This event, and most of them lately, all seem a bit dull. There have always been production quests, but the proportion is clearly greater than last year. That's just tiresome, and certainly not challenging in a strategic, interesting way. YMMV.
While I get most the event building without spending diamonds, I’m increasingly too bored to bother completing events: I just go for a few daily prizes. In general, I’ve stopped playing many parts of FoE that, imho, are not fun. I stopped doing cultural settlements last year, and have ignored the PvP Tower after 6 weeks of mind-numbingly trying it out. Even GBG is getting dreary. For me, FoE has gradually become more a ‘chore’ than a ‘pleasant diversion’.
To be fair, FoE really is free to play; you can get almost everything available without spending any real money. It takes some effort, but it is quite possible to build up a good stash of diamonds just playing 4 levels of GE each week. That is really quite good and fair. Equally, Inno makes a lot of money off players, with profits increasing every year. So, their business model is working, at least for now.
Yet FoE, despite its many positives, is just not offering enough to make me want to invest so much time. So, 2 days ago, I deleted all 3 of my EN cities, which had been my main worlds. That leaves 1 US and 1 Beta city. It was surprisingly easy to let go of 4+ years of work to build up those cities.