dia drop rates or nerfing GBG at all.

P.S. inno already implemented this comcept successfully when they inteoduced the castle system.

most people seem to be haopy about the castle system.

the only mistake they made (in my book) is not having conmected it with the ability to spend dias on it to speed up the castle leveling a bit.

thay could introduce much more than that castle system
Or rather than selling shinies for diamonds like most everything else premium is sold in the game they can do like they did in the christmas event and sell the stuff for actual cash like the snowman avatar and nutcracker guardhouse frags and not offer anything in the game for diamonds anymore just charge cold hard cash for everything. Actually this might be what they are starting to do anyway?
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Well mister Owl , i can also show 1 season of 1 of my worlds , and it shows 2.2% so in theory like i said 2% is possible , And i continue to say probably not , but where are you now with your math of 1 season ??????????
that is 2.2% of your rewards
or 1.1% of your fights
Or rather than selling shinies for diamonds like most everything else premium is sold in the game they can do like they did in the christmas event and sell the stuff for actual cash like the snowman avatar and nutcracker guardhouse frags and not offer anything in the game for diamonds anymore just charge cold hard cash for everything. Actually this might be what they are starting to do anyway?

I believe that the nutcracker guardhouse is a fine example of what they did right, even if they sold the event pass for cash only.

- Everybody can obtain several in the long run

- It gives everybody an ever reocurring long term goal to achieve and still:

- many bought in to get more nutcracker huts faster.

I consider the nutcracker guardhouse a shiny. because everybody wants them and people are willing to spend cash and dias on them. dias too, because you could spend dias to get two or more chocolateries.

I once made two suggestions which in hindsight would also count as shinies which could serve as a massive dia sink

I hadnt posted them in the ideas forum so i dont know what the voting on each one would end up), ill copy paste them here as an example for various possible shinies. Although in my opinion Inno needs to create dia sinks inside and outside of events.

Suggestion 1: Specialist slots for GBs

Each great building got several slots (10-20 slots per GB) added to it, to put specialists in.

Maybe once every two weeks a pop up would appear on a players screen, where one random particular specialist would be offered in exchange for diamonds. The rarer the specialist the more expensive.

Maybe specialists could also drop in events, as a rare reward, e.g. if one opened a pumpkin in the helloween event, a specialist could drop as a very rare reward.

What values would specialists have?

There would be different categories of specialists, and different rarities of specialists:



the rarer, the better values


- Scientists which give one, two, three, four, or five (depending on the rarity) additional forge points when harvesting the GB - they could only be placed into science-related GBs (like hagia, cape, orangery etc)

- Military strategists which provide a TINY boost in attack power if they are put in an offensive battle-related GB (they could only be placed there) such as zeus, aachener, terracotta etc. the rarer they are, the higher the bonus.

- engineers who could only be placed into goods-related BGs, they would provide a TINY amount of goods of the current age when collecting the BG, and the rarer the specialist, the more goods

etc etc.

Suggestion 2: The technology center

This shiny would be end game content. It could be a massive dia sink because people would need to buy a plethora of blueprints (200 dias each) if they cant wait upgrading the tech center.

Regardless, It would be an upgradeable structure at the edge of the city (much like the castle-system) yet it would be something completely different.

In order to upgrade it to Tier 1, a player must

- own a complete set of 9 blueprints for every GB in existence (no exceptions, he must have each set of blueprints complete)

- have goods from every existing age

- have a certain amount of forge points

If a player matches this requirement, a red button would appear above the structure, and when hes pressing it, his sets of each GB’s blueprints and the goods from each era and the forge points would be consumed and then combined into the Tier 1 Technology Center.

Once the technology center has appeared, it can be upgraded to higher tiers, the requirement for the next tier would then be:

- FOUR full sets of BP’s for every existing GB
- even more goods from every age
- even more forgepoints

The third level would require:

- EIGHt full sets of BP’s for every existing GB
- even more goods from every age
- even more forgepoints

And so on and so on. You could level the technology center infinitely, with ever more requirements. The only cap are the (maybe exponentially) increasing amounts of blueprints, and the ever increasing other ressources.

