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Feedback Space Age Jupiter Moon (SAJM)

Deleted User - 57457

Don't give any more feedback to Innogames, including bugs (only part they listen to) until real dialogue takes place.
Better to copy paste them: copy paste feedback from previous space ages.

SAJM feedback


Desperate in need of actual purpose, beyond credits to fund special goods grind.

New mechanics
The space ages desperately need some new mechanics to reestablish strategical gameplay. Just placing houses to grind credits and maybe some life support for discounted goods buildings doesn’t offer much strategical value. Something impactful that can enable slightly different options within colonies might work.

Rewarding ages
Up to today no space ages offers anything rewarding besides 2 additional expansions/space age. While valuable it’s pretty lacklustre. Besides the avatars and am achievement. While regarding the letter it’s obvious when you’ve reached an new space age that you’ve made progress in this game. Neither does feel actually really rewarding for the effort.
This could be achieved through unique emissaries for example. Though community feedback regarding potential benefits is strongly recommend.
Another option can be an strong and unique set of buildings. Similar to the chapel from EMA bonus quests but much more beneficial and suitable for space ages. As to reflect you’re progress. This could even be done through 1-time selection kits for completing any space age.

Just drop the keen eye casino ability. This mistake can be fixed by buffing the units’ defence, rendering keen eye ineffective. Combined with an decant attack buff in base values. Introduce new skills, look for inspiration on the forums or request the help of the community but communicate also back towards the community regarding this. For example: we are not looking for skills like this because it’s either overpowered or something else. Instead we are looking for skills like this cause it’s enabling new strategies and counter tactics.

Space Age theme concepts
The settings are often surprisingly inspiring and making sense. The stories however are sometimes a bit difficult to follow. Keep up the inspiring work.

Main city
Making some main city regular buildings competitive could revive them slightly. Though I’m aware balancing it while keeping event buildings appealing is challenging. Rather an would be nice part of my feedback but not something urgent, hkke


Better to copy paste them: copy paste feedback from previous space ages.

SAJM feedback


Desperate in need of actual purpose, beyond credits to fund special goods grind.

New mechanics
The space ages desperately need some new mechanics to reestablish strategical gameplay. Just placing houses to grind credits and maybe some life support for discounted goods buildings doesn’t offer much strategical value. Something impactful that can enable slightly different options within colonies might work.

Rewarding ages
Up to today no space ages offers anything rewarding besides 2 additional expansions/space age. While valuable it’s pretty lacklustre. Besides the avatars and am achievement. While regarding the letter it’s obvious when you’ve reached an new space age that you’ve made progress in this game. Neither does feel actually really rewarding for the effort.
This could be achieved through unique emissaries for example. Though community feedback regarding potential benefits is strongly recommend.
Another option can be an strong and unique set of buildings. Similar to the chapel from EMA bonus quests but much more beneficial and suitable for space ages. As to reflect you’re progress. This could even be done through 1-time selection kits for completing any space age.

Just drop the keen eye casino ability. This mistake can be fixed by buffing the units’ defence, rendering keen eye ineffective. Combined with an decant attack buff in base values. Introduce new skills, look for inspiration on the forums or request the help of the community but communicate also back towards the community regarding this. For example: we are not looking for skills like this because it’s either overpowered or something else. Instead we are looking for skills like this cause it’s enabling new strategies and counter tactics.

Space Age theme concepts
The settings are often surprisingly inspiring and making sense. The stories however are sometimes a bit difficult to follow. Keep up the inspiring work.

Main city
Making some main city regular buildings competitive could revive them slightly. Though I’m aware balancing it while keeping event buildings appealing is challenging. Rather an would be nice part of my feedback but not something urgent, hkke

@Juber can You maintain these to devs, please, maybe they'll change their minds and stop copy-pasting Space Ages Mars ...
We are playing right now Space Age Mars 4.0, with a enormous keen eye, fights are based on luck now, zero strategy, zero brain needed, just tell a kid where to click and he will be able to do so ...
A question for everyone who has already had some experience with the new age.
1. would you go up again with the current knowledge?
2. How's the fighting?
easier, harder or equal to Venus


A question for everyone who has already had some experience with the new age.
1. would you go up again with the current knowledge?
2. How's the fighting?
easier, harder or equal to Venus

1a) even on 0 atrition, after 10-15 fights I have to change units because are badly hurt.
0-15 atrition, 2-3 times change the units.
1b) Maximum for me is 110 Atrition 2004/1079-AO 114
2) You have to change units more often than SAV even on lower atrition, contact and keen eye aren't friendly at all.
3) I use mostly 2 harpoons and 6 rogues, after 8 gliders or 8 cavitation tanks, or combos of them in fights which aren't gliders found.
4) there are more loses compared to SAV and power dragons, higher the keen eye, random the outcome of fights, and this is annoying ...


And for a fact, we know they WILL NOT improve anything to the AI CORE after all.
Does anyone in SAV or SAJM need boost for Arctic/Oceanic Harbour or Synthesizers in main city to boost them? During 1 year between ages all top players prepare 50-60K of special goods both from Continent map and from Space Carrier before switching ages. :) Even same as SC bonus would be more valuable comparing to that boost that none could use at all. )) Very weird decision for the boost of GB in SAJM...

Deleted User - 241425

Who is the new GB for?
To what type of players and from what era?

For the guild treasury, there is already 3 GB which costs significantly less in FP. Not to mention all the special buildings...
For special resources, we already have a stock of previous eras being in Jupiter.
The official video even talks about help for GvG, which can only be played from a PC.

What could the developers have thought of when choosing the bonuses?

Owl II

I understand now AI Сore is for the same players for whom GBG is balanced. For players who is happy about the opportunity to buy 5 or 10 FP for coins. Who collects products in the city without changing their ranking points This is a very important GB for those who play tetris here, but not strategy. They login, did something once a week with our eyes closed and our brain disconnected, and go out. This GB will be very useful to them. Player who don't able or don't want to plan will build synthesizers.