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Rejected Event prize progress enhancement to bring gold league buildings


Baking Sudoku Master
Every building of the game should be made available to all players somehow. To avail gold league building in the event prize progress, introducing this approach with game premium item "diamonds". It will be a clear indication to every players to do something for collecting diamonds however they want to make use in the event prize progress screen. It will avoid the disappointment of not using some building which came along with the events in the game. IMO, it will be game changing moment for our game.
Event progress prize from basic, silver and gold chest will be collected only when players fulfill the collecting demand. It is similar to AD screen slots to buy the item. If player doesn't collect prize and event progress moved on to next prize means no impact. Because, collecting the prize is new challenge in the event prize progress screen since having diamonds in the collecting demand for a prize, it would be better to go in this way. And collecting values should be based on player's current city age. This doesn't have any impact on the league rewards and if they (development team) wish, they can remove the building rewards from the event league rewards to follow this approach which is common for all.
Maintains Balance
Abuse Prevention
Not abusing, kind of pinching every players to do something for the events if they wish to play events.
Diamonds usage in the game can be made tempted to every players in this approach on each event and it will do its purpose very clearly. Hence, bringing this challenge including diamonds makes event more interesting to all the players. It's easy to say like unnecessary headache on the events, but according to me it will definitely make the game better from the event side which destroys some long disappointment of not having some buildings in the game which was introduced in the game along with the event.
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
This was not suggested earlier
Introducing a small logic into the prize progress screen of each event.
Based on the event progress, prize progress gets moved accordingly.
In that, each prize can be unlocked as it is, but to collect it, players should address the collecting demand given for each prize which may be like forge points, medal, supplies, diamonds etc.

Please see the image below for better understanding, (have a thorough inspection the image given)

Here, existing logic will work as it is except the collecting the prize automatically.
Also, introduced gold league building with fragments to give an example how it can be used in the event prize progress.
Just for example placed in the basic event pass and given other collecting values randomly without any calculation.
It would be appropriate to add the gold league building fragment choices in the gold chest pass prize progress line of rewards.
As a note, event progress may continue if player didn't collect some of the prizes in the progress rewards.

The prize collecting demand values coins, supplies, medals, forge points, diamonds gets varied based on player's age. So, event starting one age and in the middle of the event player shift to new age means, prize screen will also get updated with new values according to the player's age.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.

All Free Now


I am completely supporting this with one small adjustment. I understand your logic, which is like, "nothing comes for free". But diamond options for event grand prize options are not necessary. If progress rewards placed with silver league or gold league reward special buildings, only those buildings with fragments can have the diamonds collecting option in the progress rows and can say happily a perfect enhancement.


I like this idea.

I strongly believe beta member won't support this idea. Because diamond spending is never an issue for most of the beta players and they love staying in gold league by spending it. Mostly it is through purchasing diamonds in beta.

This idea gives a sidekick to gold league 'dog fight' in the game events.
So beta server company profit through gold league concept is very huge (purely my assumption) and company won't accept any logic tamper this concept.

By considering live server, this idea will make majority of players happy but profit margin on each live server based on the gold league 'dog fight' may get reduced heavily.

Like @All Free Now mentioned, making that one adjustment make the idea much better but profit margin of the company will be at risk. Also gold league players will get two buildings once the event is over which is based on prize progress and staying in the gold league.

It is very difficult to compete against diamond farmers in live server for any player who doesn't maintain diamond farm. For tackle this, bringing new concept in event progress with diamonds cannot get a positive response with respect to games (and company) growth though it gives a fair chance to all players use every buildings in the game.
I don't think inno's going to go for it for silver/gold, they'd lose too much money. Honestly, this is what's funding the company, that's why the game's called forge of event frags. It's probably in some way DNSL.

Extra payment for the normal tier? Sure toss some of the good tier prices for diamonds, maybe it will help get rid of some of the diamond inflation.


Baking Sudoku Master
Events having gold league is never ever a problem. Having special building as a reward in the gold league is the problem which is not convincing (for players like me).