Maybe if a player is missing goods from
various ages they could also be bought with dias?

What would be the stats of the tech center?

The technology center could reward alot of different things, though one had to divide the rewards into categories:

- the good old stuff such as attack / defend boosts and what not

- new things that aint covered by GB‘s, such as 1% up to 20% reduction to FP costs for GB‘s, that could come handy when one levels a very high GB

(ok for that the GB calculators need to have a new line being added to them where one can put up the level of their technology center, and i just came up with this as an example of what could be done)

- or head onto a completely new path and make the rewards pure cosmetic. every couple of levels the technology center would unlock a cosmetic.

- Or mix category 1 and 2 and on top of it, every level unlocks a chance to obtain a cosmetic:

uncommon / rare / epic skin for the tavern

uncommon / rare / epic skin for the merchant

Uncommon / rare / epic Skin for the Expedition Ship

jungle skin / desert skin / mountaneous skin / fiery skin / astro skin for the landscape that is surrounding the city

another possible reward could be (as a secondary or third passive reward): an elite unit, which is a slightly stronger version of the players age units.

Inno could name it

Elite-*insert name of the normal unit from the age of the player*

and give it a different color, to minimize the effort needed to realize it, because every age needed its own elite units.

The alcatraz would not affect the technology center. There would be no daily output of elite units. It would rather work like a casern, where you can unlock a certain amount of slots, and when a player produces an elite unit they could choose which one (heavy or light infantry, sniper, artillery or tank). If an elite unit dies, one has to produce a new (the time to produce one would be several hours up to a day). Elite units cannot be manually healed or restored with diamonds. They can only heal over time.

every 3 levels the technology center would unlock an additional slot.

how would it look like? I dont know, but maybe it could be designed similar to the castle system. Each tier it would look more epic.

/edit: together with the starship concept and other - yet to be thought out - shinies Inno could make sure to sell massive amounts of dias in the future and at the same time keep the crowd happy, and also at the same time not having to nerf anything at all.

At least in my opinion.
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Beta King

I believe that the nutcracker guardhouse is a fine example of what they did right, even if they sold the event pass for cash only.

- Everybody can obtain several in the long run

- It gives everybody an ever reocurring long term goal to achieve and still:

- many bought in to get more nutcracker huts faster.

I consider the nutcracker guardhouse a shiny. because everybody wants them and people are willing to spend cash and dias on them. dias too, because you could spend dias to get two or more chocolateries.

I once made two suggestions which in hindsight would also count as shinies which could serve as a massive dia sink

I hadnt posted them in the ideas forum so i dont know what the voting on each one would end up), ill copy paste them here as an example for various possible shinies. Although in my opinion Inno needs to create dia sinks inside and outside of events.

Suggestion 1: Specialist slots for GBs

Each great building got several slots (10-20 slots per GB) added to it, to put specialists in.

Maybe once every two weeks a pop up would appear on a players screen, where one random particular specialist would be offered in exchange for diamonds. The rarer the specialist the more expensive.

Maybe specialists could also drop in events, as a rare reward, e.g. if one opened a pumpkin in the helloween event, a specialist could drop as a very rare reward.

What values would specialists have?

There would be different categories of specialists, and different rarities of specialists:



the rarer, the better values


- Scientists which give one, two, three, four, or five (depending on the rarity) additional forge points when harvesting the GB - they could only be placed into science-related GBs (like hagia, cape, orangery etc)

- Military strategists which provide a TINY boost in attack power if they are put in an offensive battle-related GB (they could only be placed there) such as zeus, aachener, terracotta etc. the rarer they are, the higher the bonus.

- engineers who could only be placed into goods-related BGs, they would provide a TINY amount of goods of the current age when collecting the BG, and the rarer the specialist, the more goods

etc etc.

Suggestion 2: The technology center

This shiny would be end game content. It could be a massive dia sink because people would need to buy a plethora of blueprints (200 dias each) if they cant wait upgrading the tech center.

Regardless, It would be an upgradeable structure at the edge of the city (much like the castle-system) yet it would be something completely different.

