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Again and Again went to the butcher...

  • Thread starter DeletedUser5129
  • Start date


Two dogs, both called 'Again' went to a butcher, because they heard he had nice meat on offer. The butcher didn't like dogs. So he made up a plan, called recurring quest. He said:'Listen up dogs, I will give you a choice on nine excellent peaces of meat, the one of you who picks the right one gets all for free! The choice was not that difficult, cause 8 out of 9 where just simple meat balls, not that juice while only one piece was the famous Spanish Iberico bellota, nicely sliced. So the first dog makes it's pick.

The butcher says: Wow, that was great. What's your name please?
Says the dog: 'Again please'.

The butcher didn't want to give away all his meat. So he said: Ok, again? Listen up dogs, I will give you a choice on nine excellent peaces of meat, the one of you who picks the right one gets all for free!'
Then he went to the 2nd dog: What's your name? Can you make a choice?'
Says the 2nd dog, after picking the obvious choice of meat: 'Again please'

Oh, interesting thought the butcher, they both picked the best choice, but maybe it was just simple luck! Maybe they don't have a clue and are just guessing! So he made up a plan to tell the recurring quests the next day again. He said: Listen up dogs, I will tell you Again and Again what you need to know to win the whole range of meat if one of you knows what the best part is. Come back tomorrow, ok? Maybe the best one win.

Says the first dog to the 2nd: 'What do you think, Again?'
Says the 2nd dog: I think he tricked us but what can we do. Again?'

'Ok', said the butcher, 'Set and done, see you tomorrow then!'


Is this the same as Greyhound Day?

How can that butcher have tricked the dogs when all they have to do is come back every day and pick the finest piece of meat? They will benefit from it every day and that butcher will lose his finest meat evry day. Not the cheap meat. I think that butcher tricks himself and the dogs are the winners here. Again and Again.


Is this the same as Greyhound Day?

How can that butcher have tricked the dogs when all they have to do is come back every day and pick the finest piece of meat? They will benefit from it every day and that butcher will lose his finest meat evry day. Not the cheap meat. I think that butcher tricks himself and the dogs are the winners here. Again and Again.
It's a good question Slayer8: who is cheating who? Again and Again? Day after day? And what will happen The Day After Tomorrow? Will it be the same Again and Again?