How much I need to spend not given any fixed amount to reach gold league. It will get modified based on other players progress. So if every idea asked for balance but when company profit comes to discussion, balance or fair approach will never be a discussion point in it with respect to event league rewards concept.

Extra payments are added just to make sure players get more engaged with their city on a regular basis to get ready for events.

If they remove building rewards from gold or silver league from events, I don't have any issue. If any day they go for this plan, I gave my suggestion to include them in the event prize progress which can be used by every players. What so wrong about it? Company profit. No, it won't, instead many people will get tempt to buy more diamonds now due to the normal cost value mentioned in the event prize progress slots. Just for a discussion, Which will tempt the player very much on sequentially spending the diamonds on the events, 3k/30k diamonds or 50/30/25 diamonds. My opinion is spending 50/30/25 diamonds sequentially on the events will tempt more.


understand your logic, which is like, "nothing comes for free".
I don't

execpt the first reward at 0 nothing comes for free :rolleyes:

you work for the rewards
doing the quests, maybe daily challengens for event currency, collecting incidents, ...
and then playing the event minigame: that also is work. considering how much time some of them need

and Inno already implemented a feature for people who want something for diamonds (not talking about the leagues)
in the Winter Event it was the Reindeer Sleigh

pay diamonds --> get more rewards


and technically this idea is on the DNSL
Changes/Removal/Additions of premium features

because per definition spending diamonds is for premium features

and this idea would be an additions of another way to spend diamonds :rolleyes:


How would this.... work?

Are we still expected to do Grand Prize progress with this? Or just buy everything with diamonds?

Are we buying the chests and then still having to spend diamonds to buy the individual stuff?


Baking Sudoku Master
How would this.... work?

Are we still expected to do Grand Prize progress with this? Or just buy everything with diamonds?

Are we buying the chests and then still having to spend diamonds to buy the individual stuff?
Sorry for the confusion. Image shared to illustrate diamonds option for gold league building only in the progress. I mentioned that as a point initially too. The idea mainly focused on including gold league special reward building in prize progress and to avail need the diamond option. While introducing diamond option for this, added other prize items with extra collection payment like coins, supplies, forge points and medals. Image shared with diamond option on different times, that is just to show the difference diamond value per chests and how sequentially it may varies. Diamond option is only for gold league building with fragments only (newly suggested in the idea) and other prize items will have non-diamond option only irrespective of chests. Buying chest and mini-game progress enables the prize slot and with the idea suggested players needs to do some payment mentioned in the prize slot.


Baking Sudoku Master

I am completely supporting this with one small adjustment. I understand your logic, which is like, "nothing comes for free". But diamond options for event grand prize options are not necessary. If progress rewards placed with silver league or gold league reward special buildings, only those buildings with fragments can have the diamonds collecting option in the progress rows and can say happily a perfect enhancement.
That's the intention of the idea suggested. Picture speaks more than words gave a bad impression to the idea very much. I explained it initially also. My only mistake is, giving the image showing diamond option on normal items. It is just to show how sequentially diamond option appear in the progress screen. Diamond option is only for gold league building with fragments only (newly suggested in the idea) and other prize items will have non-diamond option only irrespective of chests.


That's the intention of the idea suggested. Picture speaks more than words gave a bad impression to the idea very much. I explained it initially also. My only mistake is, giving the image showing diamond option on normal items. It is just to show how sequentially diamond option appear in the progress screen. Diamond option is only for gold league building with fragments only (newly suggested in the idea) and other prize items will have non-diamond option only irrespective of chests.
I don't get this free player with no diamonds are not going to get a gold level. Gold league will always fall into the paying players remit because they will progress further. What you propose is for you to pay to unlock gold league and then pay again to collect the prizes you have won,what incentive will there be for the free player It smacks of desperation.


Baking Sudoku Master
What you propose is for you to pay to unlock gold league and then pay again to collect the prizes you have won
There is one concept only. Free players should do something to get gold league building which is a premium one. If you don't pay, prize will be missed, but progress won't get stuck there, that will continue based on the event mini-game.