In order to upgrade it to Tier 1, a player must

- own a complete set of 9 blueprints for every GB in existence (no exceptions, he must have each set of blueprints complete)

- have goods from every existing age

- have a certain amount of forge points

If a player matches this requirement, a red button would appear above the structure, and when hes pressing it, his sets of each GB’s blueprints and the goods from each era and the forge points would be consumed and then combined into the Tier 1 Technology Center.

Once the technology center has appeared, it can be upgraded to higher tiers, the requirement for the next tier would then be:

- FOUR full sets of BP’s for every existing GB
- even more goods from every age
- even more forgepoints

The third level would require:

- EIGHt full sets of BP’s for every existing GB
- even more goods from every age
- even more forgepoints

And so on and so on. You could level the technology center infinitely, with ever more requirements. The only cap are the (maybe exponentially) increasing amounts of blueprints, and the ever increasing other ressources.

Maybe if a player is missing goods from
various ages they could also be bought with dias?

What would be the stats of the tech center?

The technology center could reward alot of different things, though one had to divide the rewards into categories:

- the good old stuff such as attack / defend boosts and what not

- new things that aint covered by GB‘s, such as 1% up to 20% reduction to FP costs for GB‘s, that could come handy when one levels a very high GB

(ok for that the GB calculators need to have a new line being added to them where one can put up the level of their technology center, and i just came up with this as an example of what could be done)

- or head onto a completely new path and make the rewards pure cosmetic. every couple of levels the technology center would unlock a cosmetic.

- Or mix category 1 and 2 and on top of it, every level unlocks a chance to obtain a cosmetic:

uncommon / rare / epic skin for the tavern

uncommon / rare / epic skin for the merchant

Uncommon / rare / epic Skin for the Expedition Ship

jungle skin / desert skin / mountaneous skin / fiery skin / astro skin for the landscape that is surrounding the city

another possible reward could be (as a secondary or third passive reward): an elite unit, which is a slightly stronger version of the players age units.

Inno could name it

Elite-*insert name of the normal unit from the age of the player*

and give it a different color, to minimize the effort needed to realize it, because every age needed its own elite units.

The alcatraz would not affect the technology center. There would be no daily output of elite units. It would rather work like a casern, where you can unlock a certain amount of slots, and when a player produces an elite unit they could choose which one (heavy or light infantry, sniper, artillery or tank). If an elite unit dies, one has to produce a new (the time to produce one would be several hours up to a day). Elite units cannot be manually healed or restored with diamonds. They can only heal over time.

every 3 levels the technology center would unlock an additional slot.

how would it look like? I dont know, but maybe it could be designed similar to the castle system. Each tier it would look more epic.

/edit: together with the starship concept and other - yet to be thought out - shinies Inno could make sure to sell massive amounts of dias in the future and at the same time keep the crowd happy, and also at the same time not having to nerf anything at all.

At least in my opinion.
I agree that Inno should move from a Free-2-play model to a Pay-2-play model but i want them to keep it with diamonds and not move to cash only purchases so the people with many massive diamond farms and lots of GBG gameplay will reap the benefits of all their hard work and rule the FOE world! I've already got 3 nutcrackers and about to have a 4th. With my 2 chocolate's and the BG i will make a new one every 20 days or so. One person I know has 6 and will get a new one every 7-8 days if he uses a BG.
I agree that Inno should move from a Free-2-play model to a Pay-2-play model but i want them to keep it with diamonds and not move to cash only purchases so the people with many massive diamond farms and lots of GBG gameplay will reap the benefits of all their hard work and rule the FOE world!

