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Can FoE Team explain this please?



FoE team, how it is possible do 3630 battles in 24 hours in a day without GBGrounds and without participating in GvG and with a cap limit of 2000 Rquests ?


Foestats is not always up to date and accumulates the data from more than one day, while it shows it as if it were daily data.

You must be new to that website.
I checked the info of that player and effectively, that player has been doing more than 3000 battles per day every day. another hacker in my server xd now you tell me how can you do more than 5500 battles in one day in GbG in an extremely competitive guild where there are more than 50 players of high level, all trying to do battles xd


It's actually pretty easy. In the recurring quest battles, finish the first round of the battle but surrender the second one. You can repeat this forever without accumulating any quest aborts (but you won't accumulate any points.) The reason this happens is that in two round battles, each round is credited as a separate fight in your battle total.

Now I can't explain WHY anyone would do this.


PvP Arena has unlimited fights as long as you're willing to either spend Medals or Diamonds. It doesn't have to be solely Guild Battlegrounds, Guild V Guild or Recurring Quests.

If the player is high enough in Age there's also mining the map. Can't recall whether or not that could be instant scouted with diamonds, but if it could then that's also a fighting farm.


Perk Creator
simple: fight in a loop with the help of another guild of the sectors on the gvg map

That will be limited per day afaik. Once a guild releases a sector they're no longer eligible to play for that sector again til next reset. And if they conquer it it's locked out until they release it.

But if someone is setting sieges to break or replacing defending armies while the sector's unconquered that's only limited by units available as long as the siege costs aren't prohibitive.


That will be limited per day afaik. Once a guild releases a sector they're no longer eligible to play for that sector again til next reset. And if they conquer it it's locked out until they release it.

But if someone is setting sieges to break or replacing defending armies while the sector's unconquered that's only limited by units available as long as the siege costs aren't prohibitive.

no release.
The Player attacks a guild without taking the sector. Then the owner guild sets up units. This creates an endless loop.

Deleted User - 210761

Its point farming to gain player rank. Likely in GvG with a second guild. Like explained above they dont conquer the sector and army gets refilled. Of course the reoccurring quest in saab/saav can account for some too but that would only account for a smaller percentage of battles before 2000 abort limit is hit.
I have seen battle numbers over 6k in my main world.
These players are more often than not cheating by running software that does all the clicking for them.