It's a little push to every player to pay again to collect the prize based on their ages. It's kind of making them more engaging after the event quests. So far, free players doesn't have any chance to obtain those buildings, now they get a chance to collect fragment of that building by spending premium :diamond: .

Players will get used to it for sure. If they are completing event quests one by one, the city will help them to pay again except for premium ones. Also, it is not mandatory to spend diamond to collect the prizes. If you don't want to spend, just skip it and progress doesn't have any impact. Why players to get desperate about this.


Sorry for the confusion. Image shared to illustrate diamonds option for gold league building only in the progress. I mentioned that as a point initially too. The idea mainly focused on including gold league special reward building in prize progress and to avail need the diamond option. While introducing diamond option for this, added other prize items with extra collection payment like coins, supplies, forge points and medals. Image shared with diamond option on different times, that is just to show the difference diamond value per chests and how sequentially it may varies. Diamond option is only for gold league building with fragments only (newly suggested in the idea) and other prize items will have non-diamond option only irrespective of chests. Buying chest and mini-game progress enables the prize slot and with the idea suggested players needs to do some payment mentioned in the prize slot.

Still not sure with that explanation what you're saying, so going to make a few assumptions on what you must be suggesting

It's a little push to every player to pay again to collect the prize based on their ages.

Are you saying we have to pay an additional 50 Diamonds to collect anything that's related to a Event building.... the first time?

I'm not paying 800 Diamonds in addition to the Event currency per building.

If I do pay-to-play I've already paid thousands of diamonds on the Event Currency per building and would have paid the $30 for the chests.

If I'm doing free-to-play and have to pay diamonds to get anything other than Daily Specials..... I would be wondering why I'm doing Events at all once I've got enough standalone buildings from Daily Specials to cover the city.

Diamond option is only for gold league building with fragments only (newly suggested in the idea) and other prize items will have non-diamond option only irrespective of chests.

So.... exclusively for the Free Grand Prize lineup then? There's no fragments in the Silver and Gold lineups.


Also, it is not mandatory to spend diamond to collect the prizes. If you don't want to spend, just skip it and progress doesn't have any impact

If it doesn't have any impact.... why would the devs waste time coding it in? By definition of no impact there would be no difference between having it and not having it. If I have to collect enough progress to get past a no reward slot then you've just doubled the cost of Grand Prize progress per reward, and therefore doubled the cost of Event Currency required to do anything. Who exactly does this benefit to halve the efficiency of event currency?

If I can't collect the prize without diamonds, then yes, you just made it mandatory to spend diamonds to get the prize. The bottom row on the first Event Building is meant to be our reward for playing the Event Free-to-Play. It's not meant to be an extra side offer or deal

I could understand paying diamonds to skip ahead on the Grand Prize progress. So if you've reached 20 you could (as an example) pay to unlock everything upto and including 160, that would make sense to charge Diamonds on. But it doesn't make sense to have to pay more for stuff we've already unlocked on the Grand Progress bar in a lane that's already unlocked and already achieved all the requirements of unlocking
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I kind of liked it... BUT

Any account that has at least a few events worth of diamonds (on beta) can easily grab off the tiers without as much as spending a cent (real money) for the tier itself. I have a few events I would play, and some I can do without so those 1500 diamonds I get can be squirreled away so I can get an event that I want to do to come by. For me, it's a very short list of the ones I would play versus the ones I won't touch. Coin, I have a lot of. Supplies, the same. Goods, I can part with some. Forge points, I'd probably laugh as I am sometimes stuck with a full collected bar if I don't have a need for a GB to be leveled or couldn't find souls to "bank" my hard earned FP.

Inno would lose money if this was implemented because no one will want to buy (on beta for sure; live worlds would be to the diamond farmers to having the advantage over the free player).


Baking Sudoku Master
If it doesn't have any impact.... why would the devs waste time coding it in? By definition of no impact there would be no difference between having it and not having it. If I have to collect enough progress to get past a no reward slot then you've just doubled the cost of Grand Prize progress per reward, and therefore doubled the cost of Event Currency required to do anything. Who exactly does this benefit to halve the efficiency of event currency?