Its sometimes hard to tell what parts in your posts are sarcasm and which are not, but they are funny for sure lol

regardless I say yes to the reaping benefits part of it lol

those who are lazy can still buy in :) :)

also, i believe that all these shinies and concepts would umtimately lead to the following scenario:

1. each server would get more populated because more people would start diamond cities

2. the dia sales for real money would go up because no one could ever keep up with all the shinies, no matter how many dia cities they own or how active they fight in gbg
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Beta King

im 99,9% sure that Innos principle will always be: if there is something obtainable in the game, everybody will be able to acquire it for free (even if only after 18 years)
That definitely was not the case this last event with the $10 usd second set of prizes. I'm surprised there was not a big thread of hoopla here on the forum about P2P this and greedy that! Most of what i say is sarcasm to get a rise out of certain people(fun to provoke people that are easily provoked) and many times to subtly prove a point or show how ridiculous something sounds said a different way.
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That definitely was not the case this last event with the $10 usd second set of prizes. I'm surprised there was not a big thread of hoopla here on the forum about P2P this and greedy that! Most of what i say is sarcasm to get a rise out of certain people(fun to provoke people that are easily provoked) and many times to subtly prove a point or show how ridiculous something sounds said a different way.
Since this is essentially the definition of trolling did you just call yourself a troll? :cool: If so, you'll get no argument from me.


Perk Creator
People act like the top 3000 players in every world all servers combined
You're completely correct. How can we've been fooled to believe that:
big boys - mean top guild. Not the top scorer in guild.
and when no he can do 1000 fights a day, doing BOTH free and hard sectors, after nerfhe will be able do only 300 when he choose ONLY those with 4+ siege camps
This is actually true, 1000 fights a day

@Beta King how could we've been so fooled to believe:
That her prove is not photoshopped and just made-up to making a point...

Can anyone prove that her screenshot wasn't photoshopped and the 1,8% of 25 diamonds been wrong. That also
the number of fights are false and made-up.

I wonder if someone who knows better math?
11.000 advancements * 0,48% rewards/advancement * 0,018 (1,8% of rewards being diamonds) * 25 = 2,375 diamonds
2.375 diamonds / 2 = 1.187,5 diamonds/w * 52 = 61,750 / 12 months = 5.145,83 diamonds/month on
are collecting 5k diamonds per month
Please provide us with you're divine mathematical knowledge to prove that 11K fights, with 0,48% rewards from
which 1,8% where diamonds don't boil down to an estimated 5k monthly diamonds on average. Also please prove
with you're endless knowledge that the screenshot is falsified evidence. With an screenshot proving that the %
of diamond rewards are significantly lower.

Please quote who've claimed that on all worlds 3.000 players are able to achieving this and not 2.400 players
of all players worldwide. Because that's boiling down to less then 0,05% of all players. Really that high of
an estimate on 50.000.000+ players?

I'll be waiting for you're divine prove that disproves all the people who are claiming that their estimated seasonal
fights will drop from app. 1k daily to 300 a day and prove that the diamonds % per reward is lower than 1% in
the diamond league.

Knowing that all what you've said is pure sarcasm. Including the disproven claims. I'm pretty sure that this change
will bring a good change with it. Not just for GbF but probably also for the game's longevity in general.
Please provide us with you're divine mathematical knowledge to prove that 11K fights, with 0,48% rewards from
which 1,8% where diamonds don't boil down to an estimated 5k monthly diamonds on average. Also please prove
with you're endless knowledge that the screenshot is falsified evidence. With an screenshot proving that the %
of diamond rewards are significantly lower.
emmm moment

its not like you cant ake number of fights. Multiply it by % chance and you get avg diamond.

If diamonds are 1%. It does not mean that i will get 1 pack of diamond once every 100 fights.

The probability refresh each fight.
every fight you have 1 % for diamond.
Its not like, with every next fight the chances increase. It is not. Every fight, it the same.

One can be lucky and get 100 rewards in 100 fights
other can have bad luck, and have 10k fights and ZERO diamonds.

Same as siege camps. It is never the 4% attrition od 4 caps. SOmetimes on 100 fights i got 0, while other one got 10....

Its enough that thay take the "try" of 1 milion fights, and got 1% diamonds. So yes in fact after reaching 1 milion you will have sure you will get diamonds. But It resets every torunament at least. And i hope it reset every fight.

Beta King

You're completely correct. How can we've been fooled to believe that:

This is actually true, 1000 fights a day

@Beta King how could we've been so fooled to believe:

That her prove is not photoshopped and just made-up to making a point...

