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    Please ensure a translation in to English is provided if your post is not in English and to respect your fellow players when posting.

Rejected Ability to play in your own language on ANY (foreign) world

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Some people might want to play on different (foreign) worlds but cannot because they don't understand the game texts there
Via your settings, select your ingame language, and that's it. All texts displayed will be in the language you selected. Of course only languages that are currently (already) supported will be listed, but maybe in the future Innogames can add more, even for languages of countries that even do not have a server!

NB: like said above, the current rules for messaging and chats remain the same; the language select only happens for ingame texts.
The game features will not change at all. However, it may be possible that some servers receive some "tourists" from other parts of the (real) world, because they want to try that server as well. Maybe this would generate extra income for Innogames that way as well :)
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This idea might give all worlds a little population boost, and allows Innogames to make actual (real) international worlds playable by people of all languages (although the main spoken language on chat and forum should remain English ofc).
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
I cannot remember of anyone ever requesting this before
Currently you are required to view the game in the foreign language, even if you cannot read it, or speak it. This is strange; most browser games allow you to select your own language, even if the world itself resides on a foreign server. So why not enable this here as well? Obviously this only applies to INGAME texts and messages; you will still have to speak/use the local language of the server on ANY chat channel, and as main language of communication between guilds and players (for messages: unless they agree to speak your language of course).
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
isn't that the reason why so many different language versions of the game exist :rolleyes:
yes, but they are only playable on those worlds, with their time zone, and only their language. i want it possible to view the game in your own language on those worlds too. plus, some countries have multiple language native as well, they cannot choose their playing language :p


Obviously this only applies to INGAME texts and messages; you will still have to speak/use the local language of the server on ANY chat channel, and as main language of communication between guilds and players (for messages: unless they agree to speak your language of course).

Server language is mandatory. You can not agree to speak another language. Any comments in another language you can only place with a translation to the server language.

4) Language
This Forge of Empires server is an English game. The use of other languages in the game is
forbidden. This means all communication and all publications must be in English.
A short phrase or a universally known saying in another language is permitted, provided that this is
translated to English either directly following or preceding it. It is not necessary to translate proper
Support requests must also be created in understandable English, otherwise an answer might be not
be given.

4) Langage

Cette version de Forge of Empires est en français. L'utilisation d'autres langues dans le jeu est interdite. Ainsi, toutes les communications et toutes les publications doivent être rédigées en français.
Une courte phrase ou une expression connue dans une autre langue est autorisée du moment qu'elle est traduite avant ou après en français. Il n'est pas nécessaire de traduire les noms propres.
Les tickets du support doivent également être rédigés dans un français compréhensible, autrement aucune réponse ne sera donnée.

§ 4 Sprache​

Dieser Server von Forge of Empires ist deutschsprachig. Die Benutzung anderer Sprachen im Spiel ist verboten. Das heißt, dass jegliche Kommunikation und alle Veröffentlichungen auf Deutsch erfolgen müssen.

Ein kurzer Satz oder ein bekanntes Sprichwort in einer anderen Sprache sind erlaubt, vorausgesetzt, dass diese direkt zuvor oder unmittelbar folgend ins Deutsche übersetzt sind.

Es ist nicht erforderlich, dass Eigennamen übersetzt werden.

Support-Anfragen müssen in einem verständlichen Deutsch erstellt werden. Andernfalls können sie ggf. nicht beantwortet werden.

4) Linguaggio

I server di Forge of Empires sono in lingua italiana. È quindi proibito l’utilizzo di altre lingue nel gioco. Questo significa che tutte le comunicazioni e pubblicazioni dovranno essere scritte in italiano.
Delle brevi frasi in un altra lingua universalmente conosciute sono consentite, a patto che sia scritta prima o dopo tali frasi anche la traduzione in Italiano.
Le richieste di supporto devono essere scritte in un italiano comprensibile, altrimenti non potrà essere fornita una risposta esaustiva.
Thanks for sharing the Rules, but they are INNO's rules which makes them subject to revision any time that they want. I don't have a clue how much work it would be translate in-game messages or if it's even possible. However, I can see where being able to play on a server outside of my home country could be fun. Also, it would enable players from countries with native languages not presently represented by the current servers an opportunity to play FOE. So, why not?


this is on the DNSL actually:

New worlds with other game conditions

playing with a different text language can be viewed as a new game condition, and applying it to any world makes it a new world with an (other) game condition

therefore, this may not be suggested at all (sorry)

Velvet Thunder

Beta Moderator
Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately I cannot forward this as it did not get the required amount of support.
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