If I can't collect the prize without diamonds, then yes, you just made it mandatory to spend diamonds to get the prize. The bottom row on the first Event Building is meant to be our reward for playing the Event Free-to-Play. It's not meant to be an extra side offer or deal

I could understand paying diamonds to skip ahead on the Grand Prize progress. So if you've reached 20 you could (as an example) pay to unlock everything upto and including 160, that would make sense to charge Diamonds on. But it doesn't make sense to have to pay more for stuff we've already unlocked on the Grand Progress bar in a lane that's already unlocked and already achieved all the requirements of unlocking
I will try my best to explain.

50 or 30 diamonds option gets displayed only in the progress bar lanes where the special gold league reward building fragments prize choice appear. No other places, diamond option will be introduced. Then why 50 or 30 diamonds option because it is based on fragments count. I tried to show diamond option can be available in gold chest/ silver chest / normal progress lanes too.

Image shared by me wrongly depicting it on gran prize progress. That is not what myself suggested with diamond extra payment choice.

Hope you are clear with this.

Now, no impact confusion i will try to explain. Event mini-game will help you to move forward in the progress lanes which will automatically unlock the prize slot to collect whenever you want. Myself added an extra mini task for every players event progress lane to avail the prizes. If they don't do the extra mini payment (task), they don't get the prizes. Here, progress lane keeps on moving forward based on mini game, so no impact like I was mentioning it.

Hope you are clear with this too.


50 or 30 diamonds option gets displayed only in the progress bar lanes where the special gold league reward building fragments prize choice appear. No other places, diamond option will be introduced.

The only spots with Fragments are in the bottom Free Grand Prize lane....

If they don't do the extra mini payment (task), they don't get the prizes. Here, progress lane keeps on moving forward based on mini game, so no impact like I was mentioning it.

How on earth is no reward on a unlocked or free slot the same as no impact???? That doubles the amount of Event currency required for Free-to-Play to get their reward in those spots, and increases the expense required for Pay-to-Play to get something they already paid for

The only way this could possibly be LOW impact (not no impact, because it's still an impact) is if reaching (for example):

if 220 progress automatically bumps you up to 240, with the option to pay diamonds on the 220 slot

If reaching 220 only gives me 220, and I have to pay Diamonds to get anything for reaching 220.... that is a impact. That impacts my Diamond balance. That impacts the worth of Event currency. That impacts my time required to get the Silver Upgrade and rewards gained the moment you put a diamond wall over something that is meant to be for the Free-to-Play lane
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Baking Sudoku Master
The only spots with Fragments are in the bottom Free Grand Prize lane....
That's the biggest mistake in the image suggested in the idea. Sweet ginger bread building should be place in gold and silver chest where diamond option added. I thought like while explaining through words people will understand the purpose though image is not fully correct from my side mentioned in the idea.

And for no impact concept, myself introducing extra payment as a logic in this idea. Based on mini-game, slot progress gets unlocked. So, based on event quests progress, mini-game is available to players. Through mini-game, prize slot progress may get unlocked. Now, extra one step in the slots unlocked which is prize will be obtained only when given extra pay option completed. Here, diamond pay option never ever applicable for grand prize or any other item. It is only available for gold.league building fragments choice only. It may be available in multiple place, gold chest or silver chest or free lane progress. Image suggested by me only added in free lane and forgot to place the sweet ginger bread building option in other chest lanes where diamond option displayed. I don't mind about diamond balance. It is a new option available to all players to utilize the building which is currently available in gold league only.


Baking Sudoku Master
I don't think your definition of "no impact" is the same as mine
Yes. I am telling about there is no mandatory needs to spend diamond to get their prize from the progress lane slots to keep progress lane proceeds further. If user wish to collect the prize, they can spend diamond for that specific prize and collect it. Otherwise, progress lane proceeds further based on mini-game progress from players like how it is currently. I think I should mentioned "not related" instead of "no impact".

If 220 prize slot kept with diamond pay option and players don't have diamonds, players can still move to 240 prize slot based on mini-game progress. Till the event available, anytime they can collect it if they are able to make the given extra payment to those prize slots.