Can anyone prove that her screenshot wasn't photoshopped and the 1,8% of 25 diamonds been wrong. That also
the number of fights are false and made-up.

I wonder if someone who knows better math?
11.000 advancements * 0,48% rewards/advancement * 0,018 (1,8% of rewards being diamonds) * 25 = 2,375 diamonds
2.375 diamonds / 2 = 1.187,5 diamonds/w * 52 = 61,750 / 12 months = 5.145,83 diamonds/month on

Please provide us with you're divine mathematical knowledge to prove that 11K fights, with 0,48% rewards from
which 1,8% where diamonds don't boil down to an estimated 5k monthly diamonds on average. Also please prove
with you're endless knowledge that the screenshot is falsified evidence. With an screenshot proving that the %
of diamond rewards are significantly lower.

Please quote who've claimed that on all worlds 3.000 players are able to achieving this and not 2.400 players
of all players worldwide. Because that's boiling down to less then 0,05% of all players. Really that high of
an estimate on 50.000.000+ players?

I'll be waiting for you're divine prove that disproves all the people who are claiming that their estimated seasonal
fights will drop from app. 1k daily to 300 a day and prove that the diamonds % per reward is lower than 1% in
the diamond league.

Knowing that all what you've said is pure sarcasm. Including the disproven claims. I'm pretty sure that this change
will bring a good change with it. Not just for GbF but probably also for the game's longevity in general.
You can do better than this, i have faith in you! The burden is on you to disprove what i say and to prove that Owl is lying with a photoshopped photo. Try again with some specific numbers of exactly how many of the 50 million players and proof of that contradiction please. Ohh yeah i also agree that this change will be fantastic for my plans to cut my gameplay down tremendously and still hold my high ranking so i am indeed all for it!

Beta King

emmm moment

its not like you cant ake number of fights. Multiply it by % chance and you get avg diamond.

If diamonds are 1%. It does not mean that i will get 1 pack of diamond once every 100 fights.

The probability refresh each fight.
every fight you have 1 % for diamond.
Its not like, with every next fight the chances increase. It is not. Every fight, it the same.

One can be lucky and get 100 rewards in 100 fights
other can have bad luck, and have 10k fights and ZERO diamonds.

Same as siege camps. It is never the 4% attrition od 4 caps. SOmetimes on 100 fights i got 0, while other one got 10....

Its enough that thay take the "try" of 1 milion fights, and got 1% diamonds. So yes in fact after reaching 1 milion you will have sure you will get diamonds. But It resets every torunament at least. And i hope it reset every fight.
Seems If i hit a 96% attrition free sector the first 15-20 fights i will alway get 3-4 attrition then none for most of the fights until toward the end but if i wait until 20 are done then start hitting it i usually dont get any attrition through most of the fight. Has anyone else noticed this?
I wonder if someone who knows better math?
11.000 advancements * 0,48% rewards/advancement * 0,018 (1,8% of rewards being diamonds) * 25 = 2,375 diamonds
2.375 diamonds / 2 = 1.187,5 diamonds/w * 52 = 61,750 / 12 months = 5.145,83 diamonds/month on
You can stop wondering. I know better math and your logic has a flaw in it. Assuming 11,000 advancements per season, 48% rewards, 1.8% diamond rewards, and 25 diamonds per reward (precisely the parameters that you described above) the average monthly diamond payout is 4,950, not 5,146. I'll leave it up to you to figure out where you miscalculated. :)


Perk Creator
emmm moment

its not like you cant ake number of fights. Multiply it by % chance and you get avg diamond.

If diamonds are 1%. It does not mean that i will get 1 pack of diamond once every 100 fights.

The probability refresh each fight.
every fight you have 1 % for diamond.
Its not like, with every next fight the chances increase. It is not. Every fight, it the same.

One can be lucky and get 100 rewards in 100 fights
other can have bad luck, and have 10k fights and ZERO diamonds.

Same as siege camps. It is never the 4% attrition od 4 caps. SOmetimes on 100 fights i got 0, while other one got 10....

