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Feedback Summer Event 2020

The Lady Ann

Forge bowl I managed no problem in all 3 worlds on main server, Spring I only played on my main world and am still livid I didn't get it fully upgraded, (only lvl 7) and I do play every day, rush quests done by day 3, all quests finished, every incident collected, did the jump that worked out the most efficient every time regardless of chance of daily special and normally that is what is needed for a fully upgraded special, but no, not in the spring event and I am very concerned about getting both ends fully upgraded once soccer event lands on main

Deleted User - 211269

inno, can you change me all my villa's upgrage kits for the crown nest's upgrade kits please? that building is a loooot better than the new one, I don't want the new one. they give me nothing good for my city. I preffer keep my CMS instead :)

This is a great IDEA!!!!!1 instead of forcing the new lame event buildings on us give us event selection kits!!!1 let players decide which year's event building they want to go after. Inno can still make new buildings each year, but players can pick the year that works best for them!!


This is a great IDEA!!!!!1 instead of forcing the new lame event buildings on us give us event selection kits!!!1 let players decide which year's event building they want to go after. Inno can still make new buildings each year, but players can pick the year that works best for them!!
You can use the time machine for this.

Deleted User - 211269

You can use the time machine for this.

Oh, I forgot the time machine function thank you for reminding me.

I was being flippant, but meant it at the same time. If players could select from any summer event ever they would be mcuh more excited about event even if the new years event buildings were lame. Many players would be happy with this, more happy players would be more active in event, and more active players means more diamond sale. Therefore, Inno would be happy as well because they would make more money.

I call that a win/win situation.


Oh, I forgot the time machine function thank you for reminding me.

I was being flippant, but meant it at the same time. If players could select from any summer event ever they would be mcuh more excited about event even if the new years event buildings were lame. Many players would be happy with this, more happy players would be more active in event, and more active players means more diamond sale. Therefore, Inno would be happy as well because they would make more money.

I call that a win/win situation.
It makes no sense to me. Each event must have a main reward, not a mixture of them. We have the Antiques Dealer and also those selection kits from the previous years. I think it's enough.
"Better doesn't mean better for everyone", but it's fair. Or, I don't know. :cool:
Is it normal in beta to not see the building and not be able to build it as shows nothing? Being it’s the first event I’ve been in beta I’m not sure if a bug or the way it works?


Is it normal in beta to not see the building and not be able to build it as shows nothing? Being it’s the first event I’ve been in beta I’m not sure if a bug or the way it works?
If you are playing on the App it's to be expected. Please look out for updates in the App store.


once upon a time we had quite informative arrows that provided us with the information which reward exactly we'd get after landing on an empty field, not just text "another reward"
where have they gone last year, and this year as well?


I should start by confirming that this is not a complaint, merely my opinion. I noted earlier today that I felt that this grand prize is not for me and thought that it might help if I explain why. Since it has a large foot print (30 squares) I will have to delete some existing buildings to make space for it. Therefore it is necessary to compare the rewards offered by the new building against those that I already enjoy from my existing buildings - So:
Happiness - don't need it have over 400K too much as it is.
Population - again, no thanks, already have 245K more than I need
Coins - are you kidding? - I think not - 18 gazillion already in the bank
+28% attack bonus - hmm, always useful but not as productive per square as other existing attack buildings like upgraded plaza, cms, etc - so that's a no.
+ 4 random units - not really, Traz, GE & GBG supply far more than I could ever use already.
+ 40 random goods - not really - daily production, Chateau boosted re-occurring quests, spoils of war, GE & GBG prizes already total around 7/800 per day.
OK, I realise that I am an end game player who has been around for 8 years now and that many will not have the same resources available, however the equation stays the same. Is this grand prize an efficient use of space. I believe that for the vast majority of players it won't be. One of the most important factors about this game is maximising the utilisation of available space and the sheer size of the building means that it is very much underpowered.
All is not lost however, the addition of 8 or more FPs to the daily prize would make it infinitely more viable. This would allow for the demolition of some SoKs without FP penalty to provide the space to park it although, it would still probably end up being replaced with more efficient attack buildings as soon they are available.

Deleted User - 242714

I should start by confirming that this is not a complaint, merely my opinion. I noted earlier today that I felt that this grand prize is not for me and thought that it might help if I explain why. Since it has a large foot print (30 squares) I will have to delete some existing buildings to make space for it. Therefore it is necessary to compare the rewards offered by the new building against those that I already enjoy from my existing buildings - So:
Happiness - don't need it have over 400K too much as it is.
Population - again, no thanks, already have 245K more than I need
Coins - are you kidding? - I think not - 18 gazillion already in the bank
+28% attack bonus - hmm, always useful but not as productive per square as other existing attack buildings like upgraded plaza, cms, etc - so that's a no.
+ 4 random units - not really, Traz, GE & GBG supply far more than I could ever use already.
+ 40 random goods - not really - daily production, Chateau boosted re-occurring quests, spoils of war, GE & GBG prizes already total around 7/800 per day.
OK, I realise that I am an end game player who has been around for 8 years now and that many will not have the same resources available, however the equation stays the same. Is this grand prize an efficient use of space. I believe that for the vast majority of players it won't be. One of the most important factors about this game is maximising the utilisation of available space and the sheer size of the building means that it is very much underpowered.
All is not lost however, the addition of 8 or more FPs to the daily prize would make it infinitely more viable. This would allow for the demolition of some SoKs without FP penalty to provide the space to park it although, it would still probably end up being replaced with more efficient attack buildings as soon they are available.

All due respect, this (and most of the complaints) are kind of absurd. Merely due to the high attack power, this building will almost universally be used by most every player/fighter, including high end players. Perhaps not for those that are giant whales with dozens of Asylums, but for almost any reasonable end-game player.

So its slightly less efficient in attack power than CMS/Plaza2 buildings? Almost nobody has maxed out their cities with those buildings, and they aren't easy to get at all. As a 125M player with 875/350 attack/attacking defense, I've still only managed 3x CMS and 9x Rotundas. I have 24 Carousels, which this new building beats for AP/Sq.

I also have 9x Cherry sets, which while slightly smaller are vastly inferior at only 7FP/10ap/10goods. Even if I chose to double up on Sakuras it would still be inferior. But I don't even have to make that decision to pull those up, because even with being a very end game player I have no problems finding space to make this happen. I still have two Pirate Ships, which I still see in many other high end cities, that I could easily remove if I wanted. You yourself admit to still using SoKs...those are easy tear ups for this building.

This is basically a great building for players that fight and especially focus on GbG. Players that have "far more units then they could ever use"; cmon now. I have a 77 Traz and gain 15 same-age units from TH and specials, and can always use more. Yes, some ages (mostly FE) don't get much benefit from the other 4 units, but most do. Even in VF that has one dominate unit, I still use 3 of the other 4 for various purposes (plundering, maps, low-attrition quick spamming). As for the good, 40 goods is also decent boost as well, and these are something that everyone uses, either directly in sales/stock or donated to the guild for more SC.


there might be dubloons in incidents... you would only need about 12 extra
Is there any confirmation of getting dublones from the incident? Because an average of 2,2 steps for each compass is not the figure I have in mind from such mechanics (usually it bounced around two if you were lucky)