@Douglas 221 - yup... been connecting those dots for a while now. Why lift a Zeus that's near level 100 for thousands of FP, for 1% more A/D? Just insane. FP inflation in game makes you flush with FP, that has to go somewhere.
That's why so many are following the ARC trek North to 180... CF - up she goes, too. AO - of course? Yes, those buildings are worthy investment to many because their perceived value increases a bit more fairly, as you lift it.
I can't see 1% every 2 levels on a Zeus, TA, CoA or CdM - especially when I have 500/500 A/D already.
That's why in beta, which is a NEW CITY development more in tune with MODERN PLAYING of FoE and INNO's game changes, I only lifted my Zeus to 11 and CoA to 11 (as an early IA player). They're still taking up my IA real estate, but most likely - I'll delete the CoA when I spawn other items that will use that 24 squares more efficiently.
So ...
Best deal in town is a
Zeus quickly lifted to 11, for 31% A/D in 6 squares. Then left alone.
CoA @ 11 is 31% A/D too, but takes 24 squares. Horrid - but helpful in the early city development game for something to create fighting strength.
You can now get event buildings and their kin and what those kin spawn and be very skilled without 90% of the GBs in the game.
In the IA, I have a CF (a must have for early gaming/starting a new city), a BG (because nothing beats a double on these new monster event buildings), a Zeus @ 11, CoA @ 11 an Arc (of course), and an HC, which is ONLY @ 10 - where it's very very efficient.
I need 1 more building: An AO. Not for the FP - but for the boost to create a fighting 150% critical hit (and a chance of a 1 shot kill).
Most other GBS are superfluous and you're right - the concept they delivered in the early game of FoE was brilliant - but they're rapidly anachronistic now.
Want to get acquainted with some event building horsepower?
Start here:
Forge of Empires: Sortable Building Table (All Stats, All Ages)