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Spoiler Space Age Space Hub

We're almost 6 months out on this, no other information yet?

I was hoping that we'd get a space settlement double collect GB, but if we're not doing settlements anymore then I'm not too sure, but I would still appreciate it lol. Or maybe a GB that increases the amount of special goods given on the map.

I'm REALLY hoping this means to get access back to the other space maps to keep collecting the special good. Independant my bum, lazy slackers.


I think they generally start working on features ~3 months before they release on Beta or live, per some comments by one of the artists I saw a while back.

Here we are! About the mughal settlement:

So maybe a bit more than 3 months is the norm?

If you want to see the full post (with really cool art, btw): [link]
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I'm afraid new age will be a rework, less stock earrings "Inno" means less R/D . Most likely we have to conquer back past space age colonies to take control again for more insignificant vital produce? I would anticipate special goods will play a more important role in the new age, right know special goods are not making sense any more, specialty Titan age. Making special goods more important is a good change of the Meta :-D

We don't need more Great Buildings like Titan, they made other attack/defense great buildings powered crept compared!

I would guess we will soon have golden/neo upgrades for lower age Great Buildings!
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Usually the age is released on Live ~4 months after the first spoilers hit the forum, so there is no reason to assume we won't see the new age in 2024.
For example, SAT spoilers were out on 2023.03.15 and the new era was released on Live on 2023.07.10.
Or, if you just look at release dates:

- SAAB: 23.04.2020
- Venus: 15.04.2021
- Jupiter: 25.04.2022
- Titan: 10.07.2023

Apart from Titan the previous ages were released in April. Titan was probably a bit delayed and was released in July.
If Inno keeps this pace then Space Hub should get a release somewhere in July-September 2024.


Perk Creator
They just should increase friends slots and either coming up with some amazing GB or making an global contest again. Like they've done with progressive era's GB's. CF and Alca are one of the best timeless GB's of the game so far tbh


You can find the details here.

So far I am thinking that you will need to contribute to the Space-hub in every Era from Mars to titan in order to build it and you can only enter the "space age space hub" when it is fully constructed
I wonder if the hub will take you to an alien planet where you will need to build a completely new city from scratch?