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Do Not Suggest Store Kit for Great Building

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At this time where we get a lot of new buildings in the events, the quantum incursion and the events, it would be great to have store kits specially for great buildings. So we could store them in case of the possibility, Inno will make new changes. Maybe, some of them get in futur more or other attack or defense bonus and we have trashed them with level 100 or more, because we have needed the place. I think, in this case Inno won't give us the great buildings back, which we have trashed.
The same kit like the normal store building, but only for great buildings. Could be a award in a event or in the battlegrounds
I do not think so
Abuse Prevention
I do not think so
Inno provides a corresponding storage kit. It can also be a rare relic or a prize in an event. The user can then use this once to store a Great Building.
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
I found a reference to this idea having existed before, but couldn't find out what was said about it. In addition, the requirements have changed (increased release of special buildings with high values that are similar to legendary buildings).
I think a store kit specially for great buildings would be great. Is that possible?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think that a "Store GB" item would find a lot of use. It would also remove the risk associated with making poor strategic decisions relative to keeping/deleting a GB. Over the years I have deleted many GBs when they no longer met my needs. Lots of us have. If INNO updates any of these GBs, making them relevant again, I will simply rebuild them. As much as I would like to have a "Store GB" item I think that they would be a bad move for the game.


This is not a new idea. I raised it a while ago and was told it is on the DNSL.
I can't find it in DNSL. And I think the changes of the last few months warrant new considerations about this. I've noticed that many players are currently considering demolishing Legendary Buildings to make room for new, better Special Buildings. Everyone who does this
would have been happy and grateful for a storage kit!


I can't find it in DNSL. And I think the changes of the last few months warrant new considerations about this. I've noticed that many players are currently considering demolishing Legendary Buildings to make room for new, better Special Buildings. Everyone who does this
would have been happy and grateful for a storage kit!
I found it for you ;)
Dudettas said:
  • New buildings or items. Buildings and items are decided upon according to a feature, event, era and need to ensure they are balanced within the game.


Baking Sudoku Master
When the player can perform the store building option on GB?
Is it like once the GB gets leveled or in the middle of the progress before leveling. Players lose the forge points if it is happened in the middle of the GB leveling where players are donating forge points to it. If it is allowed in the middle and GB kept in the inventory means, how the forge points gets maintained in the great building from inventory?

Also, player contribution of forge points to another player GB which is kept in the inventory how it will be displayed?

If players keep Arc GB in the inventory, will they get the benefit of Arc GB or no benefit of getting extra forge points from Arc GB.
GB will be locked if moved to inventory, since no action can be done on that GB by other player even if they are from friends/hoods/guild. Is this what the expected behavior?

Thinking to answer this if you feel little awkward, then you might have realized store building kit on GB will give more headaches if many players start using it.


IMO, if this would be implemented, I think the best way would be, that they're only usuable on buildings, where no points invested. Additionally every bonus the GB gives should stop working, including the Arc, because the building is currently not in the city, when stored, like every event building. Only thing, that would need to be maintained would be the level, the GB currently has. And for the opened levels, well, I think, that should also be something, that shouldn't be saved, when the GB gets stored. This would force people to think somewhat strategic with their storing plans. Also with the plans of opening new levels.


When the player can perform the store building option on GB?
Is it like once the GB gets leveled or in the middle of the progress before leveling. Players lose the forge points if it is happened in the middle of the GB leveling where players are donating forge points to it. If it is allowed in the middle and GB kept in the inventory means, how the forge points gets maintained in the great building from inventory?

Also, player contribution of forge points to another player GB which is kept in the inventory how it will be displayed?

If players keep Arc GB in the inventory, will they get the benefit of Arc GB or no benefit of getting extra forge points from Arc GB.
GB will be locked if moved to inventory, since no action can be done on that GB by other player even if they are from friends/hoods/guild. Is this what the expected behavior?

Thinking to answer this if you feel little awkward, then you might have realized store building kit on GB will give more headaches if many players start using it.
What happens if you delete the building and there are still Forge Points from other players in an unleveled level? So this question doesn't actually arise for me. Of course, Inno could install a lock here so that only GBs that do not yet contain Forge points in the level can be stored or delete them from the GB when stored and refund them to the depositor. And of course, any advantage of the building would be lost if it were stored - as with all other buildings that can be stored. If the building is taken out of storage again, it will be in the same condition as when it was stored.


IMO, if this would be implemented, I think the best way would be, that they're only usuable on buildings, where no points invested. Additionally every bonus the GB gives should stop working, including the Arc, because the building is currently not in the city, when stored, like every event building. Only thing, that would need to be maintained would be the level, the GB currently has. And for the opened levels, well, I think, that should also be something, that shouldn't be saved, when the GB gets stored. This would force people to think somewhat strategic with their storing plans. Also with the plans of opening new levels.
Clearly the situation in the city would be the same as if I had deleted the building - with an ark, for example, the ark bonus would be lost because I do NOT have an ark in the city at that moment. For combat buildings, I would lose combat and/or defense power if I stored the building. However, when the building is taken out of storage and placed in the city, it should be in the same condition as before storage. We also do this with other special buildings that we store and take out again, so why should it be any different or more difficult with a GB?


not me. imo, if you delete a gb, thats on you and store buildings for gb's should not be implemented. if you want to remove a gb and put it back in your city later, it should stay as the way it is now and start from lvl 0. this is a very bad idea.
Did you put my idea to "not suggest"? Why??

Deleted User - 57457

@Catness only mods have the ability to putting ideas/suggestions in DNSL/Rejected/Forwarded/Implemented. Mods have their designated role underneath their name


Clearly the situation in the city would be the same as if I had deleted the building - with an ark, for example, the ark bonus would be lost because I do NOT have an ark in the city at that moment. For combat buildings, I would lose combat and/or defense power if I stored the building. However, when the building is taken out of storage and placed in the city, it should be in the same condition as before storage. We also do this with other special buildings that we store and take out again, so why should it be any different or more difficult with a GB?
I did imply that the GB would keep it's level, when stored. But as any other buildings, the bonus should only be given, when the GB exists in the city, not in the inventory.
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