Its enough that thay take the "try" of 1 milion fights, and got 1% diamonds. So yes in fact after reaching 1 milion you will have sure you will get diamonds. But It resets every torunament at least. And i hope it reset every fight.
The SS are practical samples with 11K advancements. From those 48% where consistently rewarded. From those
rewards where consistently around 2% diamonds. Please provide evidence in the sense of an SS to disprove the
SS from fieldwork. Please provide mathematical evidence backed by real data with SS. So far you're trying to
disprove with speculation. Which is basically (dis)proving nothing.
You can do better than this, i have faith in you! The burden is on you to disprove what i say and to prove that Owl is lying with a photoshopped photo. Try again with some specific numbers of exactly how many of the 50 million players and proof of that contradiction please. Ohh yeah i also agree that this change will be fantastic for my plans to cut my gameplay down tremendously and still hold my high ranking so i am indeed all for it!
You can try to desperately downplay. Ignoring or failing to understand the word estimated. If every world in existence has
60 top players, each language server FoE has 3 worlds have this are:
60 players/world * 3 worlds * 25 languages = 3.000
This are still moderate estimates. Please prove this is wrong. By providing evidence that:
1.) On average 1-2 worlds exist for every language
2.) Less then 2-3 top guilds for each world featuring combined a top player base of 60 players on average

I'll be waiting...


Perk Creator
You can stop wondering. I know better math and your logic has a flaw in it. Assuming 11,000 advancements per season, 48% rewards, 1.8% diamond rewards, and 25 diamonds per reward (precisely the parameters that you described above) the average monthly diamond payout is 4,950, not 5,146. I'll leave it up to you to figure out where you miscalculated. :)
Than provide you're better mathematical calculations. Prove the SS is false. If it's correct hat 1000s of fights daily are false,
it means all the cries about the change are lies. Cause it means the impact will be significantly less. I doubt that anyone who's
so upset to lose the majority of their fights. If their claims are correct and their new maximum is 300. I guess you guys just
revealed that the braggers are either lying a lot or that you're just desperately downplaying by discrediting, sarcasm and trolling
without any evidence to backing it up. All the while my claims are backed up by evidence by multiple independent sources.

Beta King

The SS are practical samples with 11K advancements. From those 48% where consistently rewarded. From those
rewards where consistently around 2% diamonds. Please provide evidence in the sense of an SS to disprove the
SS from fieldwork. Please provide mathematical evidence backed by real data with SS. So far you're trying to
disprove with speculation. Which is basically (dis)proving nothing.

You can try to desperately downplay. Ignoring or failing to understand the word estimated. If every world in existence has
60 top players, each language server FoE has 3 worlds have this are:
60 players/world * 3 worlds * 25 languages = 3.000
This are still moderate estimates. Please prove this is wrong. By providing evidence that:
1.) On average 1-2 worlds exist for every language
2.) Less then 2-3 top guilds for each world featuring combined a top player base of 60 players on average

I'll be waiting...
You have the mathematical genius and far more game data than i have access to so we will just have to assume that you are completely accurate that exactly 3000 of the 50 million players have over 10k fights per season and make "5.145,83 diamonds/month". I would not dare argue with that... Not sure .83 diamonds is even possible.
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Than provide you're better mathematical calculations. Prove the SS is false. If it's correct hat 1000s of fights daily are false,
it means all the cries about the change are lies. Cause it means the impact will be significantly less. I doubt that anyone who's
so upset to lose the majority of their fights. If their claims are correct and their new maximum is 300. I guess you guys just
revealed that the braggers are either lying a lot or that you're just desperately downplaying by discrediting, sarcasm and trolling
without any evidence to backing it up. All the while my claims are backed up by evidence by multiple independent sources.
No one has said that 1000 daily fights are false, they are a reality.

I'm not going to tell you where you miscalculated. Figure it out yourself. I will, however, give you a hint. There are 52 weeks in a year.

Beta King

No one has said that 1000 daily fights are false, they are a reality.

I'm not going to tell you where you miscalculated. Figure it out yourself. I will, however, give you a hint. There are 52 weeks in a year.
I did over 2k in one day last season and usually aim for 1200-1400 most days so it definitely happens